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WaPo: Once Again, A Public Trust In Jeopardy


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It's just typical populist, ignore the facts, play to emotion BS that we should be coming to expect from the Post, but the state controlled media more generally. I'm surprised Boswell didn't find a way to blame Snyder for the war or health care reform not passing yet.

If you want to talk politics go to the tailgate. All of the talking points you put in your post will get you a nice warm welcome from those of us that have heard it all before.

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Still doesn't answer the question about how the fans are supposed to get their tickets back, considering they have already been re-sold. That was the point raise and that was my argument.

Assuming that there is vacancy in the premium seating area one of two things can happen here. The tickets weren't sold so they'll get the tickets back or they'll get an equivelant package. No idea if that's the case, but it seems plausable.

Part of the reason there are issues with premium seats is that there are a lot that aren't being sold, so it's not as if these particular ticket holders are getting bumped.

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Hide the women and children there's bands of renegade ticket agents roaming the city

No boss would look closer at deals where you sell hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of seats to a single buyer, and not in a company name. Maybe even talk to your employee about this awesome win and how he/she did it.

Nah, just bust out the rubber stamp and approve it.


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After all, there's a 160,000-name waiting list to contend with...

Now taking bets on how many times this point will come up, and it will be explained, only to come up again.

Type of bet | How many times it comes up / How many times it gets explained

This is on average

Thread | 45/62

Per Page | 2 / 3

PM me your bets, we'll settle via paypal

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The Redskins have already said that if anyone pays their fee's they will receive their tickets! Just another example of the BS that is WaPo!

How do you receive tickets that are already resold?

Share your knowledge, please. Redskins tickets from 2008, resold, somehow given back. How? :chair:

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No boss would look closer at deals where you sell hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of seats to a single buyer, and not in a company name. Maybe even talk to your employee about this awesome win and how he/she did it.

Nah, just bust out the rubber stamp and approve it.


Complete bull****. Anyone that works in sales can tell you for certain that there is no way in hell you'd make a sale that large and your boss (and his boss for that matter) wouldn't look at it.

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It's just typical populist, ignore the facts, play to emotion BS that we should be coming to expect from the Post, but the state controlled media more generally. I'm surprised Boswell didn't find a way to blame Snyder for the war or health care reform not passing yet.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhh, WTF?

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Boswell can be a big puppy dog toward sports personalities, and he can be a huge Washington homer. He's always been a real benefit-of-the-doubt kind of columnist. Yet Snyder has totally lost him.


I guess you can only look at all this mess for so long. Boswell had good things to say about the 1994-1998 Redskins when I was like, what a fn homer, lol.

I'll be curious in the days ahead to see how Snyder handles this ticket controversy stirred up by the Post. Will he address the issue himself, or will he continue to remain personally silent and let other Redskins staff answer the questions and charges?

To me, fair or not this thing has gotten too big for him to continue to be silent about it.

He will continue to hide behind lawyers, Vinny, whoever, but he won't speak a word. We know it.

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Now taking bets on how many times this point will come up, and it will be explained, only to come up again.

My point just shot so far above your head, it couldn't breathe in the thin air.

The poster was saying the fans got their tickets back if they paid the judgment. How is the FO supposed to do that if the tickets are already re-sold? They certainly can't upgrade because that is where the supposed waiting list is.

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From this article:

"This week, as detailed in James V. Grimaldi's stories in The Post on Redskins tickets, the team has taken the bad faith prize for mean and greedy business practices toward its own fans. If ticket buyers with multiyear contracts suffer from economic hard times, the Redskins do not emulate at least nine other NFL teams, as well as local franchises such as the Capitals, and simply cancel the tickets and sell them to someone else. Nope. Despite a "waiting list" they claim is 160,000 long, the Redskins sue some of their own fans for the money and, at times, even resell the tickets."

-- This right here is exactly what the rest of us are talking about in the Post misrepresenting facts to push their own agenda forward.

The Redskins have sued 125 people over the course of 5 years. Oh my God they're so terrible!

Many of the people they did sue didn't even show up in court, like that nice old lady. Had they shown up, they likely could have worked a deal.

"Mean and greedy business tactics?" you mean going after on average 25 people a season who don;t honor their contract, and they get judgments, not actual money? Oh those greedy ****s!

Yeah, we don't emulate 9 or so NFL teams that don't sue, we emulate the other 23 or so. The Capitals? Can they even afford to sue somebody right now? Their league just started back up, and their ticket costs are nowhere near as high, so they aren't hitting a lot of the same problems.

And then the classic "let's lump premium seats with GA seats because it's easier" argument. There's a 160K wait list for general admission seats. There is no waiting list for premium seats, the ones which require you to sign a contract. One part of the stadium you have to wait years to get into, the other is readily available. The Redskins have never sued a GA ticket holder. Hmm, now I wonder why they would go after some in breach of contract in a diffciult-to-fill area, and not others without long contracts in an area of high demand? That's a mystery!

*There's a reason Goodell has backed Snyder and the Skins on this, just as there's a rason this hasn't been picked up by ESPN or NFLN, or Comcast, etc.

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The elephant in the room is the whole waiting list lie. Boswell touched on it, but it needs to be looked at deeper. If there really is a 160,000 waiting list, why were they calling us repeatedly this summer begging us to renew our crappy, overpriced tickets in the top corner of the endzone. Just move to the next on the list if you have that many people champing at the bit!

While Snyder is increasing the "value" of the team, he is alienating fans by the thousands each day. Once he runs through the "insurance policy" of loyal fans that he inherited, the Redskins will be in the toilet (business wise) just like everything else he has put his hands on lately.

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Well we are in DC!!! It is a town of crooked politics and a past filled with tragedy, joy, celebration, and mediocrity. This just further proves why we are really America's team!!

It will all be worth it once we start that championship run again....and I believe it is closer than people think.

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The elephant in the room is the whole waiting list lie. Boswell touched on it, but it needs to be looked at deeper. If there really is a 160,000 waiting list, why were they calling us repeatedly this summer begging us to renew our crappy, overpriced tickets in the top corner of the endzone. Just move to the next on the list if you have that many people champing at the bit!

I really think the large waiting list can be challenged. I really do. But that list doesn't have a thing to do with the premium seats beyond trying to push them off on people in package deals.

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From this article:

"This week, as detailed in James V. Grimaldi's stories in The Post on Redskins tickets, the team has taken the bad faith prize for mean and greedy business practices toward its own fans. If ticket buyers with multiyear contracts suffer from economic hard times, the Redskins do not emulate at least nine other NFL teams, as well as local franchises such as the Capitals, and simply cancel the tickets and sell them to someone else. Nope. Despite a "waiting list" they claim is 160,000 long, the Redskins sue some of their own fans for the money and, at times, even resell the tickets."

-- This right here is exactly what the rest of us are talking about in the Post misrepresenting facts to push their own agenda forward.

The Redskins have sued 125 people over the course of 5 years. Oh my God they're so terrible!

Many of the people they did sue didn't even show up in court, like that nice old lady. Had they shown up, they likely could have worked a deal.

"Mean and greedy business tactics?" you mean going after on average 25 people a season who don;t honor their contract, and they get judgments, not actual money? Oh those greedy ****s!

Yeah, we don't emulate 9 or so NFL teams that don't sue, we emulate the other 23 or so. The Capitals? Can they even afford to sue somebody right now? Their league just started back up, and their ticket costs are nowhere near as high, so they aren't hitting a lot of the same problems.

And then the classic "let's lump premium seats with GA seats because it's easier" argument. There's a 160K wait list for general admission seats. There is no waiting list for premium seats, the ones which require you to sign a contract. One part of the stadium you have to wait years to get into, the other is readily available. The Redskins have never sued a GA ticket holder. Hmm, now I wonder why they would go after some in breach of contract in a diffciult-to-fill area, and not others without long contracts in an area of high demand? That's a mystery!

*There's a reason Goodell has backed Snyder and the Skins on this, just as there's a rason this hasn't been picked up by ESPN or NFLN, or Comcast, etc.

We're not supposed to quote large blocks of text, but dammit, this deserves to be read again lol :applause:...I abhor intellectual laziness and most of the people discussing this issue have it in spades, on all sides. Before anyone rubber stamps Boswell's piece as "just being real" because it validates your already-existing opinion of Snyder, try seeing the issue from more sides than just the one.

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Where do these bad owners come from? All theories welcomed. One of mine is that bad owners, though vastly rich, buy a team because they lack something. They buy it to fill a personal vacuum. They don't have enough attention, praise, power, social status -- some damn thing. So, no matter what they say, they never really see the franchise as a quasi-public trust, as something shared and husbanded. It's about them, their needs.

Who wrote this, Boswell or Dr. Phil?

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There's a 160K wait list for general admission seats. There is no waiting list for premium seats, the ones which require you to sign a contract. One part of the stadium you have to wait years to get into, the other is readily available.

I agree to a large extent with your post except for this part.

A waiting list of 160,000 for GA tickets has to be a myth. If not, why would they have sent me a letter over the summer offering me GA tickets when I'm not on any list. I'm an ex- season ticket holder who stop renewing in '06.

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Just another nail in the coffin for me. it has been a long time since I've posted in these parts, in what used to be something I surfed daily. But the disillusionment with ownership and direction has pushed this down the list of priorities.

I'm flat out disgusted with ownership, in the cash grab, in the failures, in the mismanagement and constant manipulation that has plagued the franchise since Snyder has come. I've always been one of the hold outs to my friends saying that in spite it all, Snyder really wants to win. However, reading things like this, and seeing the ticket prices, concessions, stadium ticket costs and everything else, I really wonder if that is the priority #1. I wonder if priority #1 isn't to gouge as much money as he can out of a golden cow, and leave it raped, pillaged, beaten down and left to the flies to pick over the carcass. I realize he bought the team, he can play fantasy GM if he wants to, and he can do whatever he likes. But the public is also what makes his toy worth something.

I'm always going to be a Redskins fan, but of the team. As much as it saddens me, Snyder will never get a penny of my money as long as he is in charge of the team, and it continues to operate in the manner it does. I've had shares of season tickets for the past few seasons, and I've gotten out of those obligations. I've put my money in the Caps, who actually know a thing or two about community relations.

I realize there are probably thousands of others more than happy to jump in my place, pay out the nose for parking and tickets. I realize my one voice means little, but maybe someday more fans of the team will stand up against what is clearly wrong.

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So let me get this straight, the guy who had a direct phone line down to the field, KNEW NOTHING about LARGE quantities of tickets being sold to brokers until after the fact?

The Danny may be alot of things, but ALOOF is not one of them, I don't know for sure, its pure speculation but he doesn't strike me as the kind of guy that would NOT be involved in some capacity with his sales office.


Something like a weekly meeting with all top execs comes to mind, they present challenges and successes for the week, they may even dole out a powerpoint or something with a chart oor graph (I heard Danny loves pictures), that Im sure some sales exec is proud to show off to the boss that hey Im selling a boatload of tix.

At which point any COMPETENT Exec of his own company says, my that's impressive, and in a DOWN economy, how'd you do that I wanna emulate that across my salesforce.

That would make him complicit or naive (to believe any ****amamie story other than we're selling to brokers)

But of course Oh Saintly Dan doesn't run his organization like anyone else, he's got some magic fairy formula to making decisions, that only his apologists are privy to.

Meanwhile he's shocked and appalled at all of it and cant believe a band of renegade salesmen have tarnished his good name (possible yes, likely NO)

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I agree to a large extent with your post except for this part.

A waiting list of 160,000 for GA tickets has to be a myth. If not, why would they have sent me a letter over the summer offering me GA tickets when I'm not on any list. I'm an ex- season ticket holder who stop renewing in '06.

Are you sure they were GA tickets, and not premium? Or required premium seats first? Why did my family wait 11 years, why have a lot of my friends and their families waited a bunch of years, without hearing anything other than premium seat offers? It just doesn't make sense that everyone I know who has waited on GA tickets has done so for several years now at least, and never gotten an offer on GA tickets alone.

The way the offers are worded confuse also, and that is a problem I have. They market it on purpose that way, because you get premium seats for a short while, and then you are moved to GA, but you still keep the contract and the higher price. It's a smart scheme, but it's a little underhanded too. A lot of confusion comes from this, because people see the offer and assume it's GA.

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the post is out on a witch hunt, and its getting old.

anyone who listened to 106.7 yesterday, probably felt the same way i did. utter garbage - mixing facts up, not getting the story straight, and leaving out facts when it conveniently helps your argument against synder. the post is obviously succeeding int heir witch hunt. Any callers that called int o correct them were quickly yelled off the air by Dukes (someone I used to love on the Big O and Dukes show)

again, there are things going on in this story that worth investigating - but the posts' blatant witch hunt of snyder is overshadowing that. its a circus, and an embarassment to what is wrongfully called 'News' and 'Journalism' these days.

--- And I say all of that, as a typically anti-snyder person.

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I agree to a large extent with your post except for this part.

A waiting list of 160,000 for GA tickets has to be a myth. If not, why would they have sent me a letter over the summer offering me GA tickets when I'm not on any list. I'm an ex- season ticket holder who stop renewing in '06.

Probably because it is probably "premium" seating. That's probably what they were advertising on the radio yesterday when they said that tickets were still available.

BTW, who the **** cares how long the damn list is, really? I certainly don't.

The thing that really gets me about all this is how somehow people think that this football team shouldn't be a business, that it should be a public trust of some sort. It isn't. These teams are owned by owners who take the financial risks and also reap the financial rewards. To expect them not to try to maximize their revenue is silly, especially when we expect them to spend money.

I guess that's what happens when sports teams become an identity. People lose track that at the end of the day, it is still a business and occasionally businesses have to get tough with their customers.

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