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Rush Limbaugh: "We need segregated buses."


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Here's a little bit o history from way back yonder for the youngsters from one Jimmy Carter.

"Carter incensed Jackson during his 1976 presidential campaign when the former Georgia governor declared "there's nothing wrong with ethnic purity being maintained" in a neighborhood."


aREDSKIN FTW!!! :laugh:

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"The easiest way to get 15 minutes on the news or your 15 minutes of fame is to be rude. ... That's something that I think needs to change," Obama said, lamenting the habit of "plucking out a sentence here or a comment there."

"The media loves to have a conversation about race," Obama noted on NBC. "This is catnip to the media because it is a running thread in American history that is very powerful and it evokes some very strong emotion."

"I think it's important for the media -- you know, not to do any media-bashing here -- to recognize that right now, in this 24-hour news cycle, the easiest way to get on CNN or FOX or any of the other stations -- MSNBC -- is to just say something rude and outrageous," Obama said. "And, you know, part of what I'd like to see is all of us reward decency and civility in our political discourse. That doesn't mean you can't be passionate, and that doesn't mean that you can't speak your mind. But I think we can all sort of take a step back here and remind ourselves who we are as a people."

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i don't understand this alternate reality you live in so I won't attempt to comment.

You pretend not to understand a lot of things. At least I hope you're pretending because if you really are as dense as you come across when you pull this routine, I genuinely feel sorry for you.

Finally, I don't think it's at all surprising that you'd defend Fatbaugh's racist rants. After all, it is a case of birds of a feather flocking together on that issue. See here and here for what I mean.

The only differences between you and Rush, is that you actually believe this foolishness and you're not getting paid for it.

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You pretend not to understand a lot of things. At least I hope you're pretending because if you really are as dense as you come across when you pull this routine, I genuinely feel sorry for you.

Finally, I don't think it's at all surprising that you'd defend Fatbaugh's racist rants. After all, it is a case of birds of a feather flocking together on that issue. See here and here for what I mean.

The only differences between you and Rush, is that you actually believe this foolishness and you're not getting paid for it.

:rotflmao: I'm pretending to not understand. I think you seriously have that turned around. It's you guys who don't understand. You are so blinded by your hate for Rush that you only see what you want to see. That's really funny though.

I could say the same of you and others on this board:

I hope you're pretending because if you really are as dense as you come across when you pull this routine, I genuinely feel sorry for you.

For the links you provided. The first one only proves my point that you don't get it. I won't waste my time trying to go over it again as like you said of me, if you're that dense I feel sorry for you.

The second one, is laughable. I was pointing out how gangs and minorities have moved into the good neighborhoods and brought them down, not only in value due to their lack of concern for their community but also by not caring.

I really don't think that is racist, but factual. Had they been white I'd feel the same way, however that isn't the case. Sorry no whites have moved in and destroyed the neighborhood. At least not yet.

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According to Arbitron, about 10 million listeners a week. And being able to be identifed...I am not sure 1 in 100 people could tell you who Schultz is...the same can't be said for Limbaugh.

According to the Talkers survey, Ed Schultz is the number one liberal talk radio host. They claim that Schultz is reaching 3.25 million radio listeners per week or more than twice as many listeners at the three other top lib talk hosts

3.25 million listeners is not chump change.

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According to the Talkers survey, Ed Schultz is the number one liberal talk radio host. They claim that Schultz is reaching 3.25 million radio listeners per week or more than twice as many listeners at the three other top lib talk hosts

3.25 million listeners is not chump change.

I find that really, really, hard to believe.

There's a liberal talk show host? And he's reaching 1/3 as many people as Rush?

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:rotflmao: I'm pretending to not understand.

Well, since you say you're not pretending that only leaves the other option, i.e. that you're incredibly dense. Thanks for your honesty in clearing that up.

But hey, don't just take my word for it. You should check out your thread tags sometime....

81 = crazy time , 81 = fail #1457632 , 81 = no new threads , 81 does it again , 81 just doesn't get it , i <3 81 threads , ignorant dipwads ftw! , kill why'd he! , stop the insanity!!! 81artmonk > cher horowitz , 81artmonk not proven gay , 81artmonk=majorfail

I think you seriously have that turned around. It's you guys who don't understand. You are so blinded by your hate for Rush that you only see what you want to see. That's really funny though.

I could say the same of you and others on this board:

Actually, :no:

I agree that Fatbaugh is incredibly polarizing. Big news there. However, others have pointed out why they think so, even going so far as to post the text of Fatbaugh's comments and another post that discusses the issue of reading between the lines. Both posters also provided their reasoning as to why Fatbaugh's commentary amounted to hatemongering.

Note that the point in these posts wasn't about segregation but Fatbaugh's contention that Obama's America equates to it's OK to beat up whites now. Therefore, I think it's quite obvious that it is you who doesn't get it by virtue of your own blind support for Fatbaugh.

So for the record, Fatbaugh's comment about the white kid being born a racist because of the Newsweek article was obviously sarcasm. So was the segregation comment. Pretty much everyone else in the thread has acknowledged that.

Are you seeing a difference between us yet? I doubt it but hey, just thought I'd ask.

Sorry but I think other folks in this thread are understanding sarcasm a lot better than you are. Furthermore, I think it's also abundantly clear who's blindly supporting someone and who's actually thinking their comments through. :secret: The latter isn't you.

Given your admission that you're dense, I'll post his comment for you again to give you the opportunity to explain exactly what you think he meant by saying the following:

It's Obama's America, is it not? Obama's America, white kids getting beat up on school buses now. You put your kids on a school bus, you expect safety but in Obama's America the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering, "Yay, right on, right on, right on, right on,"

Sorry, but it's painfully obvious what he's saying there, i.e. Obama condones an America where white kids are beat up while black kids cheer it on. The implicit implication is that "Now that they've elected a black POTUS, blacks are getting uppity and want to relegate whites to second-class status." That's clearly nonsense and it's clearly race baiting demagoguery. Feel free to explain why it's not...if you can.

For the links you provided....

Hey, you said what you said and it speaks for itself. Furthermore, your failure to clearly address and explain your comments when confronted about it led me to to the only conclusion possible, i.e. that you meant exactly what you said. Oh and for the record, I wasn't the only one to call you on it so if you want to say it's merely a case of me being unreasonable, think again. ;)

Had you said something along the lines of "That came out wrong, it wasn't what I meant" you'd have been extended the benefit of the doubt, well, at least by me anyway. That you chose to instead skirt the issue without addressing it head-on speaks for itself.

Maybe you were taken out of context. How very Louis Farrakhan/Rush Fatbaugh of you. :rolleyes:

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I know it's a little, picky, thing. But it really gets on my nerves every time I see someone insulting someone by referencing their weight. (Unless their weight is somehow relevant to the topic.) It's especially irritating when it's done in virtually every single sentence. I don't care if it's Rush Limbaugh, Len Pasquerrelli, or Frank Fulmer. There's lots of things to disagree with them over. Sow how about leaving their weight out of it.

(And yes, I know. Rush has been making up insulting names for every Democrat in the world for as long as he's been on the air. That still doesn't make it right.)


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That's a good point...especially since I've been fighting weight myself of late. I should have known better. My apologies to anyone I offended with this.

I'll have to make up something new for him. Hmm, let me think about this. How about, Sleazebaugh, Failbaugh, Hatebaugh, Sousebaugh, Doltbaugh, Assbaugh, Snortbaugh, Douchebaugh, Stupebaugh, Oxybaugh, Crapbaugh, Dopebaugh, Scumbaugh, Crassbaugh, Fraudbaugh, or Wasteofperfectlygoodhumanprotoplasm for starters? :)

My top three, in no particular order, would probably be Failbaugh, Oxybaugh, and a three-way tie between Douchebaugh, Scumbaugh and Assbaugh. However, I'm not done yet. I'll have to spend some more time on this. Heh, heh.

And yes, I know the drug addiction references might offend some folks as much, perhaps more than the weight thing. Cut me a break though. There's only so many one syllable words that work here. Besides, the addiction references work so well because they highlight his hypocritical nature.

In any event, this has actually been a good thing. I've gotten lazy with my Rush insults. I need to branch out more.

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More like 1/4.

Arbitron has shown Rush averages around 13+ million listeners a week.

I find that really, really, hard to believe.

There's a liberal talk show host? And he's reaching 1/3 as many people as Rush?

Well, Ed also has a T.V. show. from 6-7 on Msnbc with tiny ratings but still face time.

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Actually, Yusef, my preference would be to refer to him by name, and to criticize the things that he says and does.

IMO, for example, the drug thing is fair game. But not because it's just not the same as his weight.

IMO, the drug thing is fair game because of the hypocrisy involved. This is a person who, when Bush was asserting that if the President orders a wiretap it's not illegal, was loudly supporting the assertion that the government doesn't need warrants, because the only people who complain about warrants are people who are guilty.

And then he gets accused of drug abuse, and suddenly he's in court, arguing that the government cannot be permitted to look at evidence that was obtained with a search warrant, because there's this law that says they should have used a subpoena, instead? And while doing this, he's still claiming, on the air, that only guilty people could possibly object to warrantless wiretapping?

It's like the Republicans who are revealed to be gay, after spending decades passing legislation to discriminate against gays. The hypocrisy makes it a political (as opposed to personal) issue.

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Hmm so liberals know what he is implying even though he hasn't said it? And when short on intellectual ammo resort to name calling? Nothing new it happens all over the web. :)

There are millions of liberals/ democrats who are racists and bigots and its displayed by their actions.

Those thugs and "human debris" beating down the white kid and cheering those embarrassing members (who are a part of my makeup) on is racist bordering on a hate crime.

And for the record if a gang of a unruly demographic, black, white, hispanic with destructive intent move into a nice neighborhood the residents have a right to demand more involvement of the police to keep their butts in check or the neighborhood will fall. Facts should not be dismissed because of feelings

On the other hand blacks in California overwhelmingly voting yes against gay marriage is not racist or a hate crime.

I do see a difference between becoming hooked on prescription drugs used for chronic nerve damage of the ear to people knowing for decades that Crack is Wack and seeing crack, Heroin and those hooked on weed and angel dust killing, stealing and or destroying their families. I don't condone either since I think if you aren't weak you won't become hooked.

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Well, since you say you're not pretending that only leaves the other option, i.e. that you're incredibly dense. Thanks for your honesty in clearing that up.

I guess so....:dunce:

So for the record, Fatbaugh's comment about the white kid being born a racist because of the Newsweek article was obviously sarcasm. So was the segregation comment. Pretty much everyone else in the thread has acknowledged that.

Wow, could have fooled me. Most of what I read was accusing him of racism. Maybe I missed the 2 posts that got the sarcasm. So if you get his sarcasm that I don't understand our bickering??

Sorry but I think other folks in this thread are understanding sarcasm a lot better than you are. Furthermore, I think it's also abundantly clear who's blindly supporting someone and who's actually thinking their comments through. :secret: The latter isn't you.

Yeah, people called him a racist and than now all of a sudden they get his sarcasm and it's me who's crazy :doh: I don't blindly follow, I just listen to him so I get what's he's trying to say rather than hearing sound bites and reacting like most on this board.

Given your admission that you're dense, I'll post his comment for you again to give you the opportunity to explain exactly what you think he meant by saying the following:

It's based on some in the media and print and even some liberal dems who have come out and basically stated that whites are the problem and have run govt too long and that if you disagree with Obama you are a racist. Therefore he is using the sarcasm to make a mockery of those statements.

The implicit implication is that "Now that they've elected a black POTUS, blacks are getting uppity and want to relegate whites to second-class status." That's clearly nonsense and it's clearly race baiting demagoguery. Feel free to explain why it's not...if you can.

I wouldn't say that's entirely accurate, but I would say it is somewhat true of CERTIAN black leaders. Just the other day on the Today show:

Pay attention to what was said at around the 52 second mark. and the 2:13 mark.

Hey, you said what you said and it speaks for itself. Furthermore, your failure to clearly address and explain your comments when confronted about it led me to to the only conclusion possible, i.e. that you meant exactly what you said. Oh and for the record, I wasn't the only one to call you on it so if you want to say it's merely a case of me being unreasonable, think again. ;)

My goddness. I explained over and again, and it just falls on deaf ears. I've come to expect on this board that once you say something and people take it the wrong way or misunderstand it, that you can explain it over and over again and they will never understand anything but what THEY originally read.

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I prefer the high road. Leave the name-calling for those low on ammo.
Actually, Yusef, my preference would be to refer to him by name, and to criticize the things that he says and does.

I hear you guys and you're right for the most part. OTOH, I like to give some people what they can understand. Some of us *cough* 81 *cough* *cough* can't seem to find our way through a logical and well thought out argument or criticism of ideas. So in those cases, I don't see why one can't do both. After all, there's nothing that says they're mutually exclusive. ;) However, I will make a point to use it more judiciously.

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Hmm so liberals know what he is implying even though he hasn't said it? And when short on intellectual ammo resort to name calling? Nothing new it happens all over the web. :)

There are millions of liberals/ democrats who are racists and bigots and its displayed by their actions.

Paging Mr. Pot. Paging Mr. Pot. Mr. Pot, your party Mr. Kettle is waiting to meet you in the lobby.

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Hmm so liberals know what he is implying even though he hasn't said it? And when short on intellectual ammo resort to name calling? Nothing new it happens all over the web.

Either of Rush's suggestions, that the beating was due to Obama or that "segregation" is somehow the objective, is rubbish. His comments are not defendable in any shape. This attack had nothing to do with Obama, and for Rush to make that connection is idiotic. Idiotic and race-baiting.

"Look! The black president is responsible black kids attacking this white kid! 'Right on, right on, right on . . . '"

It is even sadder that folks are even trying to defend Rush over this.

There are millions of liberals/ democrats who are racists and bigots and its displayed by their actions.

Please demonstrate how millions of liberals and democrats "display" their racism.

Those thugs and "human debris" beating down the white kid and cheering those embarrassing members (who are a part of my makeup) on is racist bordering on a hate crime.

That has nothing to do with Obama or "segregation." It is complete foolishness for Rush to connect this event with anyone other than the violent urges of some kids.

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