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Fake Obama thesis story goes viral.


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In Asbury's defense there has been a long history of real quotes by Rush that need to be very deeply rationalized in order for them to stand. The McNabb one not the least of which.

I had no problem with Limbaugh's statement regarding McNabb... I think he should've made it on his weekday radio show instead of the NFL show. From what little I have heard, Limbaugh considers the media treatment of Obama to justify his statements on McNabb.

Limbaugh's statement on McNabb wasn't racist... It was controversial... Therefore, I also had no problem with him being fired.

I have to put Burgold's statement in context: Burgold believes there is no liberal media bias.

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I admit that I beleived it.

I also abandoned that belief immediately once it was exposed as a hoax. It took about 3 days.

Fiftty-one percent of Republicans currently believe soemthing that is not only completley ridiculous, but has been proven false for over a year.

Not "proven False", as many see it, but to only those sycophants and acolytes. BO should just release his long form and this would be settled. But no he will not just as he will not release most of his records. What's he hiding?? A very reasonable request from Mr. transparency. :doh: You buy hook line & sinker the accuracy and veracity of the Hawaii Dept of health and your side's line of explanation. How many lies do they need to get caught in before you'd question them? Nevermind we know the answer. Trust but verify should be the MO when dealing with this admin.

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In Asbury's defense there has been a long history of real quotes by Rush that need to be very deeply rationalized in order for them to stand. The McNabb one not the least of which.

I don't know if Rush is a racist, but he has a long history of utilizing race as a barb or wedge.

It's sort of like with the Greaseman... it's hard to give a guy the benefit of the doubt after the 30th smoky statement.

Man o man. B. Your side use race as a wedge EVERYDAY and I don't recall you ever bringing that up or calling them out on it. Man the hypocrisy just oozes from your posts.

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I have to put Burgold's statement in context: Burgold believes there is no liberal media bias.

Nope. I believe there's no liberal conspiracy. Big difference.

FOX certainly has a liberal bias... their biased against every liberal they see (drumroll). I have no problem with the statement that in many media organizations there are a greater number of liberals and that may lead to a bias. I do question and strongly doubt that there is a single monopolistic conspiracy to tilt the world view and control the facts to only support on party or ideology.

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Man o man. B. Your side use race as a wedge EVERYDAY and I don't recall you ever bringing that up or calling them out on it. Man the hypocrisy just oozes from your posts.

err... didn't I just bring up the Greaseman in the very quote you chose? Please expand and explain your accusation. I think you read things into my writing that I don't intend to be there.

(Oh, and FOX line above is meant as a joke... hence the drumroll)

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err... didn't I just bring up the Greaseman in the very quote you chose? Please expand and explain your accusation. I think you read things into my writing that I don't intend to be there.

(Oh, and FOX line above is meant as a joke... hence the drumroll)

As an aside I played poker with the "Greaseman" here in Jvill just the other week. Took almost all his money in a hold em tournament. He's pretty laid back in person seems very reserved almost shy. Not like his radio personality.

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As an aside I played poker with the "Greaseman" here in Jvill just the other week. Took almost all his money in a hold em tournament. He's pretty laid back in person seems very reserved almost shy. Not like his radio personality.

I was at a restaurant in Annapolis and I didnt know it was him until I heard him start talking to the guy with him :hysterical:

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As an aside I played poker with the "Greaseman" here in Jvill just the other week. Took almost all his money in a hold em tournament. He's pretty laid back in person seems very reserved almost shy. Not like his radio personality.

That's pretty cool.

I actually have several friends over at FOX, especially at FOX Sunday News which is produced here. They're pretty cool cats. I think "persona" or the need to have one is definately a problem in media land (for both libs and conservs. It sometimes bothers me a lot how often we bring in experts to debate the sides, but not the issue. That's where I love the reporting I do (though I almost never do politics) it's the people in the trenches who deal with the issue directly that give you a better feel than the people we most hear from.

The danger in reporting is we're often asked to be an expert in everything, but that's also the danger in politics. How many areas does a Senator or President impact? How can they possibly really understand the ripples and currents of what they do in all areas. Their aids, advisors, and experts hopefully can guide them well, but I've always secretly thought that's why talking to a politician is painful. They only know the surface of many issues. They only know what they've been briefed on.

I don't know if it's a solvable problem either. Certainly, no political party has an answer.

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Not "proven False", as many see it, but to only those sycophants and acolytes. BO should just release his long form and this would be settled. But no he will not just as he will not release most of his records. What's he hiding?? A very reasonable request from Mr. transparency. :doh: You buy hook line & sinker the accuracy and veracity of the Hawaii Dept of health and your side's line of explanation. How many lies do they need to get caught in before you'd question them? Nevermind we know the answer. Trust but verify should be the MO when dealing with this admin.

OMG...now we get to go on the Birther sidetrack....weeeeeeeeeeeeee

You guys will do anything possible to keep from actually criticizing Rush for his outright hackery won't you?!

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OMG...now we get to go on the Birther sidetrack....weeeeeeeeeeeeee

You guys will do anything possible to keep from actually criticizing Rush for his outright hackery won't you?!

I've criticized Rush, the entertainer, here a bit but I really do not listen to him at all so I really have no frame of reference to bring to the table on that one.

Why is BO hiding all his historical documents?

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Why is BO hiding all his historical documents?

What was the topic of Ronald Reagan's thesis?

George W. Bush's?




When did this become a major subject of interest? I actually agree with you that it's strange that it's all locked up. I think mine is available in some archive somewhere. It was on how the use of psychopharmocology on kids with learning disabilities impacts the potential of future illegal drug use. Believe it or not, when I worked on the paper there was very little done on whether legal medication could act as a gateway to illicit drug use.

Still, it's a weird focal point considering that we generally don't debate a President's student work.

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What was the topic of Ronald Reagan's thesis?

George W. Bush's?




When did this become a major subject of interest? I actually agree with you that it's strange that it's all locked up. I think mine is available in some archive somewhere. It was on how the use of psychopharmocology on kids with learning disabilities impacts the potential of future illegal drug use. Believe it or not, when I worked on the paper there was very little done on whether legal medication could act as a gateway to illicit drug use.

Still, it's a weird focal point considering that we generally don't debate a President's student work.

It's not just his college stuff all of it is hidden. WHY? What are they hiding?

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I think it became a big deal because he had it all sealed up and people had read Michelle's controversial thesis.

I think that's fair to an extent. I'll admit I'm usually one who wants to know everything so having something blocked would be frustrating. I'm sure they are thinking "now" is that nothing good can come of it. If the thesis is an average run of the mill thesis than no one will praise him for it, if some of the theories have been disproven or some of his logic is unrealistic or overly idealistic in a normal collegic way he'll get reamed, and if there are some honestly controversial or dangerous ideas he'll get slammed.

Still, he should have ripped this band-aid off. The birth thing I think is ridiculous at this point. This argument has some merit at least on the basis of curiousity. Probably less so on the basis of judging his merit to be Pres.

On that topic, I thought Deeds was a bit of a slime to go rifling through 20 year old college papers of McDonnell's to indict him. I'm sure that's what Obama's people fear... that there's one bad paragraph or sentence that will drop him in hot water.

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That no copy of it is available (when copies of just about all of them are according to the school) coupled with the fact that nobody seems to be able to identify to the topic (including the professors) pretty much adds up to the fact that there is/was no thesis.

Nah, that doesn't seem likely at all. He has his degree. You can't get the degree without completing the thesis. More, he graduated with high honors.

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Nah, that doesn't seem likely at all. He has his degree. You can't get the degree without completing the thesis. More, he graduated with high honors.

Where? At Harvard or at Columbia? At Columbia, he was average at best.

Barack Obama has not released transcripts for his grades from Occidental College, Columbia University and Harvard Law. He has also not released his SAT and LSAT scores. No explanation has been offered for not releasing them.

Obama must have had very average grades in high school since he only ended up at the moderately competitive Occidental College. With affirmative action, even an average set of grades would have gotten him into a more competitive undergraduate institution. This is no surprise since he admits to cutting class and doing drugs for most of his time in high school. It's also hard to gauge his academic turnaround since no one at Columbia University seems to have known him and both Obama and Columbia refuse to release his transcripts, compared with say, George Bush, whose undergraduate transcript you can see here. http://www.americanpolitics.com/bushtranscript.html.

Per the Wall Street Journal September 11, 2008, "Obama's Lost Years," Obama graduated from Columbia University (to which he transferred after his first two years at Occidental College in California), with a degree in Political Science without honors, so had a GPA less than a 3.3. His roomate Sohale Siddiqi indicated Obama itially felt alienated, felt "very lost," and used drugs to get high, which could have led to low grades initially. The roommate indicates that he then turned serious and "stopped getting high." Obama transferred to Columbia because he was concerned with urban issues. Based on his overall undergraduate GPA of less than a 3.3, Mr. Obama's admission to Harvard Law School may reflect affirmative action statutes, low grades early, then higher grades later (purely speculation) and/or other factors.

At Harvard Law School, Obama graduated Magna Cum Laude, which, according to the Havard Law School website, is awarded to the top 10% of Harvard Law School students.

Also at Harvard Law School, Obama was accepted as one of 85-90 Editors of the Harvard Law Review. However, because of changes in the Law Review's policies a few years earlier to insure proper "diversity" among the law review staff, half were not chosen on the basis of grades. Obama was elected President of the Law Review, as a compromise candidate among 21 others running, and which according to a Harvard Law spokesperson is not based at all on academics, but on other measures as would occur in any club.

Take that for what its worth considering its "wikianswers.com" :ols:


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Nah, that doesn't seem likely at all. He has his degree. You can't get the degree without completing the thesis. More, he graduated with high honors.
You're right, being advanced through the system because of an abundance of charisma does not sound like Obama at all.

Seriously, it's plausible.

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So now we're going with the Kenyan born socialist doesn't really have a degree? I guess Harvard paid off all of those other students to keep their mouths shut when he was on the Harvard Law Review and when he graduated Jurist Doctor (Doctor of Law) Magna Cum-Laude. I bet it was the same people who paid off the Republican governor of Hawaii to falsify his Birth Certificate...oh wait...Certificate of Live Birth (Which BTW is what Virginia issues as well)...lets see did I forget anything?

oh yeah

:dunce: :doh:

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So now we're going with the Kenyan born socialist doesn't really have a degree? I guess Harvard paid off all of those other students to keep their mouths shut when he was on the Harvard Law Review and when he graduated Jurist Doctor (Doctor of Law) Magna Cum-Laude. I bet it was the same people who paid off the Republican governor of Hawaii to falsify his Birth Certificate...oh wait...Certificate of Live Birth (Which BTW is what Virginia issues as well)...lets see did I forget anything?

oh yeah

:dunce: :doh:

If you take the Obama blinders off for a second. What I am saying is no paper exists. This does not mean he did not get or qualify for a degree. The school makes the rules, not me.

Oh, and don't be an ass it does not befit your position.

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Where? At Harvard or at Columbia? At Columbia, he was average at best.

From your article.

"At Harvard Law School, Obama graduated Magna Cum Laude, which, according to the Havard Law School website, is awarded to the top 10% of Harvard Law School students."

And I find the dimissal of his being chosen as Pres of the Harvard Law Degree dubious. It's one of the most prestigious academic journals in the country. I can't imagine them playing casual with that responsibility.

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If you take the Obama blinders off for a second. What I am saying is no paper exists. This does not mean he did not get or qualify for a degree. The school makes the rules, not me.

Oh, and don't be an ass it does not befit your position.

I am not 100% certain about the Harvard Law program, but I know that I could not have received my Masters without having had my thesis approved and gone before the questioning committee and having them sign off on it. It's a part of the graduation requirement. I think that's pretty standard.

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If you take the Obama blinders off for a second. What I am saying is no paper exists. This does not mean he did not get or qualify for a degree. The school makes the rules, not me.

Oh, and don't be an ass it does not befit your position.

Fine I'll take my Obama blinders off if you promise to take off your conspiracy blinders too.

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I am not 100% certain about the Harvard Law program, but I know that I could not have received my Masters without having had my thesis approved and gone before the questioning committee and having them sign off on it. It's a part of the graduation requirement. I think that's pretty standard.

My seminary (Asbury Theological Seminary) where I earned my Masters, writing a Senior thesis was optional and you could take it in place of a certain class (can't remember which) but it was mostly done by those who were prepping to go on for their Ph.D. Someone needs to check Harvard's policies on grad thesis.

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