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Rush Limbaugh: "We need segregated buses."


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Yup, it's like nobody ever listened to chronchite or radio in the 40's or 50's when it was cordial and a medium for expressing info, music, or of creating "family hours."

I assume you mean "Cronkite" lol...and if this were still the 40s or 50s I'd be more willing to agree with you. But it's not. Times change, societies change...and damn glad they do. I think most blacks would be happy that it's still not the 40s or 50s lol...

But I'm tired of everyone acting like society and the listening public play NO role in the proliferation of these types of talk shows or that these hosts are somehow obligated to "unite" us when we don't even bother uniting ourselves...hell, just look at this forum. That's not their job. Like it or not, we collectively as a nation want "shock jocks" on the air...then we blast them for giving us what we asked for. Hypocritical, to say the least.

These shock jocks are leeches that feed on the lowest common demonator. That part of us that slows down at a traffic accident and has to take a look, that part of us that gets titilated by gore and violence. But that isn't the whole of us, we can get inspired and rally around better, higher, more honest thought.

Very few of us actually seek out accidents to look at, though...and we sure don't pull over, get out of our cars, and sit there staring at the carnage for 3 hours straight. Listeners to these types of radio shows actively seek out shows of this type, and then hang around for as long as they're on. If these shows did nothing but appeal to the lowest common denominator, they would momentarily gain attention, then fade just as quickly from the public consciousness much like those traffic accidents we stumble up while driving to work...yes, we look, but by the time we pull into the parking lot we've all but forgotten about it.

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I think what the shock jocks do is they appeal to the lazy. If I think of stand-up comedy, it's pretty easy to get a laugh using profanity and body parts. A lot of people go for it too. But much of the comedy we really remember that sits with us and stays with us isn't the easy, cheap laugh. It's the stuff that has a little meat to it.

Rush, Beck, and Hannity are a peep show. And who doesn't like boobs? They require little effort on our part, but to sit back and say "Hell yeah!" or "Boo!" There is a time though when people realize that a healthy diet shouldn't be 100% fast food. Then again, we're an obese nation so it takes us a while. The fault of Beck and Rush's popularity is US. We watch it, buy their books, and adopt their language, but I believe or at least hope that if given an alternative of fruits and veggies that people would eventually find it satisfying and superior. Even if every so often it's still fun to go and listen to a pair of boobs like Rush and Hannity.

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I personally do not read it or hear the way everybody wants to hear it. He is basically saying that the police are backing off the statement that the beating was racially motivated, with the truly lame reasoning that the kid was infringing on somebody's territory. (True, read what happened, the kid wanted a seat, nobody would let him sit down, finally he TOOK a seat and they pounded on him for it.) Therefore the only logical lesson to be learned is buses should be segregated.

It is a combination of sarcasm, hyperbole and disgust at the way this story is turning. Limbaugh then blames Obama (which he gets paid to do).

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I like how Rush is taking a fight on a school bus and tying it to Obama. Like these kids were somehow inspired to do vioolent acts because of him.

The subtext is very good for the Republican base, in general. Fear is very helpful, and if they get a few votes here and there it works. Willie Horton worked for the same reason.

But it's disingenuous. And anyone who listens to Rush, or defends him is overlooking this fact. They defend him, even though they know he lies to them. It's quite impressive. I guess that's why he calls them clones.

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I think what the shock jocks do is they appeal to the lazy.

God, do they ever lol...

If I think of stand-up comedy, it's pretty easy to get a laugh using profanity and body parts. A lot of people go for it too. But much of the comedy we really remember that sits with us and stays with us isn't the easy, cheap laugh. It's the stuff that has a little meat to it.

while I agree with this analogy, I also think that there is some very real humor, telling and intelligent humor, to be found in jokes using profanity and body parts...we have to make sure we don't lump it all into the same barrel. It's possible to be shocking AND intelligent at the same time...the lazy among us will tune in for the easy "shock" part, while the intelligent among us will see beneath that surface and find something worthwhile.

I remember my uncle 25 years ago saying that Prince was only popular because he sang about sex lol...the very real songwriting skill and God-given musical talent were just not registering with him because he couldn't get past him singing about oral sex or "Darling Nikki".

Rush, Beck, and Hannity are a peep show. And who doesn't like boobs? They require little effort on our part, but to sit back and say "Hell yeah!" or "Boo!" There is a time though when people realize that a healthy diet shouldn't be 100% fast food. Then again, we're an obese nation so it takes us a while. The fault of Beck and Rush's popularity is US.

That's pretty much what I was saying earlier :yes:...We're a nation that feasts off of McDonalds every chance we can get, then threaten to sue the "evil" fast food chains for "making" us fat lol...

We watch it, buy their books, and adopt their language, but I believe or at least hope that if given an alternative of fruits and veggies that people would eventually find it satisfying and superior. Even if every so often it's still fun to go and listen to a pair of boobs like Rush and Hannity.

I think it will require us first telling ourselves, though, that what we're doing is unhealthy. A change of diet requires a change of lifestyle first...as well as a change in mindset. That will probably need to occur outside the confines of talk radio. I highly doubt there's going to be anyone who starts up a talk radio show that is calm, reasonable, intelligent and geared towards "uniting" us all that will garner anything more than a passing glance. However, when our TRUE leaders in society inspire us to rely on our better selves from day to day, we'll probably find it less necessary to listen to 3 hours of shock political twaddle.

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Yes, it was taken totally out of context and it is pure sarcasm that is directed at Newsweek Magazine and their story on how babies can become racist at six months of age.

It was also coupled with accusations about Congressman Wilson being called a racist with various quotes from James Carville, Campbell Brown, Candy Crowley, Chris Matthews, Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, Juan Williams, Clarence Page, and more.

But don't let the facts get in your way of wanting to call yet another conservative a racist. At some point, I fully expect to be called a racist in this forum due to being a staunch conservative or because I happen to be a fan of Rush Limbaugh. Eh, so be it.

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I think it will require us first telling ourselves, though, that what we're doing is unhealthy. A change of diet requires a change of lifestyle first...as well as a change in mindset. That will probably need to occur outside the confines of talk radio. I highly doubt there's going to be anyone who starts up a talk radio show that is calm, reasonable, intelligent and geared towards "uniting" us all that will garner anything more than a passing glance. However, when our TRUE leaders in society inspire us to rely on our better selves from day to day, we'll probably find it less necessary to listen to 3 hours of shock political twaddle.

I think we're pretty close then. I do think that deeper coverage that is calm, reasonable, and intelligent has a place and an audience. More, I believe it can be fun and entertaining (heck, it's why I gravitated to NPR). Heck, in the world of religion look how Joel Oelstein (Badly misspelled) is fairing with a non fire and brimstone approach.

Mind you, at the same time I enjoy the Three Stooges and those old Japanese monster movies. You know, the ones where guys are bouncing around in rubber suits. There's nothing wrong with indulging in Rush, Beck, Hannity, Olbermann. There is something dangerous in making it the mainstay of your intelectual news diet.

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I don't wish death on anyone. Anyone.

Classy. Very much so.

I do, and I'm not ashamed of it. I don't happen to believe my wishing is going to make a difference, so I'm not afraid to say that this country and this world would be better off without a lot of people, and Rush Limbaugh is one of them.


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I do, and I'm not ashamed of it.

This country and this world would be better of if Limbaugh died. It'd be better off without a lot of people, and he's one of them.

Karma's a *****, and if Limbaugh wants class, well, maybe exhibiting some of his own might earn some back in his direction.


Since I hold many of the same views as Mr. Limbaugh, I can only assume that you wish the same for his listeners and people like me. So be it.

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I think we're pretty close then.

I hope you're right...

I do think that deeper coverage that is calm, reasonable, and intelligent has a place and an audience. More, I believe it can be fun and entertaining (heck, it's why I gravitated to NPR). Heck, in the world of religion look how Joel Oelstein (Badly misspelled) is fairing with a non fire and brimstone approach.

Mind you, at the same time I enjoy the Three Stooges and those old Japanese monster movies. You know, the ones where guys are bouncing around in rubber suits. There's nothing wrong with indulging in Rush, Beck, Hannity, Olbermann. There is something dangerous in making it the mainstay of your intelectual news diet.

I think shock political talk show hosts have oversatuated the market...so there definitely could be a market for something that does take a calmer and more intelligent stance and doesn't specialize in demonizing the "other side"...it will require someone with the radio savvy of a Limbaugh, though (which, like him or not, he does know radio extremely well). It won't be enough simply to be reasonable and "uniting"...that can be rather dull if not done correctly. I get more intelligent political inspiration from some posts in this forum than I do from most of the talk radio hosts I've listened to over the years. But put any of the writers of those posts on the radio and I might not listen lol :silly:...

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Since I hold many of the same views as Mr. Limbaugh, I can only assume that you wish the same for his listeners and people like me. So be it.

Read into it what you want, but you should know the old rule about assumptions.

Let me know when you fill a few hours every day spewing hate to a million people, and then I'll let you know how I feel about your existence.


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Read into it what you want, but you should know the old rule about assumptions.

Let me know when you fill a few hours every day spewing hate to a million people, and then I'll let you know how I feel about your existence.


You have the wherewithal to clarify what you are truly saying. I don't fill my time with hate - it's not healthy. My question was a fair one in light of your previous statement.

Does the above statment apply to any and all of your cartoons? And let's be honest, the one who seems to be filled with hate right now is you - especially wishing for death on another human being. All because you simply disagree with his politics. That's sad.

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By the way, Bang...a question, just curious:

Since you're becoming well-known nationally and not just within the confines of Redskins fans, do you ever wonder if anything you say "publicly" (like on this site lol) will come back to haunt you in some way, shape or form?...

Well, I've been branded a racist so many times I lost count. I've been threatened, I've been told that people know where I live.. (eagle fans used to get REALLY mad) There's a small group of gated-community types in Detroit who get mad and try to organize boycotts against me whenever I depict their city as a crime-ridden dump. I used to get more hate mail then good mail,. but now that's petered off a bit. It depends on the cartoon what kind of letters I get.

And occasionally people on this site have gotten mad at me and exclaimed that they'd never watch my stuff again.

I used to sit back and mince every word worrying about who thought what and what effect it would have, but I decided that I needed at least one place where I can be myself and say what I feel,, and this place is pretty much it.


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You have the wherewithal to clarify what you are truly saying. I don't fill my time with hate - it's not healthy. My question was a fair one in light of your previous statement.

Does the above statment apply to any and all of your cartoons? And let's be honest, the one who seems to be filled with hate right now is you - especially wishing for death on another human being. All because you simply disagree with his politics. That's sad.

Look, I won't lie. I hate Rush Limbaugh. I hate Glenn Beck. I hate Keith Olberman. I hate Hannity. I HATE those who use their position irresponsibly, and I think every one of them do. I think that each of them attempt to incite anger and confrontation or worse, I think they distort knowing full well that much of their audience will do whatever they tell them to do and believe whatever they tell them to believe. I think this planet would be a better place without them, or at least without their hate clogging up our heads.

I hate hypocrites, and I think Limbaugh is one of the worst.

It's not PC to hate, but we all do. I'll be honest about it, at least. I never liked the view from the high-horse anyway.


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Well, I've been branded a racist so many times I lost count. I've been threatened, I've been told that people know where I live.. (eagle fans used to get REALLY mad) There's a small group of gated-community types in Detroit who get mad and try to organize boycotts against me whenever I depict their city as a crime-ridden dump. I used to get more hate mail then good mail,. but now that's petered off a bit. It depends on the cartoon what kind of letters I get.

And occasionally people on this site have gotten mad at me and exclaimed that they'd never watch my stuff again.

I used to sit back and mince every word worrying about who thought what and what effect it would have, but I decided that I needed at least one place where I can be myself and say what I feel,, and this place is pretty much it.


That's wild (and pretty sad in some of those examples you gave...sheesh). How do you think you'd react if, say, ESPN tried "calling you out" on something you said in a post online somewhere? lol..."The creator of the popular sports animations, 'Bang', it has been reported, has said he'd like to get Nancy Pelosi in a room alone with a can of whip cream and an inflatable donkey..."

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Look, I won't lie. I hate Rush Limbaugh. I hate Glenn Beck. I hate Keith Olberman. I hate Hannity. I HATE those who use their position irresponsibly, and I think every one of them do. I think that each of them attempt to incite anger and confrontation or worse, I think they distort knowing full well that much of their audience will do whatever they tell them to do and believe whatever they tell them to believe.

I hate hypocrites, and I think Limbaugh is one of the worst.

It's not PC to hate, but we all do. I'll be honest about it, at least. I never liked the view from the high-horse anyway.


That's fine - I have no problem with that point of view and you should be allowed to have such opinions express them freely. Ditto for everyone in this forum. All of us will disagree on something and that's a-ok too. The death and dying thing is a bit far, imo - but I digress.

I've chosen to stay out of most political threads of late and I'm going to take that even further now. People know where I stand at this point and there is no need to continue the dead horse thing.

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That's wild (and pretty sad in some of those examples you gave...sheesh). How do you think you'd react if, say, ESPN tried "calling you out" on something you said in a post online somewhere? lol..."The creator of the popular sports animations, 'Bang', it has been reported, has said he'd like to get Nancy Pelosi in a room alone with a can of whip cream and an inflatable donkey..."

:hysterical: I can only hope.

well, if they did, then I guess I'd have to answer the questions.

But I bet you a hundred bucks I won't say "I made my comments today about Rush,, but I'm just an entertainer, and that was only meant for fun.. it was taken out of context,, just like the last ten thousand controversial things i said"

At least I would have the balls to stand behind what I say rather then hoping my legions will make up the excuses to save me.


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I don't understand why Rush adds Obama to this. Is he saying that Obama influenced them in some way? That it is now easier to beet up white kids? We are assuming these kids are racist because the victim was white? Maybe it was about something else. Still pretty messed up though.

It seems like Rush seriously twist things to make his opinion's look good.

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