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Jake Lloyd: Ten Years after Star Wars Episode I

Commander PK

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i think that's a good point, people that loved the old movies watched them when they were young... you can't really watch a movie the same way when you are 30 something as you did when you were 12... But the 30-40 year olds will still be very nostalgic for the old movie whether or not they were masterpieces.

But at least the old ones had Han Solo and Chewbaka, two characters that didn't constantly have a stick up their ass... something lacking in any of the new ones.

You'd have a great point there, if not for the fact that most of the people you're referring to watched the re-releases in theaters only a few years before the second trilogy came out. The negative reactions to the CGI additions in those films should have tipped off Lucas that faking it with a computer was not going to impress those people. And let's not even get started on Jar-Jar.


I do think some folks exaggerate how bad the last three were, but there is no hiding from the fact that they were a disappointment to most of the fans of Star Wars.

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ahh yes, anytime the prequels are mentioned, it's an opportunity to pilie on for those that can't grasp what role nostalgia plays in their love for the OT, like it was some masterpiece of great acting and directing.

the prequels would have never lived up to expectations. they really weren't bad, not nearly deserving of the vitriol aimed at them from all directions....as a matter of fact, imo, the 2nd half of atoc and all of rots are some of the best star wars has to offer.

Revenge of the Sith was great, I don't care what anybody says. Easily as good as anything in the original trilogy. Pretty much any criticism boils down to extreme nitpicking (like people going crazy over the fact that Vader says "no!" The guy's life has just been ruined--what do you expect him to say, "yes"?).

But whatever. Arguing about the prequels is sooo ten years ago.

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The negative reactions to the CGI additions in those films should have tipped off Lucas that faking it with a computer was not going to impress those people. .

dude, the cgi addition whining really proved how much people nitpick. it's ridiculous. the only beef i can even see was when greedo shot first, and i even feel like a :geek: for having any feelings for that. the rest was just scenery.

seriously, there are t-shirts that say "han shot first" i'm a star wars nut, and i just go :doh: to how people get worked up over such small things.

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Yoda vs. Tyrannus fight scene in EP 2 = best scene in Star Wars movie history. :D

No but seriously I agree with Major Harris. The prequels were pretty good movies, there was just no way in hell they'd live up to the hype.

They sure as hell aren't as terrible as the most recent Indiana Jones. ;)

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Yoda vs. Tyrannus fight scene in EP 2 = best scene in Star Wars movie history. :D

No but seriously I agree with Major Harris. The prequels were pretty good movies, there was just no way in hell they'd live up to the hype.

They sure as hell aren't as terrible as the most recent Indiana Jones. ;)

Agreed, that last Indiana Jones movie was terrible. Like lets throw all kinds of crap into one movie and see what happens.

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The CGI was one of the few things I really liked about the new ones. The starship battles in episode 3 were awesome, as were most of the light saber battles... the problem as others have pointed out was the the poor story telling, and yeah Jar Jar was pretty bad too. I haven't seen the old ones for a while, but I don't remember them being nearly as bad in that department.

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Don't know what to tell you guys. I like the prequels ok.

Episodes 1 and 2 weren't as good as the originals but they're still fun. I thought Episode 3 was pretty darn good.

Jake Lloyd? He was pretty terrible, but I don't hold it against him personally. Lucas should have picked someone who could act, not someone who fit the suit. And that's that.

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I agree that there was no way the prequels could live up the hype. It just seemed like they were missing something...I can't put my finger on it...where the Original Trilogy had that special something.

The elements were there but they just didn't quite fit. Like the last Indiana Jones movie it had all the parts but they just didn't seem to fit.

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Of the three prequels, the only one I did not really care for was Phantom Menace. I liked Attack of the Clones, and I thought Revenge of the Sith was fantastic. Clones kind of got the whole series back on track, and Revenge tied the prequels into the original trilogy perfectly.

Overall I grade them.

Phantom Menace - C (Redeeming qualities were the battle scenes, and the saber duel between Qui Gon, Obi Wan, and Darth Maul. Downers was Jar Jar Binks. Period)

Attack of the Clones - B- (Liked the huge Jedi battle at the end, and the Yoda/Count Dooku battle was awesome. B for no Jar Jar Binks)

Revenge of the Sith - A (Lucas got it right this time. Darkest of the three films. Comparable to any of the original 3, lots of great moments. A+ for the second half)

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dude, the cgi addition whining really proved how much people nitpick. it's ridiculous. the only beef i can even see was when greedo shot first, and i even feel like a :geek: for having any feelings for that. the rest was just scenery.

seriously, there are t-shirts that say "han shot first" i'm a star wars nut, and i just go :doh: to how people get worked up over such small things.

I agree with you. I don't hate the additional stuff, it just annoys me a little that Lucas felt the need to even mess with it. Han did shoot first, though.

They sure as hell aren't as terrible as the most recent Indiana Jones. ;)

Dear George Lucas,

There are no aliens in Indiana Jones movies! :doh:



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Attack of the Clones - B- (Liked the huge Jedi battle at the end, and the Yoda/Count Dooku battle was awesome. B for no Jar Jar Binks)

I'm sorry, but you must have been on some pretty intense painkillers to be able to get threw the romance between Annie and the Princess. That was well below F-. Acting, direction, and writing. It's impossible that no one stood up on the soundstage and said,

"Hold it! This is crap! We need a re-write"

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Of all the things wrong with Ep-I. I'm not going to blame a little kid for it. He didn't write that lame script. He didn't decide what takes were "good" or not.

He was a little kid taking direction from Lucas and his people. Its not like he would say "Well George, I feel that Anakin should be more dismissive of his Mother's comment after......."

Of course not.

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Three things made the prequals subpar;

1.) Dialogue - George Lucas sucks at it. The original cast agrees and made fun of him.

2.) Green Screens/CGI - Way too much. GL has a hard-on for ILM and just went way overboard with using it.

3.) Casting - The prequal actors didn't mesh well at all. I think it was mostly because they didn't get the screen time the original cast got together so it didn't seem like there was much of a bond (also the aforementioned dialogue/green screens).

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Those movies were so terrible but I have gotten over how bad and actually watch them when they are in HD on Spike TV. They are still bad but at least they are good for a few laughs.

I still wish they wouldve made some sequels - like EP 7,8 & 9. Jedi was just never satisfying enough after SW and Empire.

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anyone else find it funny that in episode one, the age difference between Anakin and Amidala's actors is 8 years, yet in the next move, they are all of the sudden the same age?

In the first movie she was 14 and he was 9.

In the second move she was 24 and he was 19.

Didn't seem that crazy to me.

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I loved the OT, I grew up with it, I also loved the Prequels. My son loves them, he loves Star Wars as much as I did when I was a kid because of the Prequels. He knows all the characters, always wants the Toys, and loves the Clone Wars cartoon series.

If you don't like the Prequels, that's your deal, but I thought they were awesome and still watch them on DVD pretty regularly.

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I loved the OT, I grew up with it, I also loved the Prequels. My son loves them, he loves Star Wars as much as I did when I was a kid because of the Prequels. He knows all the characters, always wants the Toys, and loves the Clone Wars cartoon series.

If you don't like the Prequels, that's your deal, but I thought they were awesome and still watch them on DVD pretty regularly.

Agreed. My son loves the prequels as much as I love the originals.

These movies were made for kids, not for 35 year old men trying to recapture their childhood.

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Of course the original trilogy beats the latest trilogy overall but I loved the litesabre battles way more in the last 3. Besides I got to see Yoda fight the Emperor an Ewan Mcgregor played how I would think a young Obi Wan would be like.

The lightsaber duels in the prequels are completely awesome.

It actually makes the lightsaber duels from the original trilogy look really, really bad... almost unwatchable.

And for those of you complaining about Haydn "whining"... what exactly did Luke do for 2 movies? He was the whiniest character of all time.

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