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The aura of this Sacha Baron Cohen character stinks!?


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Let me make one thing clear... Do not turn this into an all-out war on the matter of his preferred sexual orientation! Let's save that for another discussion.

What I am concerned with is the berating and detrimental conduct towards African-Americans that is shown in this new film of his!?

A. Delivering a black baby by package mail!?

B. Naming him O.J. which is not already debilitating enough in it's own way.

C. Putting him onto a motor scooter?!

Not even "The Jackass" installments took it this far as to include race defamation.

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when dave chappelle did the real mad world and the white guy was over the top nerdy, wasnt that funny?

when martin lawrence used to talk all nasally and nerdy to the white people in his crowd, wasnt that funny?

when bernie mac would talk about beating them kids, wasnt that funny?

i dont think sasha is a racist, i think he is a guy looking to shock. "throw the jew down the well" made everyone cringe but the fact is he is a jew himself.

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I think I agree. Borat was really the same. It was lampooning racism, but in a weird way also celebrating it. I'm not really a fan of his style of humor, but shock humor has its place, I suppose.

I don't know- I think it's pretty hilarious. It shows how ignorant so many folks are, especially with regard to anti-semitism. But I'm laughing my ass off the entire time too

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Yeah, I think it depends on the audience.

I find most of the situations hilarious - even some of the more "offensive" ones.

However, I learned with the famous Chappelle "Black KKK Member" skit that I can be laughing hysterically at the same content as another guy - but for a completely different reason.

For me the comedy was the fact that the comedian(s) point out the absurdity of the racism/bigotry - while other people are laughing because it is reinforcing their stereotypes/racist views/etc.

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I don't know- I think it's pretty hilarious. It shows how ignorant so many folks are, especially with regard to anti-semitism. But I'm laughing my ass off the entire time too

I go back and forth. Some of it is funny and satirizes the haters brilliantly, but some of it resonates too closely with what I and especially my parents went through in Eastern Europe and it makes me uncomfortable.

I understand what he's doing and he's following a long comic tradition, but some of it is unsettling.

Mind you, it's really not very different than some of the watered down stuff that Mel Brooks used to do or that was on Hogan's Heroes (although making Nazis look imbecilic is always good in my book)...

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I haven't seen the parts of the movie you are referring too, but I know in early cuts of the movie 'Bruno' went on a day-time show with a largely African American audience and teased/provoked/enraged them over their obvious anti-gay feelings.

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I haven't seen the parts of the movie you are referring too, but I know in early cuts of the movie 'Bruno' went on a day-time show with a largely African American audience and teased/provoked/enraged them over their obvious anti-gay feelings.

thats the OJ part.

Bruno: I gave my baby a traditional African name.

Host: What name is that?

Bruno: OJ

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I'll start by saying I haven't seen these bits, or any of the previews for Cohen's new movie yet.

So, these comments may not hold true for them. I didn't find the Jew jokes in Borat to be hateful.. I thought they were funny,, making more fun of how backward his town was more than anything else. (Running of the Jews was hilarious.. and being trapped in the Jew House afraid to eat a sandwich was even better.)

I think that it's PC (hate that term, btw) to be outraged over this sort of thing, but I also think that this humor and these jokes exist in all walks of our society and even among the most "enlightened" of all of us.

I think most of the time rather than being based in malice they are based in caricatures of what goes on around us all the time. I think it's pretty obvious to tell when "humor" comes from a base of racism or hate. Chappelle's whole act is race based just about, and it's hilarious. It's not based in hate. It makes fun of the hate. (The blind black Klansmen is terrific satire in every sense of the word.) When he's not making statement pieces like that, he's just poking fun at all the subtle differences in all of us. (The Playa Haters Ball.. classic. CLASSIC.)

We're all very familiar with one another these days, and even though we try to sometimes deny it, there are large differences in the various cultures that make up America. There's humor in there that doesn't have to be construed as racism.

I think we've forgotten how to laugh at ourselves and we're all too quick to take offense at even the smallest perceived slight.


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I think there is a part of us that is either afraid to laugh at "black humor" if you are white and vice versa or just doesnt know that it is now OK. I laughed my ass off at the Black Klansman because not only was he making fun of white hillbilly rednecks but he was doing it from a black point of view without knowing it. My friends and I do the "white power" voice all the time. "If you got hate in your heart...let it out. WHITE POWER!" and everyone gets it.

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thats the OJ part.

Bruno: I gave my baby a traditional African name.

Host: What name is that?

Bruno: OJ

I heard the sequence involved the following:

  • Bruno proclaims his love for black men to an African-American audience
  • Bruno claims that having a baby is a real "dick magnet" and brings out an African-American baby wearing tight brown leather pants and a T-shirt with the word "Gayby" embossed in gold on the front.
  • He tells the audience that he swapped an iPod for the baby

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I'll start by saying I haven't seen these bits, or any of the previews for Cohen's new movie yet.

So, these comments may not hold true for them. I didn't find the Jew jokes in Borat to be hateful.. I thought they were funny,, making more fun of how backward his town was more than anything else. (Running of the Jews was hilarious.. and being trapped in the Jew House afraid to eat a sandwich was even better.)

Exactly- and I think the Jewish bed & breakfast scene was probably the funniest of the movie. I was laughing out loud the entire time. (forgot about the running of the Jews though, and the "Jew Egg"- hilarious)

It is scathing satire directly pointing out how seriously backwards many cultures in the world are, especially towards Jews. Probably not for everyone though.

I would actually like to see someone attempt some similar satire with Catholics and the rural Southern United States :)

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I heard the sequence involved the following:

  • Bruno proclaims his love for black men to an African-American audience
  • Bruno claims that having a baby is a real "dick magnet" and brings out an African-American baby wearing tight brown leather pants and a T-shirt with the word "Gayby" embossed in gold on the front.
  • He tells the audience that he swapped an iPod for the baby

if its insensitive of me to laugh at that Im sorry but that is hysterical. I was talking about what is in the commercial though. But that right there is funny to me.

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if its insensitive of me to laugh at that Im sorry but that is hysterical. I was talking about what is in the commercial though. But that right there is funny to me.

Me too. "Gayby" is just funny as hell.


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I heard the sequence involved the following:

  • Bruno proclaims his love for black men to an African-American audience
  • Bruno claims that having a baby is a real "dick magnet" and brings out an African-American baby wearing tight brown leather pants and a T-shirt with the word "Gayby" embossed in gold on the front.
  • He tells the audience that he swapped an iPod for the baby

hahahaha, that's pretty funny.

"Gayby", that's awesome.

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when dave chappelle did the real mad world and the white guy was over the top nerdy, wasnt that funny?

when martin lawrence used to talk all nasally and nerdy to the white people in his crowd, wasnt that funny?

when bernie mac would talk about beating them kids, wasnt that funny?

i dont think sasha is a racist, i think he is a guy looking to shock. "throw the jew down the well" made everyone cringe but the fact is he is a jew himself.

Didn't you hear? It's ok for black comedians to make fun of white people and Latino people, but it's not funny for anyone to make fun of black people.....except black people apparently.

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Didn't you hear? It's ok for black comedians to make fun of white people and Latino people, but it's not funny for anyone to make fun of black people.....except black people apparently.

i thought obama fixed all that racial tension stuff though?

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