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WaPo: Once Again, A Public Trust In Jeopardy


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What have we done to deserve this?

For 100 years, Washington has been blighted with some of the worst owners of pro sports teams that the United States has produced. Daniel Snyder of the Redskins is just the latest, though he is rapidly working his way up a list of ignominy that includes racists and rip-off artists, the vindictive and the vain, cheap town-jumpers as well as the merely meddlesome and incompetent.

Click link above for the rest of this article by Tom Boswell.

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Very strong piece.

Some folks will start with the whole Ax to Grind nonsense. Or the needing the sell papers angle.

But these things are happening. Boz said that the team is within their rights to do what they are doing. Though, I think reselling tickets AND getting money from the 1st buyer is shady. Its not just a black and white business. You need a fanbase to keep buying. Stuff like this for a long time will push away that fanbase.

I'm a season ticket holder, and even with one guy from our group dropping out this year because of the economy. The rest of us split his ticket and will bring friends/family to the games. Though who knows for how much longer. Its a sad think to see JKC's franchise turned into this.

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Oh my gosh. Cry me a ****ing river Boswell. That was the biggest load of **** I have ever read in my life.

How? Our record is awful and people hate the owner because of **** like this. Find me other cities where this happens.

Is it heavy on the opinion? Yes. Is it light on the facts? No.

And who cares if he's not the worst ever? That doesn't mean anything. If we went 1-15, then would you comfort yourself by saying, "Oh, at least we're not 0-16!" ? No. You'd be pissed off because we deserve better.

Snyder has failed for ten years and is throwing away the only thing that this franchise could ever hang its hat on: Its ethics with the fans.

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I read that this morning. What a brutal blast at Daniel Snyder.

Boswell can be a big puppy dog toward sports personalities, and he can be a huge Washington homer. He's always been a real benefit-of-the-doubt kind of columnist. Yet Snyder has totally lost him.

I'll be curious in the days ahead to see how Snyder handles this ticket controversy stirred up by the Post. Will he address the issue himself, or will he continue to remain personally silent and let other Redskins staff answer the questions and charges?

To me, fair or not this thing has gotten too big for him to continue to be silent about it.

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It's just typical populist, ignore the facts, play to emotion BS that we should be coming to expect from the Post, but the state controlled media more generally. I'm surprised Boswell didn't find a way to blame Snyder for the war or health care reform not passing yet.
You're an odd one.
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Goodness, for the last time! Just because they're awarded judgement doesnt mean they collect the money. The Redskins have already said that if anyone pays their fee's they will receive their tickets! Just another example of the BS that is WaPo!

Even if they get sued and and wind up paying the judgment, the tickets have already been re-sold. How do they get them back? After all, there's a 160,000-name waiting list to contend with...

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It's just typical populist, ignore the facts, play to emotion BS that we should be coming to expect from the Post, but the state controlled media more generally. I'm surprised Boswell didn't find a way to blame Snyder for the war or health care reform not passing yet.

#1. Your sig makes no sense. Shouldn't it be Socialist with anything other than the Joker and his Anarchy look? The insult doesn't even jive with the claims.

#2. What facts are you talking about? Did the team sell tickets to brokers before fans on the waitlist? Yes or No? Is the team suing fans instead of just taking the tickets, reselling, and moving on? Yes or No?

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Enough already! I get it and I still don't care. The Post needs to give it a rest.. if anything, they're starting to hurt their own image (if thats even possible these days) with this obvious grudge assault on the franchise.

Nothing can be said here that hasn't already been said in the other threads regarding these issues. These should all be merged into one thread, imo.. its the same tired arguments from both side.

Redskins aren't just a team.. they're a business, as well. A business that has been hit by the economy the same way these "poor fans" have been hit. They rely on their fans to honor their seat commitments that they signed CONTRACTS for.

Let me just stop.. I've been doing this in the other threads for these same WaPo articles. I won't be sucked into it again.

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Goodness, for the last time! Just because they're awarded judgement doesnt mean they collect the money. The Redskins have already said that if anyone pays their fee's they will receive their tickets! Just another example of the BS that is WaPo!

Doesn't matter...we've been given the green light to blast Snyder with every shotgun in the shed. The flood gates have been opened...you don't think a little common sense and rationality is gonna stop anyone, do you? lol

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After all, there's a 160,000-name waiting list to contend with...

Assuming the list is real, it applies to general admission seats, not premiums which was what the Post article was about. If you want to drop the coinage for premiums you've got your pick of the litter.

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Enough already! I get it and I still don't care. The Post needs to give it a rest.. if anything, they're starting to hurt their own image (if thats even possible these days) with this obvious grudge assault on the franchise.

Nothing can be said here that hasn't already been said in the other threads regarding these issues. These should all be merged into one thread, imo.. its the same tired arguments from both side.

Redskins aren't just a team.. they're a business, as well. A business that has been hit by the economy the same way these "poor fans" have been hit. They rely on their fans to honor their seat commitments that they signed CONTRACTS for.

Let me just stop.. I've been doing this in the other threads for these same WaPo articles. I won't be sucked into it again.

Sure, it's just a business. Do you like patronizing a business with a mediocre product? Would you buy from a merchant that treated you like garbage? Why can the Redskins do no wrong in your eyes?

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Assuming the list is real, it applies to general admission seats, not premiums which was what the Post article was about. If you want to drop the coinage for premiums you've got your pick of the litter.
Thank you! He knows that because there's a 20+ page thread on this topic but admitting to it would mean he'd have no argument!

Still doesn't answer the question about how the fans are supposed to get their tickets back, considering they have already been re-sold. That was the point raise and that was my argument.

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#1. Your sig makes no sense. Shouldn't it be Socialist with anything other than the Joker and his Anarchy look? The insult doesn't even jive with the claims.

#2. What facts are you talking about? Did the team sell tickets to brokers before fans on the waitlist? Yes or No? Is the team suing fans instead of just taking the tickets, reselling, and moving on? Yes or No?

#1 My sig makes plenty of sense. If you were well read in the field of economics, you would probably be familiar with the Ludwig Von Mises and one of his most notable works, entitled "Planned Chaos". It is a critique of central planning. Rather than create order, central economic planning creates chaos. That's the point.

#2 The facts are that people sign contracts. I suppose it is evil for the Redskins to expect people to uphold them. The ticket selling to brokers was certainly not cool, but by all accounts it was being done by rogue sales associates. It was not a broader policy of the management. Hence the firings.

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Thank you! He knows that because there's a 20+ page thread on this topic but admitting to it would mean he'd have no argument!

Well, what's sad is that Boswell himself made this mistake. So with him not doing his homework he's putting out false information that people are just going to reiterate. One 'fact' is enough, no point in cross referencing stuff to see if it's real. That's why the Post article will be so damning. Most people aren't going to take the time to figure out what's real or not, just what's told to them in an emotional piece.

I also find it interesting how they tout the 9 franchises that don't do this, but don't go into much detail the other 22 franchises. I'd like more intel into that before demonizing the franchise.

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