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Jake Lloyd: Ten Years after Star Wars Episode I

Commander PK

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Meh...watching the video, he doesn't sound as bitter as the article would indicate. He did the movie, enjoyed the experience and appreciates the movie as a kid's fantasy flick, didn't like how it's all his high school friends would talk about, and is ready to move on.

Although he does seem a bit weird/depressed. I always felt bad for him. Being thrown into one of the most hyped up movie sequels ever is tough for a kid that young.

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Although he does seem a bit weird/depressed. I always felt bad for him. Being thrown into one of the most hyped up movie sequels ever is tough for a kid that young.

Agreed, that was a tough spot for him to be in. It does seem like he didn't get paid much for the role. George Lucas should pay him for "pain and suffering" :D

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Agreed, that was a tough spot for him to be in. It does seem like he didn't get paid much for the role. George Lucas should pay him for "pain and suffering" :D

Couldn't agree with you guys more....He was being asked to play a younger version of someone who would become an icon in film history and that was a lot to put on his young shoulders.

I used to take shots at him because I felt he couldn't act but over the years I have grown to feel sympathy for him...that he was basically asked to be a part in one of the biggest toy commercials in the world...the New Trilogy lacks the heart and wonder of the original trilogy and is nothing more than glorifed merchandising infomercials...(IMO)...and as Harrsion Ford once said, "you can write this but you can never say this ****! No one talks like this."

Lucas is terrible when it comes to writing dialogue.

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Couldn't agree with you guys more....He was being asked to play a younger version of someone who would become an icon in film history and that was a lot to put on his young shoulders.

I used to take shots at him because I felt he couldn't act but over the years I have grown to feel sympathy for him...that he was basically asked to be a part in one of the biggest toy commercials in the world...the New Trilogy lacks the heart and wonder of the original trilogy and is nothing more than glorifed merchandising infomercials...(IMO)...and as Harrsion Ford once said, "you can write this but you can never say this ****! No one talks like this."

Lucas is terrible when it comes to writing dialogue.

What new trilogy? ;) I refuse to acknowledge its existence. I grew up on the REAL trilogy.

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What new trilogy? ;) I refuse to acknowledge its existence. I grew up on the REAL trilogy.

+1...I remember when Episode III was released as I walked by a long line I yelled out, "SPOILER HE BECOMES DARTH VADER AT THE END OF THE MOVIE!" I still get frustrated over the fact that it took all those years to get to the moment that he put on the helmet and did a pretty good James Earl Jones impression.

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I know...this is a case where something posted on-line sounds better outoud than typed...sorry if that wasn't clear...it has been a long week (and night) for me.
how about Darth Vader screaming "NOOOOOOOO MY LOVE!!!!!111" at the end of the film (3rd prequel)? haha, I laughed so hard in the theater. It was the midnight showing too, sooo many people were pissed.

they had Darth vader on film for roughly 2 minutes. **** that ****, I expected vader to be 1/4 of the way through the film and him going around the galaxy as the Emeror's hitman killing people with his fist of death whilst flying on a cloud of pure force energy. haha I'm such a geek when it comes to Sci-fi, I love that ****.

I saw the original films in theaters when i was 6 or so for the re-release. Star Wars the originals were kick ass. the prequels are a big steaming pile of good CGI and terrible film.

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I remember hearing about some interviews with Will Wheaton (the kid who played Wesley on Star Trek: Next Generation) He apparently got so much abuse and scorn for the playing the role that other actors had to protect him. Apparently, people really hated him and were just viscious b/c they thought his character was damaging Star Trek. It's terrible what happens to some of these kid actors and/or what they do to themselves.

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No one could have saved those last three movies. They could have cast the greatest actors of all time and Episodes 1,2,&3 are just trash. Terrible acting, boring plots, lousy from top to bottom.

If I was that guy, I'd never tell anyone I was in any of those movies.


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Sadly, they actually did have a number of very good actors... who mostly were dreadful. I think Ewan McGreggor tried, but Natalie Portman was horid and brought nothing to the role. Seriously a muppet without a pupetter would have been more believable and had better expressive variety. Likewise, Sam Jackson, Frank Oz, and Smits are not without talent, but they conspired through a souless, charterless script to the depths of ickdom.

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they had Darth vader on film for roughly 2 minutes. **** that ****, I expected vader to be 1/4 of the way through the film and him going around the galaxy as the Emeror's hitman killing people with his fist of death whilst flying on a cloud of pure force energy. haha I'm such a geek when it comes to Sci-fi, I love that ****.

I was expecting more Vader as well...I got frustrated when The Emperor kept calling him, "Lord Vader" and he wasn't in the suit yet. Darth Vader is when he wears the suit.

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I was expecting more Vader as well...I got frustrated when The Emperor kept calling him, "Lord Vader" and he wasn't in the suit yet. Darth Vader is when he wears the suit.

I'm a critic of the prequels also, but I disagree with that. We probably didn't think of it or know it as kids, but the cool black suit was used just to keep him alive. It would not have made sense for the Emperor to call him Vader just because he wore the suit.

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Sadly, they actually did have a number of very good actors... who mostly were dreadful. I think Ewan McGreggor tried, but Natalie Portman was horid and brought nothing to the role. Seriously a muppet without a pupetter would have been more believable and had better expressive variety. Likewise, Sam Jackson, Frank Oz, and Smits are not without talent, but they conspired through a souless, charterless script to the depths of ickdom.

Exactly what I was thinkin'


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I'm a critic of the prequels also, but I disagree with that. We probably didn't think of it or know it as kids, but the cool black suit was used just to keep him alive. It would not have made sense for the Emperor to call him Vader just because he wore the suit.

I see your point of view and understand it...but I just can't buy him being called Vader and not wearing that iconic suit.

I think some of my issue was that Hayden Christensen was missing some intangible quality that made me believe that he could be Darth Vader.

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I think some of my issue was that Hayden Christensen was missing some intangible quality that made me believe that he could be Darth Vader.

Yeah I think its called balls.. He was whiny, the two movies with him in it all he did was whine like a little girl. :saber:

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I see your point of view and understand it...but I just can't buy him being called Vader and not wearing that iconic suit.

I think some of my issue was that Hayden Christensen was missing some intangible quality that made me believe that he could be Darth Vader.

Yeah I think its called balls. Hayden all he did was whine and cry for two movies.

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ahh yes, anytime the prequels are mentioned, it's an opportunity to pile on for those that can't grasp what role nostalgia plays in their love for the OT, like it was some masterpiece of great acting and directing.

the prequels would have never lived up to expectations. they really weren't bad, not nearly deserving of the vitriol aimed at them from all directions....as a matter of fact, imo, the 2nd half of atoc and all of rots are some of the best star wars has to offer.

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ahh yes, anytime the prequels are mentioned, it's an opportunity to pilie on for those that can't grasp what role nostalgia plays in their love for the OT, like it was some masterpiece of great acting and directing.

the prequels would have never lived up to expectations. they really weren't bad, not nearly deserving of the vitriol aimed at them from all directions....as a matter of fact, imo, the 2nd half of atoc and all of rots are some of the best star wars has to offer.

i think that's a good point, people that loved the old movies watched them when they were young... you can't really watch a movie the same way when you are 30 something as you did when you were 12... But the 30-40 year olds will still be very nostalgic for the old movie whether or not they were masterpieces.

But at least the old ones had Han Solo and Chewbaka, two characters that didn't constantly have a stick up their ass... something lacking in any of the new ones.

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Of course the original trilogy beats the latest trilogy overall but I loved the litesabre battles way more in the last 3. Besides I got to see Yoda fight the Emperor an Ewan Mcgregor played how I would think a young Obi Wan would be like.

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But at least the old ones had Han Solo and Chewbaka, two characters that didn't constantly have a stick up their ass... something lacking in any of the new ones.

Agreed...there was a sense of fun with them and a feeling that they were the two (for lack of a better term) "normal" characters...they weren't on a self-discovery journey they were down to earth people (or in Chewie's case wookie).

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