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Top 5 Signs a Marriage Will Fail - Wedding Planning


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Heard these on the radio this morning, and was curious how many of you had some of these things, and whether or not your marriages are still intact. These are from actual wedding planners, who apparently take tabs, and keep track of who gets divorced and what not. I heard this a couple hours ago, so I am definitely paraphrasing, and they may be out of order.

#5 - Bride does not accept groom's input on anything, or trivializes it.

#4 - Bride goes way over budget on the dress, without telling the groom.

#3 - Mother of the groom is too involved, trying to make all the decisions.

#2 - Bride flips out over the bachelor party.

#1 - Bride and groom constantly bicker over everything.

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#5 - Bride does not accept groom's input on anything, or trivializes it.

#4 - Bride goes way over budget on the dress, without telling the groom.

#3 - Mother of the groom is too involved, trying to make all the decisions.

#2 - Bride flips out over the bachelor party.

#1 - Bride and groom constantly bicker over everything.

#5: I told her to "do whatever she wanted within reason and I'd show up in my tux." She was happy with this arrangement, and stayed under budget.

#4 - See #5

#3 - I love my mother, but she doesn't have a "girly" bone in her body. She got married in her living room, for God's sake. As you can imagine, she could have card less about planning anything.

#2 - My wife watches porn with me sometimes.

#1 - We argued more early in the marriage, not so much anymore.

Guess overall, I got pretty lucky. It's been 3.5 years now and I have no regrets, except for never getting to pwn Jennifer Aniston.

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the only one that's close for me would be #3. my mom was pretty involved, but i don't think overly so. the wedding was at my grandparents' bay house, so my mom did a lot of more local stuff to help out my MiL (definitely no "f" at the end of that, fwiw). i'd have to ask my wife, though, for a truly accurate answer though.

all the other signs are green lights for us. happily married for the majority of 12+ years. :)

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I had

#4 - Bride goes way over budget on the dress, without telling the groom.

but Never had a budget and her dad paid for it

#3 - Mother of the groom is too involved, trying to make all the decisions.

She was VERY involved and made most of the decisions,luckily the two got along great since it was a large wedding (300+)done in 5 weeks..No problems

25 yrs btw

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I don't know about specific signs, but the most important area is getting agreement on how money will be handled.

Some couples are happy living beyond their means, others are much more conservative.

My wife had run up and paid off credit card debt before she met me and learned her lesson. She was totally against the idea of spending money we didn't have on engagement, wedding or honeymoon.

So, either financial compatibility, or strong pimp hand, is the key to a long and happy marriage.

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Men have exactly ONE role to play in a wedding- Show up, on time, dressed, sober.

I asked my wife (key word asked) for 2 things at our wedding. 1- A live band instead of a DJ. 2- A full liquor bar. She was fine with that.

Other than that, I have no idea why any man WANTS to be more involved.

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#5 - Bride does not accept groom's input on anything, or trivializes it. (We both made decisions together so no problems there)

#4 - Bride goes way over budget on the dress, without telling the groom. (She was really conscious of the budget so no worries there either)

#3 - Mother of the groom is too involved, trying to make all the decisions. (My mom had nothing to do with the planning and wasnt trying to get involved)

#2 - Bride flips out over the bachelor party. (Didnt have one so nothing to flip out over)

#1 - Bride and groom constantly bicker over everything. (Not during the wedding planning. We go through stages where we bicker but thats all it is and we get over it really quick)

We have only been married a year but overall I think we are doing well.

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#4 - Bride goes way over budget on the dress, without telling the groom.

My wife managed to spend something like $250.00 under budget on her dress.

#3 - Mother of the groom is too involved, trying to make all the decisions.

Mother-in-law did this some, but it actually worked out pretty well. She stayed within the confines of our general plan, and made up for driving us nuts at times by paying for a honeymoon to Vegas :) Mother of groom was not with us to become too involved. :(

#2 - Bride flips out over the bachelor party.

Happend, but not the way implied - wifey was miffed that one of the guests forgot their ID in Pittsburgh, so the roving bachelor party had to skip the strip-club crawl.

#1 - Bride and groom constantly bicker over everything.

Happend some, but mostly was due to pressures at work that were going on at the same time (massive layoffs during the same time period).

We will be married 10 years in October, and while it has been rough at times (wife drove OTR for awhile), we are still going strong :)

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#5 - Bride does not accept groom's input on anything, or trivializes it.

Nope. We are equals.

#4 - Bride goes way over budget on the dress, without telling the groom.

Nope. We bought it together.

#3 - Mother of the groom is too involved, trying to make all the decisions.

Could well have happened. My mom wanted to invite about 300 people. So, we foreclosed that by getting married in Barbados, close friends and family only. :laugh:

#2 - Bride flips out over the bachelor party.

Nope. Didn't really have one - I was chilling in Barbados so it was ok.

#1 - Bride and groom constantly bicker over everything.

Absolutely. We squabble and negotiate all the time about everything. That is the price of being equals. :saber: It is the only way to go.

Happily married for 17 years.

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#5 - Bride does not accept groom's input on anything, or trivializes it.

#4 - Bride goes way over budget on the dress, without telling the groom.

#3 - Mother of the groom is too involved, trying to make all the decisions.

#2 - Bride flips out over the bachelor party.

#1 - Bride and groom constantly bicker over everything.

5 - I offered no input other than the color my side would be wearing and where we'd be going on the honeymoon.

4 - Don't care. It's her money and the only joint accounts we have are on joint debt.

3 - My wife asked my mom for help and had no problem making decisions.

2 - All women do and lets be frank some bachelor parties go way over any acceptable line. This is why we ban cameras. Don't act like this is news to you either. You just have to sell it as wild but not too wild. :)

1 - I had almost no input that wasn't asked of me. Nothing to fight about. Men shouldn't be heavily involved in the details IMO

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Funny thread.

Not to bring too much seriousness to this, but I found this amazing.

People quote the "50% of all marriages end in divorce" stat a lot. But as Churchill said, there are lies, damned lies, and statistics.

The numbers behind successful marriage are much more telling.

95% of marriages succeed where:

1. The household income is over $150,000

2. Both parties come from an unbroken home

3. They have some form of religion in common

4. The spouses have had less than 3 sexual partners in their life

I realize those four qualifiers are a bit stringent, but that just blew my mind. Even if you take out one of them, the success rate doesn't drop much.

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