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Mac World: Microsoft to sell Windows 7 for $50


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wait for GOOGLE operating system in the beginning of 2010

Chrome will probably be almost exclusively on netbooks for a while and probably will be too lightweight for most power users.

Considering that it is taking a while for Android to be pounded into shape, I don't expect much from Chrome at first.

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Windows 7 = Windows Vista SP3. yes alot of it is new code, but alot of it is old code that was finally optimized.

I see all this talk about MACs costing so much more money. Someone Price me up a Comparable System to even MAC's high end MACPro and lets compare. You need to use the same SERVER grade parts on the "budget" PC.

All the MACs cost too much points of view usually end up with a cheap PC that is cheap for a reason. Yes I wish Apple would make a midrange desktop, but in reality their cost is not THAT much more than a PC. Go compare Dell's or Gateway's All In One to Apple iMac.

Don't forget for the price of the Apple you get alot of software tools, that you would have to purchase in addition to the PC.

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Windows 7 = Windows Vista SP3. yes alot of it is new code, but alot of it is old code that was finally optimized.

I see all this talk about MACs costing so much more money. Someone Price me up a Comparable System to even MAC's high end MACPro and lets compare. You need to use the same SERVER grade parts on the "budget" PC.

All the MACs cost too much points of view usually end up with a cheap PC that is cheap for a reason. Yes I wish Apple would make a midrange desktop, but in reality their cost is not THAT much more than a PC. Go compare Dell's or Gateway's All In One to Apple iMac.

Don't forget for the price of the Apple you get alot of software tools, that you would have to purchase in addition to the PC.



So for $400 more I can get a slower computer with less RAM and less HD? No thanks!

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Windows 7 = Windows Vista SP3. yes alot of it is new code, but alot of it is old code that was finally optimized.

You talk as if that's a bad thing. There are a lot of nifty things about Vista, but there were a lot more nifty things that people expected that they didn't get, not to mention that it wasn't ready for prime time.

I see all this talk about MACs costing so much more money. Someone Price me up a Comparable System to even MAC's high end MACPro and lets compare. You need to use the same SERVER grade parts on the "budget" PC.

All the MACs cost too much points of view usually end up with a cheap PC that is cheap for a reason. Yes I wish Apple would make a midrange desktop, but in reality their cost is not THAT much more than a PC. Go compare Dell's or Gateway's All In One to Apple iMac.

Don't forget for the price of the Apple you get alot of software tools, that you would have to purchase in addition to the PC.

The cost is always going to be an issue when you have one company who controls the hardware and software.

My problem isn't just the cost issue, tho, but the single source issue. As I said, I like to build my PCs and I've grown to like that flexiblity. Certainly there is a price to be paid to get that type of flexibility, but it allows me to get exactly what I want.

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Quoting Two totally different types of laptops is not a valid comparison. That MAC Airbook is 4.6 lbs lighter and not even half the thickness!

To price something more "comparable" you should look at a regular Mac Book. You can get that for $999. Granted lil less ram and smaller driver. but that can be matched to the HP for 300 more bucks. AND you get a laptop that can run a more stable OS AND it can run Windoze too!

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Quoting Two totally different types of laptops is not a valid comparison. That MAC Airbook is 4.6 lbs lighter and not even half the thickness!

To price something more "comparable" you should look at a regular Mac Book. You can get that for $999. Granted lil less ram and smaller driver. but that can be matched to the HP for 300 more bucks. AND you get a laptop that can run a more stable OS AND it can run Windoze too!

So the $999 Macbook would still be $50 more than that HP that I linked to earlier. Again, why would I even want to pay $50 more for a computer that is slower and has less memory?

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You talk as if that's a bad thing. There are a lot of nifty things about Vista, but there were a lot more nifty things that people expected that they didn't get, not to mention that it wasn't ready for prime time.

The cost is always going to be an issue when you have one company who controls the hardware and software.

My problem isn't just the cost issue, tho, but the single source issue. As I said, I like to build my PCs and I've grown to like that flexiblity. Certainly there is a price to be paid to get that type of flexibility, but it allows me to get exactly what I want.

I said that is a bad thing, in that Vista should never have been released. It should have been Windows 7. MS just were at their "release" schedule and had to get something out. So IMO they are double-dipping their customers. I think they realize that slightly due to the temporary intro price.

FYI, I am not Anti-MS. Well not that much. I still may get a copy of 7 so I can VM it or Bootcamp it. Nice thing about MACs is you can run both.

They are "single" source for a reason. To be more reliable and fault tolerant since they don't have to support every piece of hardware that PC makers put together. They can spend more time adding features than fixing bugs related to drivers/hardware that MS have to contend with.

I too would like to be able to build a MAC box, but I am VERY happy with our MACs and glad we switched 2 years ago.

That being said, for the real tech Savy, you can build a Hackintosh. I have been very tempted to start that up.

I really wish they would make a Mid-Range desktop box. But I am happy with what I have.

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So the $999 Macbook would still be $50 more than that HP that I linked to earlier. Again, why would I even want to pay $50 more for a computer that is slower and has less memory?

Ummm, to run a more reliable OS, that doesn't eat through that 4GB Memory like my 6 year old and M&Ms?

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I said that is a bad thing, in that Vista should never have been released. It should have been Windows 7. MS just were at their "release" schedule and had to get something out. So IMO they are double-dipping their customers. I think they realize that slightly due to the temporary intro price.

Well, it needed to come out because they sunk a lot of development costs into it and needed to start recouping some of it. Development of Vista was viewed very much as a mess. I'm hoping that they have learned somewhat from that.

It's only double-dipping if you bought it, which a lot of people didn't. I bet most of the installed base for Vista is because they inherited it from a new PC. It has always been true that it is smart to take a wait-and-see approach and often wait until at least the first service patch is released. I did a similar thing with Windows XP, not buying it until after SP2 came out.

Certainly not the ideal situation for an OS. You want it working from day one. But, that's the reality we deal with.

They are "single" source for a reason. To be more reliable and fault tolerant since they don't have to support every piece of hardware that PC makers put together. They can spend more time adding features than fixing bugs related to drivers/hardware that MS have to contend with.

As I said, that's the price I willingly pay to have that flexibility. Some who aren't willing to put up with that and are fine with what they get from the single source are fine with getting Macs. I am not.

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Certainly not the ideal situation for an OS. You want it working from day one. But, that's the reality we deal with.

As I said, that's the price I willingly pay to have that flexibility. Some who aren't willing to put up with that and are fine with what they get from the single source are fine with getting Macs. I am not.

I respect that. Until we purchased our 2 iMACs two years ago, I never bought a prebuilt PC, since 1988. I always bought components and put my systems together.

Two years ago we decided to switch to MAC, which still lets me run Windows, Solaris and Linux, though I really only do that via VMWare. It also lets me have a UNIX OS (which I work with) under the covers.

FYI, for the brave at heart here is a link to Hackint0sh's website.


I plan on trying this later this year.

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Crickets? Umm... Laptop + Copy of Windows. You do the math.

My point was most people I know in business who run a Mac also run windows on their mac in some way shape or form. If you do this "legally" well thats just one more expense on top of the overpriced machine.

At the end of the day, I am really not anti Mac. I have debated moving over...but I know in the end, I can't do everything I need with a Mac. Simple truth is, and their is no use arguing this point as I have done website design, owned web businesses, and have been in the IT industry my entire working career...there are still websites that I can't see properly without using IE. And there are big contractors I deal with for governmnent proposals which require me to do documents that wont work in open office. In order to conduct business in our society, you always need microsoft. :silly:

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My point was most people I know in business who run a Mac also run windows on their mac in some way shape or form. If you do this "legally" well thats just one more expense on top of the overpriced machine.

Your opinion is fine, but I still contend MACs are NOT "overpriced". A couple hundred dollars is worth spending to get a sleek desktop, that runs a sleeker OS, with slicker tools out of the box than a generically purchased PC with M$ installed on it.

Don't forget purchasing a PC then requires purchasing other forms of "productivity" software as well that isn't included in the earlier mentioned 949 HP Laptop.

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Because I honestly don't know, what productivity software do I get?

Typically, a PC doesn't come with Office, multimedia apps. Especially, with a bargain/budget PC.

The MAC comes with iLife. Which I really love. Great for photos, great for movies, great for music (my pasttime). And actually the iWeb is nice quick means for me to update my band's website. No it doesn't come with iWork, but that is relatively cheap compared to Office. or you can get a copy of Office for the MAC, which I have, but try not to use ;P.

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