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Mac World: Microsoft to sell Windows 7 for $50


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Microsoft to sell Windows 7 for $50

The software giant will also let people who buy Vista machines starting this Friday upgrade for free

by Nancy Gohring, IDG News Service

Windows users in the U.S. will be able to preorder Windows 7 Home Premium for $50 starting Friday.

That's less than half what people will pay if they wait until Oct. 22, the day it becomes available, to buy the operating system.

Microsoft plans to reveal that special deal and other pricing details for its forthcoming operating system on Thursday.

It will begin letting people who buy PCs with Windows Vista starting this Friday upgrade to Windows 7 for free, once it becomes available in October. Observers expected Microsoft to make such an offer, as it has made similar offers with other versions of Windows. But until now, it hasn't been clear when the deal would come into effect.

The discounted preorder offer lasts from June 26 through July 11. People can choose from the discounted Home Premium offer or Windows 7 Professional, which will run for $100. In Canada the deal will last for the same time frame and cost C$65 (US$56.38) for Home Premium and C$125 for Professional.

The low price seems aimed at trying to make it really easy for people to choose to move to Windows 7, said Michael Cherry, an analyst at Directions on Microsoft. "It's to Microsoft's advantage to get as many people upgraded as they possibly can. So much of the Windows 7 work has been removing barriers to upgrading. So they're taking the steps with pricing to try to get people to think about not waiting," he said.

Source: Macworld

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I'm always behind on these kinds of things.

What will Windows 7 do for me, other than slow my computer down and make it more difficult to find things and more confusing to do the things I'm used to doing?

Windows 7 is supposed to faster and better than Vista and XP. Throughout all the beta testing, people have loved Windows 7 and said its the best Windows system in a while.

I want the ultimate edition, because it allows you to back up the entire operating system. I checked the web and apparently it will be going for $219. I just hope the drivers work out for all my stuff...


Wow that's steep. That seems like it would be really useful, but that's a little out of my range.

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I want the ultimate edition, because it allows you to back up the entire operating system. I checked the web and apparently it will be going for $219. I just hope the drivers work out for all my stuff...


or just get a friend who is a student or employee of a college to pick up a copy. thats how i got my xp and office xp. my cousin was at UMBC and through them winxp was free and office xp was $10. so thats how i got my copies. which are supposed to be different from the in store versions. something about the registering process. i know clemson has the same deal going on for students.

or my computer guy is an authorized something or other for netgear and microsoft and all these other places and he gets the same products as the colleges. cuz he was saying he could get me the same free version of vista from microsoft if i wanted it then. but i didnt. and thats when he told me about win7, though it was by its original code name. cuz it was like two years ago, maybe longer.

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I've been on 7 for close to a year in various release formats. You won't be disappointed.

But NEVER EVER EVER buy home edition. Just don't do it. DO NOT DO IT!!!! That's an order.

You could be on to something. I had XP Professional and then switched to Vista Home, and Vista has given me a few problems and XP was perfect. I was thinking about getting 7 Professional. It will be 64-bit, right?

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I've been on 7 for close to a year in various release formats. You won't be disappointed.

But NEVER EVER EVER buy home edition. Just don't do it. DO NOT DO IT!!!! That's an order.

I did buy Home XP for my wife's computer, because I don't think she needed any of the other stuff. No regrets there. I'll probably pick up a copy to put on her machine, once I figure out which version I want.

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I have a question that I'm sure someone on here can tell me. I downloaded the Windows 7 upgrade advisor. It told me my processor speed is 810MHz and is too slow to run Windows 7. When I look at my system properties, it says I have a 1.70MHz processor. Why is it only showing half my processor speed?

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I'm running the RC as well and yes, you should get it. I have it on my laptop and I'm very surprised at how much I like it. Definitely a superior OS to Vista in every way I have seen so far.

I already picked up a the upgrade for my laptop and I'm debating getting it for my desktop as well. I support OS's for my job and I usually like to have a rig with every OS I support on it, so I may wait for my desktop.

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I have a question that I'm sure someone on here can tell me. I downloaded the Windows 7 upgrade advisor. It told me my processor speed is 810MHz and is too slow to run Windows 7. When I look at my system properties, it says I have a 1.70MHz processor. Why is it only showing half my processor speed?

Your processor may step down to conserve power. I would think that the Windows 7 upgrade check software would stress the processor enough that it would kick up.

Were you running on battery power?

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I'm running the RC as well and yes, you should get it. I have it on my laptop and I'm very surprised at how much I like it. Definitely a superior OS to Vista in every way I have seen so far.

I already picked up a the upgrade for my laptop and I'm debating getting it for my desktop as well. I support OS's for my job and I usually like to have a rig with every OS I support on it, so I may wait for my desktop.

In what ways specifically?

This kinda sucks for me. I don't have any problem with Vista, but apparently they're already coming out with something better.

Next time I'll have to remember the "Windows .5" strategy Microsoft says they use. Hopefully most people will do that from now on, so they'll start releasing real upgrades and not wasting people's money.

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