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Why would someone do this???


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*Disclaimer, some information may be for the faint at heart*

I need your help figuring out a very odd pattern of behavior with my friends roommate. A friend of mine, female in her late 30's(lesbian), has a roommate- black male 45y(hetero). They have been acquaintances for a few years, roommates for a year.

Female we shall call Britney, male we can call Charles. In the last 6 months or so, Britney has started to find things such as male pubic hair in her bed and bathroom supplies missing (toothbrush/ hair spray). Even her razor being used. She has caught Charles in lies, ones that don't even make sense as to why there is a lie.

Then a month or so ago she was walking downstairs to the area he lives in (laundry room is there) and heard him pissing. He was sitting on his couch and then stopped pissing midstream when she finished walking down the stairs. She is positive he was pissing in a cup. then last night she come home to find a cup by the kitchen sink, with some piss in it, and piss all over her sink. As though he pissed in a cup then poured it down the sink.

Britney is afraid to confront him on the pissing thing, she is now starting to get afraid.

To add some details, I've met Charles and hung out with him- he is always so nice and sweet. He is very complimentary to me and my gf. He is in the Reserves and works at a local Casino.

ok, that should get you started, but one thing to add. He grew up in Virginia- and is a Skins fan....

We have been discussion this at my house tonight, and I thought maybe if I posted this, some of you guys would give some serious insight as to what the hell is going on. Should my friend really be afraid? Is this just some juvenile prank or what??

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she needs to tell chaR Kelly to ****in chill out


anyway- she wanted me to add that she has figured he is pissing in a big glass that he drinks from- does this quite a bit and then pours it in her sink.

so ****ing weird.

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Is Britney a Cowboys/Eagles fan? Cause if she is then everything is perfectly okay.

LOL- :hysterical:

...but no.

Keetsman- she will see him Saturday( due to work schedules) and is kicking him out-

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I don't really have any insight, but that does seem strange. :doh: seem. :doh: IS strange. Not sure what is on his mind there, & without knowing him, it's impossible to make a sound judgement on the situation. I certainly hope it's something harmless, tho.

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Jokes aside, it's pretty ****ed up. When you start leaving pubes and pee and other crap around, that takes it to another level. Maybe if you're pranking someone like a frat brother or something like that, but when its a woman it crosses a line.

There's no real good reason for that. I hope she kicks him out and doesn't have to face any reprocussions.

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I seriously doubt those are pranks so confronting him on it probably won't accomplish anything. He sounds like a weirdo.

She needs to find another place to live. Hopefully she's not committed to a long-term lease.

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