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WP / DC Sports Bog: So Is It Really Time To Boo The Redskins?


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Both sides are right.

Players have a right to be upset that the fans are booing the team after a win.

But fans have the right to be upset after an ugly win in which they know their team is capable of doing much better

And IMO the fans were booing the coaching. They booed on a run play in the redzone after we had already done the same like 8 times prior.

I personally wouldn't have booed had I been there, but I also wouldn;t have griped at others to stop. Though I did disagree with booing when we were in victory formation. At that point I think silence would have gotten the same message across.

But the fans definitely sent a big message today. Maybe it will serve as a wake up call, or maybe it will breed resentment between the team and fans. Hard to say right now what will happen, but at least the reports are that the entire team is down on themselves after a narrow win.

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Dude, I think your waaaaay off base here.

Really? Who has the dedication we fans do? We don't get paid for it, we pay money to them! This is crap. Loyalty in the NFL is paycheck to paycheck. Why do you think Deion became a Skin. Or Dockery a Bill and Smoot a Viking. They went where the money was. Trotter, Armstead, or that MLB on the Giants that used to be ours (I won't say his name because he's an ass)... They didn't stay for less money because they loved the Redskins, they went where the money was. I get it. It's a business, but we FANS have loyalty to come and fill the stadium even when they suck.

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It depends on why the fans were booing. If they were booing at the overall performance of the team, then fine. I wouldn't have done it but I understand. If they were booing because they thought we should be trying to score a TD instead of kneeling on the ball, then they were a bunch of idiots and should never attend another Skins game.

they were probably booing 20 years of mediocrity rather than one particular play, but good luck figuring out the individual reasons of 90 thousand people

the best comment under that story is -


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Fellow Fans:

Our players are just as frustrated as we are. I agree with Cooley.. A win is a win. They struggled and still won. I am happy with that. As bad as it looked. They still manhandled the rams offensively. They had long drives almost every time they had the ball. The red zone thing was disappointing, but I fault the coaching more than the players.

you should not be surprised that the players feel betrayed by us. I would too. They played their hearts out and we booed them.

I think HENSON went overboard though, but that was more of an emotional rant(I Think)

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Maybe I am... But you know... We cannot express ourselves in any other way. This is called a "forum" a "fan forum" at that. And as a fan, this is my gut reaction to this bull. The players should not be mad at the fans, they should ask themselves how to be better and be upset that they let us down. A wins-a-win, but crap is crap too. We won, but played like crap.

I'm kidding man. I'm trying to make light of an otherwise bad day.:)

Seriously, to everyone else, Henson apologized profusely. He's just a kid at 23 yrs old. We all said things around that age that we wish we could have taken back. It's time we cut him slack on the comments so he doesn't get hung up on fan reactions and screw with his praticing this week.

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I don't have a problem with what ARE, Cooley, Rabach or Hall said. The only one that kind of irks me is Henson. That McDonald's comment was just classless. Another athlete who feels he is better than average people who actually have to work for a living.

Don't get me wrong, I don't begrudge athletes the money they make. No one is paying $100 to watch me do my job, much less 90,000 people. But a lot of these athletes have been told how special they are because of the physical attributes they were blessed with. In effect, they won the genetic lottery.

When you throw in the fact that many pro athletes grew up in less than wealthy situations, it sickens me that they forget all that when they get some money and a taste of 'the life.' They should be remember what it's like to be struggling and working for a living, not viewing themselves as above all that now.

If Henson gets cut at some point now, I sure won't feel bad for him.

P.S. I don't agree with the OP about how the fans are the Redskins more than the players are. We are just people watching the games. Period. Are fans a part of the game? Sure. Can they make a difference? Of course. But to view yourself as more of a part of the team than the players is self-indulgent beyond belief.

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Memo to the LOSER players on our football team.

Yeah I'm talking to you, you thin skinned losers who never won a damn thing.

Let me give you a little history lesson.

Once upon a time the Washington Redskins were a good football team. A really good football team. Super Bowl good football team.

But sometimes even those teams failed to play up to a level that fans would like and be booed.

One such case happened on a beautiful November day in 1990. The Redskins had just come off being embarrassed on national television by the Philadelphia Eagles. They came home to play a mediocre Saints team. Early in that game the Skins fell behind and Art Monk and Gary Clark dropped some easy passes. Both players, especially Gary Clark, were booed by the fans.

For you current players who don't know your history, Gary Clark was a pretty decent player for the Skins :). He was booed.

You know how he reacted?

Did he piss and moan like a wussy crybaby because the fans let him know how bad he was playing?


He got mad at himself and proceeded to have an 8 catch 131 yard day with two touchdowns. After the game Gary said that the boos actually focused him and made him realize that he was not getting the job done and that he needed to do better.

See that is a professional.

See that is a guy who wins Super Bowls.

You guys are not.

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I was really, really frustrated when I was watching the game. The Redskins offense was moving the ball well in between the 20s, but struggled woefully in the redzone. The Redskins defense did a pretty good job, but has yet to meet my expectations.

However, I fail to see the point in booing. Fans go to games to see their team play and, hopefully play well. Fans also tend to go to games to root for their team and do their best, as the 12th man, to create homefield advantage. Although I know that fans can create a homefield advantage, I don't know whether booing can create a "homefield disadvantage." Nonetheless, I am not going to risk adversely affecting team morale or the team's on-field production solely to voice my displeasure with their performance. Many of these guys are busting their butts and I think it's pretty silly to essentially berate the entire team because one or two guys aren't hustling, or because I am dissatisfied with the playcalling.

In fact, I think it's pretty stupid to boo. If I were a player who heard boos from the home crowd, I wouldn't pull a Plummer/Vick and flip the bird to the crowd. But, I certainly would be doing so in my head.

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Wow, I don't know if you read Robert Henson's tweet but he apologized for the comments he made on Twitter and said that he was hit with object thrown by the crowd. That's inexcusable. They are still our team, no matter how they play. I was disappoint today, even though they won, it didn't show the promise I had hoped to see before the season started. But throwing stuff at the Skins??? C'mon!


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Remember when Andy Poulin said a 10-13 win would ALMOST be as bad as a 28-31 loss to the Rams?......

This is what he meant. I think the fans recognized that, and reacted appropriately.

I can see Cooley's position, because frankly he was clutch all game. So was JC for that matter.

But when you have two 6'4" recievers on your roster active in the game, and in the RZ you call:



Portis option to Cooley

you FAIL

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Umm home team fans boo their team ALL THE TIME to show dissatisfaction with their team's performance.

In the end it's entertainment. I'll boo a crap performance if I'm not being entertained for what I'm paying.

The article provides a link to the history of booing in D.C.

Booing isn't something foreign in any city. I'm not sure why some fans think it's blasphemous. It's basically a fan's greatest tool.

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