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Jake Lloyd: Ten Years after Star Wars Episode I

Commander PK

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I thought he was well spoken and gave a good interview. Funny how the article tries to make him seem more bitter then he is. He even said he wouldn't go back and change anything.

As for lightsaber battles....the Empire Strikes back and Return of the Jedi battles werent all that bad...I mean after all it was 1980 and 84. To say they were "really bad" is a stretch imo

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I'm a critic of the prequels also, but I disagree with that. We probably didn't think of it or know it as kids, but the cool black suit was used just to keep him alive. It would not have made sense for the Emperor to call him Vader just because he wore the suit.


I for one wanted Lucas to keep the whole Anakin/Vader thing seperate within the confines of the universe. I know it's unrealistic to try and keep it a secret anymore even for future generations. Vader is Luke Skywalker's father is a permanant part of pop culture now.


I wanted there to be this "rumor" of a Darth Vader doing unspeakable things and the jedi try and find this new dark lord all the while Anakin is still "undercover" with the jedi. Then at the end of ep 3 Yoda and Obi-Wan discover who Darth Vader really is and then you have the fight. The injuries. The suit.

As for Jake Lloyd and other prequel stuff.

I do feel bad for him. It's tough being a kid in a super blockbuster. He would have to deal with typecasting as it is, let alone being a kid.

As for the prequels.

I enjoyed them.

Sue me.

They don't share the same status as the original trilogy for me, but then again I wasn't 7, 10 and 13 when I saw them like I was for the original trilogy. Also it's not 1977-83 anymore. Different times. Different environment. Fanatasy filmmaking back then was few and far between, especially for a broad audience. Today we have so many. Hell the "nerd" culture is what dominates films today.

So to compare the trilogies and their effect is unfair.

I happen to feel that Ep.1 holds up the best. I do disagree with Lucas in making Anakin so young. George seemed way too preoccupied with the whole "Mother seperation" thing. I would have started with Anakin as a teen and gone from there. Jar Jar doesn't bother me. Sorry. And BTW he didn't bother any of the audiences I saw the film with opening week. The whole "bash Jar Jar" thing was something that came after.

Ep2 falls flat in one area but it's a big area. The Romance. Forget the dialog, yes I know it's bad but good god watch the scene between Leia and Han on Endor in Jedi and tell me that isn't as cringe inducing as anything Padme and Anakin said to eachother. My problem with the romance is that I never bought why Padme would fall for Anakin. She was a big sister to him in Ep1 and she's a former Queen, a current Senator and one hell of a hot babe ;), she could have any guy she wants, why would she want him? Just never bought it.

Ep3 had some great scenes and the seduction of Anakin was good. His turn was a bit fast. He sure did go from wanting to take Palpatine in for trial to wiping out Jedi at the temple pretty quickly.:D

Speaking of which, the absolute best thing about the prequels and what makes them worthy, if nothing else, was the rise of Palpatine. I think George Lucas hit that story out of the park. I think Palpatine's plot to gain control of the Senate and orchestrate the civil unrest and to gain power was spot on perfect and George Lucas should take a bow for at least that part of the prequel story.

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Excellent post Scruff,

I agree with pretty much all of it. Though my tweaks to the prequels are a little different.

I'd have had a good old-fashioned Hoth-esque fight between the Trade Federation and Naboo at the beginning. Ditch the pod-race if you have to make room for it, but you need to SHOW the Trade Federation as the bad guys, not just say it. I agree with you about starting out with an older Anakin. Having him start out at 9 just seemed a little to contrived.

In Episode two, I'd make Anakin a freaking Boy Scout. No whining. No hitting us over the head with how he's going to be evil someday. :) Make him kind of intense and withdrawn. Then when he slaughters the sandpeople his breakdown makes much more sense. Also, right there have Padme consoling him and they just start making out. Or something. The way Lucas did it seemed way too forced.

Episode three was pretty much right on the mark, in my opinion. Though I like your idea of having the mysterious 'Vader' running around killing people. Hell, we knew who Palpatine was the whole time and it worked anyway.

I also agree with you that 1 holds up better than 2. Though I think 3 was clearly the best of the bunch.

That's enough inner-nerd time for me. Time to put him back in the bottle. :)

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Geez, I like Star Wars, but really ?

I can barely remember the character names yet alone the actors.

Then you don't really like star wars. Trust me, this isn't the thread for you. And there's nothing wrong with that :silly:

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After reading some of the detailed analyses of the prequels by several of us, I'm reminded that everyone seems to have a different take on all of this. I have always thought that the very first movie was the best. Most of my friends through the years have been big on Empire. Sith was definitely the best of the prequels. Especially the final battle and when you-know-who falls into the lava.

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I'm just thankful to see other folks not bashing the prequels. Every time I say such a thing as 'I actually like them' people look at me like I'm a heretic. All of my points have really been covered so nothing to add beyond that point. :D

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i have always enjoyed the prequels. i must have a greater ability than most to suspend disbelief.

i'll always love the rich backgrounds of naboo and coruscant (sp?). from reading the EU books, i had a mental image of coruscant and lucas created it much as i had envisioned.

the only major thing that i would change is the romance in epII. that is and was painful even by the lucas cheese-meter.

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