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Marvel Comics' depiction of anti-tax protesters inspires anger, apology


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...... I'm just going to assume you were all smiles and sunshine about protesting when your party was doing nothing but slamming the practice.......
Well I wasn't spitting on troops when they came back from war (I was to young)


I don't use derogatory sexual phrases to describe what I think of protestors that I disagree with

I try to leave insulting sexual phrases to liberals like Uberjerk

I did call Pelosi a piece of :pooh:, most clear thinking Americans would agree

Edit: I do have it in for ACORN, but it seems I was correct about that liberal agitation group, unlike your hatred for a legit peacefull one

Loyal Opposition Much?

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Comics have always done this type of thing, always. They are a form of art, story telling and self expression and where ever you have those things you are going to have opinion being expressed. The idea that comics are just entertainment is naive, in the same way that the idea that movies are just entertainment, or books are just entertainment. My guess is that you didn't have a problem with Tolkien's self expression or that of C.S. Lewis. I wonder if anyone had a problem with Captain America taking on Hitler in the 40's.

First, you go into reading a CS lewis book knowing what the general underlaying topic is going to be about. So it isn't much of a surprise. What I took issue with wasn't the art or the dipiction of the protesters, but the dialogue from the heros. That was clearly the opinion of the writers.

How can I see those two things differently? Well, easy, like I stated, you can pretty much know what you're going to get when reading CS lewis.

same with comics. However, it seems like everywhere you turn someone with a voice in entertainment or music or you name it takes their stage to make a point to point out their opinion rather than just entertain.

I happen to disagree with you that comics aren't entertainment. They are, but they are art too. What they aren't IMO is a platform to make your opinions about the political climate known to all.

Had they shown the protesters and didn't have the obvious anti-protester dialogue I wouldn't have had a problem with it, as it is depicting a social climate and current event, but isn't infusing opinion from ONE SIDE into the comic.

What they did, was take a current event, and use it to infuse their opinion into the dialogue. Which isn't cool IMO.

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Comics have always done this, and these are the themes you read as you grew up on them. The difference is now you've chosen a side, and you recognize now when they pick at something you may agree with.

As to the sign in the crowd.. maybe you didn't notice the real sign I posted on page one that said the exact thing? They didn't take a stand, they painted a picture from reality.


I agree, but they used the story as the back drop. It wasn't outright obvious like this particular scene. However, I don't take issue with the scene, but the dialogue which clearly places an opinion and a rather crude and insulting opinion from the writer.

had they shown the protesters and not had the insulting opinionated disalgue, I doubt I would have had an issue with it.

I think the X-men handle it well. It's clear what they are trying to convey. Hatred toward anyone is wrong. However, they don't come out directly and use a particular group or political side in oder to get that idea across.

They didn't do that in this case with Cap.

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What's funnier in a weird way was that they spend the entirety of the Bush Administration bashing liberals and blaming Clinton for every wrong under the sun, then when Bush goes they go right along their merry way criticizing the next Dem in line... yet they claim to independents, not Republicans, and a new phenomenon despite using the same language, rhetoric and the same demonization tactics.

and just as funny is the other side doing it while reminding everyone that the repubs just finished doing it.!

the wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round.....

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