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Fake Obama thesis story goes viral.


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Columbia did NOT require a final thesis for an undergraduate degree. No cover-up is needed because the school didn't have that requirement. You can't find what wasn't kept on record. Constantly agitating about it is a lost cause.
Isn't that what I said? The so called cover up only exists because one professor claims he did write one.

You and ASB are so clouded on this one that you not processing anything.

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Isn't that what I said? The so called cover up only exists because one professor claims he did write one.

You and ASB are so clouded on this one that you not processing anything.

You said, "No massive coverup, just one retired professor, who is either lying or not remembering correctly. (And Obama, of course.)" I replied with, "No cover-up is needed because the school didn't have that requirement."

So what's the problem?

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What was the topic of Ronald Reagan's thesis?

George W. Bush's?




When did this become a major subject of interest? I actually agree with you that it's strange that it's all locked up. I think mine is available in some archive somewhere. It was on how the use of psychopharmocology on kids with learning disabilities impacts the potential of future illegal drug use. Believe it or not, when I worked on the paper there was very little done on whether legal medication could act as a gateway to illicit drug use.

Still, it's a weird focal point considering that we generally don't debate a President's student work.

Really? If I recall correctly, Bush's grades at Yale were a huge discussion point during his entire term.

And while we're at it, what about the whole McDonnell thing? Is it only okay for it to be an issue when it goes against a conservative?

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Ding ding ding ding ding!

It happens on both sides. Glass house, folks.

For about the fifth time in this thread,

Where's Dan Rather working now?

And how many ES posts do you figure I can find, claiming that "The Liberal Media" are all liars, because Dan Rather exists?

Dan Rather gets caught with a fakie document, he gets fired, and he probably still gets crucified for it once a week (if not once a day, if you average it out) for it.

Rush Limbaugh gets caught and it's "you'd better not complain about it".

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Ding ding ding ding ding!

It happens on both sides. Glass house, folks.

Well, the difference being that people were held accountable once the Bush National Guard story was retracted. That is why some of us criticize Limbaugh and being denied a role in owning an NFL was one of the closest times he has been indeed help accountable for his words.

What is this "McDonnell thing"?

EDIT: He may be referring to Bob McDonnell, candidate for governor of VA, and probably in reference to his past.

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The Republican running for Governor of Virginia. Deeds dug up his college thesis and was trying to use it against him.

I think the difference being that the McDonnell thesis was publicly available, and that, according to the Washington Post, his political policy has followed what was outlined in said thesis.

"He said government policy should favor married couples over 'cohabitators, homosexuals or fornicators.'"

"The 93-page document, which is publicly available at the Regent University library, culminates with a 15-point action plan that McDonnell said the Republican Party should follow to protect American families -- a vision that he started to put into action soon after he was elected to the Virginia House of Delegates."

The difference is that you have a thesis on file and available to the public which outlines objectives he has followed since elected into office.


I don't think this is the same as the Obama-thesis situation. Now, if someone had used Obama's nuclear disarmament senior paper and compared it with his current goals, as President, of reducing nuclear weapons in Russia and the US, THEN I think it would be similar.

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No, the thesis was real, Deeds was trying to use his position in the thesis against him because it dealt with women in the workplace I think.

Deeds screwed up because his entire campaign became about his opponents 20 year old thesis

Bob reacted very aptly to it by having his daughter, who served in Iraq and now works at SAIC basically say "I am a woman, my dad encouraged me to go out and work"

And with that, the Deeds campaign fell apart, because he had nothing to actually run on :) :hysterical:

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Deeds screwed up because his entire campaign became about his opponents 20 year old thesis

Bob reacted very aptly to it by having his daughter, who served in Iraq and now works at SAIC basically say "I am a woman, my dad encouraged me to go out and work"

And with that, the Deeds campaign fell apart, because he had nothing to actually run on :) :hysterical:

Besides the personal story with his daughter (which may be neither here nor there when it comes to his attitude with public policy), would it be fair to say that McDonnell's record has matched what was written in the thesis (and as outlined in the Washington Post)?

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The main difference between the Dan Rather thing that I see other than what Larry so appropriately pointed out is that Rush defends his statements that he made about Obama on the basis of the fake blog by saying that it doesn't matter if the "thesis" is real or not because he knows that's how Obama really thinks.

Which is akin to saying "I don't care that the paper you wrote praising the KKK was made up, because I know you believe that way anyways." With that logic why do you even need facts or quotes, if all you need to base your belief upon is your own presuppositions regarding someone's belief system, I'd say Rush can do better than that but I'm just not sure that he can.

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Besides the personal story with his daughter (which may be neither here nor there when it comes to his attitude with public policy), would it be fair to say that McDonnell's record has matched what was written in the thesis (and as outlined in the Washington Post)?

Seeing how little it actually matters in this election, its neither here nor there, and I am not really concerned at all about it.

If in 4 years married people in VA can't get birth control :hysterical:

The thing is, Bob has done an outstanding job of speaking to and in the language of small business owners and has talked about streamlining quite a few processes for the small business owner, in particular Class C licences in VA.

Deeds on the other hand, has spoken about the thesis

You can see it all in this thread

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Seeing how little it actually matters in this election, its neither here nor there, and I am not really concerned at all about it.

If in 4 years married people in VA can't get birth control :hysterical:

The thing is, Bob has done an outstanding job of speaking to and in the language of small business owners and has talked about streamlining quite a few processes for the small business owner, in particular Class C licences in VA.

Deeds on the other hand, has spoken about the thesis

You can see it all in this thread

It would appear that Deeds ran a bad campaign. He was apparently trying to appeal to social liberals, but, in a state like VA, he has to do more.

If McConnell said his views have changed, simply stating that isn't enough. He has to prove it through his actions and votes, and VA voters will have to decide if they want a social conservative at the helm of the state.

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Deeds ran a horrible campaign. I don't know what the hell he was thinking. Both Warner and Kaine (whose campaign I worked for) laid out how Dems can win in Va. Put forth plans and solutions and be above the usual politics as usual. Be pragmatic. In those elections the GOP candidates stayed with the usual BS and lost as a result. The roles reversed this time. McDonnell came with solutions (whether they are right or not, we shall see) and Deeds didn't. Absolutely, 100% dumb.

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You know whats ironic in this is there are some States that will NOT ACCEPT a "certificate of live birth" as definitive or LEGAL proof of one's identity. Additionally, there are some little league associations that will not accept these too. ONLY long form birth certificates meet acceptance standards as PROOF. ;) Show me the LONG form BO. :D

None of this is true. But you go on believing it if it makes you happy.

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You are trying much harder to legitimize the guy than I am trying to do the opposite.

I really do not care if he ever submitted squat. But upon hearing both sides on the issue I came up with a logical conclusion. You realize that the colleges officially say that a thesis was not even a requirement. So Obama claims to go over and above the official requirement, but cannot produce a paper. Would not be the first time somebody has exaggerated a resume.

Oops, he might have faked writing a thesis and tricked the undereducated mopes that run an Ivy League University into not noticing that huge omission. :D

Anyone else wanna make something up today?

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