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Fake Obama thesis story goes viral.


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Sometimes a man doesn't get the benefit of the doubt. obama is such a man.

During the course of the campaign, the media BURIED tons of stories about herr obama and those who control him. This "fake" story going viral is sweet, sweet karma, baby...

There is NOTHING in obama's past and there is NOTHING about his friends and close advisers that would lead one to believe this story is made up.

He attended a racist church for 20 years, lapping up the AntiAmerican, AnitSemitic hatred being spewed forth from the pulpit.

He admitted to being mentored by Frank Marshall Davis.

He appointed a self-avowed Communist (you remember the Commies, they killed millions more than the Nazis) as a personal advisor.

I personally HOPE the story continues to go viral, as it will make up for the hundreds of REAL stories that the MSMedia REFUSE to cover.

Again, I challenge ANYONE who isn't embarrassed to admit they still support this little Chicago thug to point to ONE thing in his past that would prove he loves this country.....

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It's funny how the conversation quickly turned to The birthers... Off topic, but anything we can dig up to distract everyone from a failure of a President (so far).

Off topic, but anything you can do to try to change the subject of the thread.

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Sounds Familiar......

Dan Rather continues to stand by the story, and in subsequent interviews has articulated that he believes that the documents have never conclusively been proven to be forgeries — and that even if the documents are false, that the underlying story is true.


Where's Dan Rather working this week?

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What a mea culpa! <snicker>



"RUSH: I'm also told that the blog containing the passage on Obama's thesis is a satire blog. So it's one of these sites like ScrappleFace or The Onion or some such thing. So I shout from the mountaintops: "It was satire!" But we know he thinks it. Good comedy, to be comedy, must contain an element of truth, and we know how he feels about distribution of wealth. He's mad at the courts for not going far enough on it. So we stand by the fabricated quote because we know Obama thinks it anyway. That's how it works in the media today. "

He had no small part in making his last sentence true.

Well by that standard of truth people really should attribute all those racist quotes to Rush weather he said them or not, because we all know he thinks it.

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Well hello there little Asbury helper......Here are two quotes from Asbury from the Rush thread.


And at what point did I stand by or affirm any of the quotes in the OP of that thread? Do I think that Rush is a complete jerk who uses terms like "class warfare" as if its reality, and do I think that Rush intentionally race baits? Yes. And do I think that his reputation will prevent him from NFL team ownership? Yes. Do I know if the 10 quotes that were posted were from Rush? No. But, then I'm not basing my opinion of Rush on those 10 posts.

So, while you continue to run away from the actual topic at hand and while you are continuing to give those partisan hacks a pass when they obviously screwed up and are now making some wholly lame excuses for why they aren't saying they were wrong, you keep attacking everyone else in the hopes that we will forget that Rush and his ilk are idiots and they got caught red handed.

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Sometimes a man doesn't get the benefit of the doubt. obama is such a man.

During the course of the campaign, the media BURIED tons of stories about herr obama and those who control him. This "fake" story going viral is sweet, sweet karma, baby...


This is completely laughable, so someone didn't have the stories aired that you wanted to see and that justification for making crap up?! Wake up and smell the kool aid on your breath.

Well by that standard of truth people really should attribute all those racist quotes to Rush weather he said them or not, because we all know he thinks it.

Exactly right Twist, Rush has implicated himself entirely because that door swings both ways and now every time those "satirically" racist comments come out of Rush's pie-hole we'll just point back to this quote because apparently quotes don't have to be true when we know that its how they believe anyways. WTG Rush thanks for lowering the intellectual discourse once again.

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That still does not justify the lunacy coming from the American right-wing. It does not explain the "Obama is a secret Nazi-communist" angle, nor does it justify Limbaugh taking a chance to call Obama a "boy" when Rush was repeating this false thesis story.

pah-leeeeease... there's a fair amount of people, myself included, that don't give a **** what the far right OR far left have to say. Neither one offers anything worth discussing.

All Obama has to do is release the school papers.

I voted for him. I'm curious about the school paper. Always have been.

Isn't he proud of his school work?

Are they more controversial than Michelle's paper?

I can only speculate that they are in fact more controversial and THAT is why they're not being released.

Most universities would be more than proud to show off one of their students work if they became POTUS. So why aren't they talking about his work? Now THAT is something everyone should be thinking about. Why are they not being released?

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And at what point did I stand by or affirm any of the quotes in the OP of that thread? Do I think that Rush is a complete jerk who uses terms like "class warfare" as if its reality, and do I think that Rush intentionally race baits? Yes. And do I think that his reputation will prevent him from NFL team ownership? Yes. Do I know if the 10 quotes that were posted were from Rush? No. But, then I'm not basing my opinion of Rush on those 10 posts.

So, while you continue to run away from the actual topic at hand and while you are continuing to give those partisan hacks a pass when they obviously screwed up and are now making some wholly lame excuses for why they aren't saying they were wrong, you keep attacking everyone else in the hopes that we will forget that Rush and his ilk are idiots and they got caught red handed.

So it took you 5 hours to try and find a way to spin it?:dance:

Hehe, oh come on man. How do you not interpret the following quote made by you as anything but supporting a Rush is racist thread?

A thread bashing Rush Limbaugh's latent racism isn't that a lot like shooting Rush Limbaugh in a barrel, I mean really its just not sporting."

You are just as guilty jumping the gun on Rush being a racist based on made up quotes as Rush is guilty of jumping on a fake story. You said earlier that you stayed out of the Rush thread, yet you have two quotes from it jumping on Rush....

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You are just as guilty jumping the gun on Rush being a racist based on made up quotes as Rush is guilty of jumping on a fake story. You said earlier that you stayed out of the Rush thread, yet you have two quotes from it jumping on Rush....

In Asbury's defense there has been a long history of real quotes by Rush that need to be very deeply rationalized in order for them to stand. The McNabb one not the least of which.

I don't know if Rush is a racist, but he has a long history of utilizing race as a barb or wedge.

It's sort of like with the Greaseman... it's hard to give a guy the benefit of the doubt after the 30th smoky statement.

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In Asbury's defense there has been a long history of real quotes by Rush that need to be very deeply rationalized in order for them to stand. The McNabb one not the least of which.

I don't know if Rush is a racist, but he has a long history of utilizing race as a barb or wedge.

It's sort of like with the Greaseman... it's hard to give a guy the benefit of the doubt after the 30th smoky statement.

That is fair; however, if you don't want to be a hypocrite, you have to give Rush the benefit of the doubt also. Obama has some questions about him in regards to being anti-capitalism. Whether one likes it or not, Obama does have connections to Marxism. I'm not accusing him of being a marxist, but he does have a history of associating with it. Just like when a bunch of fake Rush quotes come out, the leftist kool-aid drinkers jumped on it fast, as did the right jumping on this fake Obama story.

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All Obama has to do is release the school papers.

Bull :pooh:

That's probably the biggest lie the far Right has been using since Obama began running.

"All he has to do is do everything I want, and I'll quit".

It's not true.

Proof: He proved he was born in Hawaii. Published the official, state-certified, document. The person who is personally in charge of all birth registrations for the State of Hawaii has publicly attested to the document's authenticity.

And the issue went away, didn't it? Official, state-certified proof of his birth and citizenship was all those people wanted, and when they got it, they shut up, right?

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Really, political discourse in this country is down to this?

Think of the tailgate without the homer glasses and minus the handful of top quality posters. Even if it's justly ranked when I read here that it's "one of the better discussion forums for politics on the internet ", really scrutinize the ratio of integrity in argument, demonstration of valid information, and competency level of logical/critical thinking skills compared to the uninformed, reflexive, emotional, lock-step, reactionary, developmentally stunted, and yet highly opinionated ego-driven pronouncements.

So, as Dan T. would say in response to your question, "Yes." :laugh:

Our popular culture is driven by mostly mindless media masquearing as meaningful (that was for you, Spiro) and plays a pre-eminent role in how we foster a social norm of:

"Go ahead, Bucky--have an opinion on everything under the sun and be loud and proud about it! Get all bantam-roostery (or chattering chimp--take your pick for animal-spirit guide) as though you actually had knowledge and good judgment and weren't just another attitude-rich ignoramus whose best qualifications for discourse are a keyboard and an addiction to the glorious aroma of your own brainfarts." :D

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When you want to believe something bad enough, it no longer matters whether or not it is true.

On a related note, 51 percent of Republicans now believe that Obama was not born in the United States. Fifty freaking one percent. They hate him so much that they have thrown rational thinking out the window.


that's embarrassing for all of us

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I think Jumbo's post went over my head, but I think what he's saying is "compared to "the outside world", political discussing in Tailgate is great."
Yep, pretty sure that's what he meant anyway :)
that's embarrassing for all of us


(n/m. I was still wearing my "meany-pants" from yesterday)

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I admit that I beleived it.

I also abandoned that belief immediately once it was exposed as a hoax. It took about 3 days.

Fiftty-one percent of Republicans currently believe soemthing that is not only completley ridiculous, but has been proven false for over a year.

Absolutely ridiculous.

But then again, I wonder what the percentage is, of democrats who believe that Saddam had no ties to terrorism.

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So it took you 5 hours to try and find a way to spin it?:dance:

Hehe, oh come on man. How do you not interpret the following quote made by you as anything but supporting a Rush is racist thread?

Dude, I am simply playing with Rush's own logic if it works for Rush then why doesn't it work against Rush? He himself said that a quote didn't have to be true if he believed that the person thought that way anyways. So, why doesn't that same logic work against him?

Truth be told Rush is full of crap for even trying to defend himself by using that asinine logic, and if you're defending him for it then I'm sorry for you.

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