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Rush Limbaugh: "We need segregated buses."


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I HATE those who use their position irresponsibly, and I think every one of them do. I think that each of them attempt to incite anger and confrontation or worse, I think they distort knowing full well that much of their audience will do whatever they tell them to do and believe whatever they tell them to believe. I think this planet would be a better place without them, or at least without their hate clogging up our heads.

I hate hypocrites, and I think Limbaugh is one of the worst.

It's not PC to hate, but we all do. I'll be honest about it, at least. I never liked the view from the high-horse anyway.


So you want the following to die: Or is it just the republican hacks?

AL Franken

Randi Rhodes

Bill Maher

Janene Garofolo

Bill Oreilly

Sean Hannity

Alan Combs

Ed Schultz 570 opposite Rush

Rush Limbaugh 630 opposite Ed

Rachel Maddow

Michael Savage

Laura Ingraham

Glenn Beck

Mike Gallagher



Neil Boortz

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:hysterical: I can only hope.

well, if they did, then I guess I'd have to answer the questions.

But I bet you a hundred bucks I won't say "I made my comments today about Rush,, but I'm just an entertainer, and that was only meant for fun.. it was taken out of context,, just like the last ten thousand controversial things i said"

At least I would have the balls to stand behind what I say rather then hoping my legions will make up the excuses to save me.


Well, I meant more how do you think you'd react in terms of future actions/words moreso than what you would say in response...I figured your reponse would be in the form of a new Bang cartoon anyway lol ;)...

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So you want the following to die: Or is it just the republican hacks?

AL Franken

Randi Rhodes

Bill Maher

Janene Garofolo

Bill Oreilly

Sean Hannity

Alan Combs

Ed Schultz 570 opposite Rush

Rush Limbaugh 630 opposite Ed

Rachel Maddow

Michael Savage

Laura Ingraham

Glenn Beck

Mike Gallagher



Neil Boortz

Odd, Rush supporters ar the last folks I'd expect pleas of PC from.

I don't hate some of them as much as others, and some of them I don't hate at all.

I don't like the propaganda zealots. It's fairly simple, but I realize that unless you show equal hate, well you run risk of being branded.

**** that. There's a huge difference between the Rush Limbaughs of conservatism and George Wills of conservatism and you'd have to be an utter moron to not know it. I'm not afraid to say I hate one but not the other.

If anyone would care to recall, over the Bush administrations' time I was just as vocal about how the left behaved, and how their attack dogs slavered over every little thing, too. I've been here a good long while now, memories can't be that short.

Right now I argue with Meandwarf, ARedskin, Navy Dave, etc.

During the Bush years scarcely a day went by without me arguing with Baculus or Predicto or Destino, especially on the topic of the war. (But not Chom.. I just don't have the patience to go through his manifestos... er . posts.) The day i said I was going to vote for Obama, I think they may have had a little party.

It's not about Right or Left.

It's about Right or Wrong.

Well, I meant more how do you think you'd react in terms of future actions/words moreso than what you would say in response...I figured your reponse would be in the form of a new Bang cartoon anyway lol ;)...

Nah, I stopped worrying about it. Like I said, there does come a point when you have to decide if you're ever going to get to be yourself, or you have to constantly be this public face that can't offend anyone. And I did try that for a while, and I discovered that no matter what, the only way to not offend anyone is to never speak. And even that will piss off some folks. Now, I will also say that I have no idea what it means to be THAT public of a persona, so until I've walked a mile in those shoes I can only suppose how i'd react.

I guess my one fallback is that what I do isn't anything more than just sports trash talk. And on the grand scale of life, that's pretty meaningless. My responsibility isn't nearly what I think a political pundit's should be. It's kind of like my "But he's just an entertainer" excuse that Rush enjoys so often. If folks get mad at me for making fun of their team, I can say "relax, it's just a game", and it really is.


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Yes, it was taken totally out of context and it is pure sarcasm that is directed at Newsweek Magazine and their story on how babies can become racist at six months of age.

It was also coupled with accusations about Congressman Wilson being called a racist with various quotes from James Carville, Campbell Brown, Candy Crowley, Chris Matthews, Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, Juan Williams, Clarence Page, and more.

But don't let the facts get in your way of wanting to call yet another conservative a racist. At some point, I fully expect to be called a racist in this forum due to being a staunch conservative or because I happen to be a fan of Rush Limbaugh. Eh, so be it.

It fits the preconceived notion, meta narrative & stereotypes and the fear works in keeping the sheeple in line. This MO has been working on both sides for a very long time. It's funny how each side keeps illuminating the other sides group think but refuse to admit their own.

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So you want the following to die: Or is it just the republican hacks?

AL Franken

Randi Rhodes

Bill Maher

Janene Garofolo

Bill Oreilly

Sean Hannity

Alan Combs

Ed Schultz 570 opposite Rush

Rush Limbaugh 630 opposite Ed

Rachel Maddow

Michael Savage

Laura Ingraham

Glenn Beck

Mike Gallagher



Neil Boortz

Alan Combs?

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Well, I guess Limbaugh's true stripes comes out. Ooops!

"I think the guy’s wrong. I think not only it was racism, it was justifiable racism. I mean, that’s the lesson we’re being taught here today. Kid shouldn’t have been on the bus anyway. We need segregated buses — it was invading space and stuff. This is Obama’s America."


Sorry, Rush, but we do not need to return to the days of Jim Crow laws.

No sir, Limbaugh never race baits. :doh:

Yawn. He was completely being sarcastic but the left waits to pounce on every word. You guys should really get a life.

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Yawn. He was completely being sarcastic but the left waits to pounce on every word. You guys should really get a life.

I would agree with you that he Rush being sarcastic, but Rush is the one who brought race into this issue.

Right up there with being a raciest, is accusing people of racism without Merritt. Lots of pundits and people, left and right do this.

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Do you have any idea what he's talking about? This is typical in politics...take one quote out of context and extrapolate to build a picture of Rush Limbaugh wanting to force segregation back on this country.

If you really believe that's what he wants, you seriously need to take a step back and start limiting your news to yahoo.com.

1) What is also typical for Rush is to claim he was "quoted out of context", and to produce edited tapes to try to make it look like the "context" was "the subject that I brought up, 11 paragraphs later".

2) However, in this case, I think you're right. Rush isn't advocating segregated buses. Rush is pointing out what's wrong with the folks claiming that the kid got beat up for sitting in the wrong section of the bus.

He's not expressing his own opinion. He's satirizing other people's statements.

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Odd, Rush supporters ar the last folks I'd expect pleas of PC from.

I don't hate some of them as much as others, and some of them I don't hate at all.


I was just wondering as you said you hated the 4 hours a day to millions so much you wanted them dead. the sooner the better. Was just wondering if it was those that expound you beliefs or the ones that make your eye twitch.

It appears to be a select few that bother the crap outta you.

its not the Rush Limbaugh supporter in me, its the Freedom of speech supporter in me.

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This story was covered by many news outlets -- it was all over CNN and MSNBC. I am sure, though, right-wing blogs are suggesting that "the liberal MSM will NEVER touch this story!"

Reporting something and making it a national issue are two different things. I hope you can see that.

Seriously, if you can't, perhaps it might be worthwhile to remove the blue colored glasses.

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Someone pointed out something very interesting and a huge flaw in his logic.... let's have segregated buses that drop everyone off at a NON-SEGREGATED SCHOOL! BECAUSE ONCE THEY GET TO SCHOOL WE KNOW NOTHING BAD WILL HAPPEN THERE....RIGHT!?!? THEN WHAT'S NEXT SEGREGATED SCHOOLS? WILL THAT MAKE YOU HAPPY YOU PEICE OF ****!


Out of all the dumbass things this slimeball has ever said this is in the top-3.

Edit: Sorry I'm "yelling" but I am so sick of people like Limbaugh and Micheal Moore and others...who get their jollies out of saying outrageous crap for a reaction or who enjoy playing the "Us Vs. Them" card from the bottom of the deck.

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I was just wondering as you said you hated the 4 hours a day to millions so much you wanted them dead. the sooner the better. Was just wondering if it was those that expound you beliefs or the ones that make your eye twitch.

It appears to be a select few that bother the crap outta you.

its not the Rush Limbaugh supporter in me, its the Freedom of speech supporter in me.

I would ask you what my beliefs are.

For as long as I've been here, it should be pretty obvios, and it should render your question moot.

I think Rush and his ilk are irresponsible, they fan flames, and they incite anger and distrust through misinformation and fear.

And I'd love it if Rush died today because of it. We'd be better off without people like him and his brand of "entertainment"

Of course that means to a lot that I'm a dyed in the wool liberal commie pinko.

I hate propagandists. They're bad for EVERYONE. Now, the medium of distributing news and comment is more powerful than ever, and should be used with more responsibility. Recklessness in this regard is dangerous, and I think Rush is reckless, hypocritical and irresponsible.

And i can't respect any of it. Cap it all off with his hubris and willingness to incite without taking any responsibility for what he says (after all, he's JUST an entertainer,,, my eye) , and you've got a person that I find utterly despicable and completely devoid of any human worth whatsoever.


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I would ask you what my beliefs are.

For as long as I've been here, it should be pretty obvios, and it should render your question moot.

I think Rush and his ilk are irresponsible, they fan flames, and they incite anger and distrust through misinformation and fear.

And I'd love it if Rush died today because of it. We'd be better off without people like him and his brand of "entertainment"

Of course that means to a lot that I'm a dyed in the wool liberal commie pinko.

I hate propagandists. They're bad for EVERYONE. Now, the medium of distributing news and comment is more powerful than ever, and should be used with more responsibility. Recklessness in this regard is dangerous, and I think Rush is reckless, hypocritical and irresponsible.

And i can't respect any of it. Cap it all off with his hubris and willingness to incite without taking any responsibility for what he says (after all, he's JUST an entertainer,,, my eye) , and you've got a person that I find utterly despicable and completely devoid of any human worth whatsoever.


Not sure if I would love it if he died...but everything else...IMO...you're right on the money for me.

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Yawn. He was completely being sarcastic but the left waits to pounce on every word. You guys should really get a life.

The problem with "he was just being sarcastic" or "he was just trying to make a point" or "he was just trying to entertain by being outrageous" is that many of his listeners don't make those distinctions.

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