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ESPN Terrel Owens Extending Vick ban would be 'ridiculous'


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"" A lot of the guys around the league need to speak up. I think the players' union needs to step in because the guy's already suffered so much, and to add a four-game suspension onto a two-year prison sentence, I mean, that's ridiculous. TO"" Click link

I don't know if you want TO has the guy thats standing up for you but I agree 100% with OWENS. The crime Mike Vick did was stupid, dumb, and heart less, but 2 years in the joint and losing an 100 million dollar contract is way enough for killing some dogs and making a few thousands off of it. I think the union need to step up and put an end to this crap if need be. VICK Should be reinstated now! give him another chance if you have to put him on a short leash then fine but let him back in.

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He was never punished by the NFL for what he did. I'm tired of players and critics acting like anyone should feel sorry for Michael Vick. "Waah! I'm going to only make over 500k this year!"

He most likely wouldn't even be playing for the first 4 games so stop whining.

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Why is the NFL always so goofy about punishing players? A four game suspension makes the league look stupid and petty. If you're going to suspend him, make it for an entire season or not at all. I don't care either way frankly, but as a league you should have the courage of your convictions.

If I had to pick a side, I'd suggest you just let the man play. I love animals and hate animal cruelty, but two years in prison is not fun times.

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Cry cry cry Terrell..... Vick's a scumbag, he lied to Goodell, and as an employer, Goodell needs to act like one

I think the only reason I would understand the 4 game suspension is if it was because Vick lied to Goodell. Aside from that, the suspension is unnecessary.

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The hypocrisy in our democracy. I've always said animal cruelty is allowed for recreational reasons but know one says a damn thing because its the so called law. Vick is made to be the poster boy. It is what is though. Man let the man play. Also there's people in the league that have done worse yet are forgiven with no fanfare. Who can figure. People need to this B.S. out.

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I love the analogy Sally Jenkins had in her column about Vick a few days ago. To paraphrase it:

I wonder if Vick (and his apologists) realize the irony that here he (they) are at the mercy of someone in a position of power where he and he alone (Goodell) has the power to determine the way your life will proceed.

Vick is now at the mercy of his masters just as those poor dogs were at his mercy. His future is not his to control but be subject to the whim of those more powerful.

End of paraphrase

Poetic justice if not real justice.

Perhaps Vick deserves the same mercy that he showed his dogs and the other animals he used as training victims for his dogs.

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I love the analogy Sally Jenkins had in her column about Vick a few days ago. To paraphrase it:

I wonder if Vick (and his apologists) realize the irony that here he (they) are at the mercy of someone in a position of power where he and he alone (Goodell) has the power to determine the way your life will proceed.

Vick is now at the mercy of his masters just as those poor dogs were at his mercy. His future is not his to control but be subject to the whim of those more powerful.

End of paraphrase

Poetic justice if not real justice.

Perhaps Vick deserves the same mercy that he showed his dogs and the other animals he used as training victims for his dogs.


He's a sack of ish.

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I just dont understand not letting him play. He served his time. Comedians make jokes all the time about blowing fish or frogs up with M-80's and things like that that kids do but as soon as the animal being hurt becomes a dog or a cat, all hell breaks loose! I think he is a POS for what he did but I also think people can learn from their mistakes and should be granted second chances. Just let the man play! (if anyone will sign him that is!)

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Vick did his time for the dog fighting charge but that doesn't cover him sitting in Roger Goodell's office on more than one occasion and flatly lying to his face about his involvement. I don't know what to say if you guys don't see the problem with that. Goodell has to make it known that when you get called into his office you better tell the truth. Lying to the league commissioner is a big deal.

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As much as it pains me to say it, I agree with TO. Suspension isn't going to do any good. A better discipline would be to have half of each game check confiscated and then donated to a charity on behalf of the NFL, or something like that. This really feels like double reciprocity to me, and its different then cases where guys get off scott free and have had no repercusions. He did his time for the crime, the guy deserves a chance to at least practice for some team. sheesh.

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Here's how I see it.

Vick is going to have a lot of trouble finding a team to take a gamble on him. It's already been reported that he has seriously considered playing for the UFL, especially since they have offered to pay him a million dollars. Suspending him for 4 games only makes it that much harder for Vick to find a team and that much less likely that someone takes a shot on him. Unless a QB goes down in the preseason or the early weeks, it's unlikey that teams will want a QB who would miss the first 4 games.

That said, the UFL is connected to the NFL. Though they are touting themselves as a seperate professional league, many see them as a developmental league. Each of the 4 teams is even tied to two NFL divisions from which they can pull players or to which players can graduate.

Goodell wants to see the UFl succeed. He wants to replace NFL Europe and he wants this new league to catch on. I think that Goodell is suspending Vick for the purpose of forcing him into the UFL to sell tickets, jumpstart his league, and THEN let Vick back into the NFL.

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I love the analogy Sally Jenkins had in her column about Vick a few days ago. To paraphrase it:

I wonder if Vick (and his apologists) realize the irony that here he (they) are at the mercy of someone in a position of power where he and he alone (Goodell) has the power to determine the way your life will proceed.

Vick is now at the mercy of his masters just as those poor dogs were at his mercy. His future is not his to control but be subject to the whim of those more powerful.

End of paraphrase

Poetic justice if not real justice.

Perhaps Vick deserves the same mercy that he showed his dogs and the other animals he used as training victims for his dogs.

Great, then let's throw Goodell in jail for not showing mercy on Vick.

This is retarded. It's a damn dog. I can cut its balls off all day long, but the minute I try and kill it it's the worst crime since Hiroshima.

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Vick needs to be punished by the league. He paid his debt to society, although I think he got off easy, but he lied to his Arthor Blank and Roger Goodell about his involvement numerous times. Vick has received absolutely no punishment from the NFL whatsoever and he should. His suspension should not be indefinate but a 4 game suspension would be getting off easy again, in my opinion. He knew what he was doing was illegal and immoral, but he did it anyway. He did not make a mistake. He did not succumb to peer pressure or anything of that nature. His actions were thought out well in advance and he new exactly what he was doing. He wasn't just bankrolling the deal either. He was a participant.

I don't want to see him in a Skin's uniform, ever!

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