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Mosnews: Russian woman on trial for raping 10 men


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I like the photo that accompanies the article, but I wasn't sure it would "stick" here.

Russian woman on trial for raping 10 men

A young Russian woman, a devoted collector of horror films and spiders, is on trial for sedating and raping ten men.

The police were shocked that 32-year-old Valeria K., a quiet good-looking woman from the city of Tambov, was the mysterious rapist who abused ten local men after poisoning them with clonidine, Life.ru reports.

Valeria, who has already been nicknamed the Black Widow for her love of spiders, would get acquainted with men and invite them to her place.

She gave them drinks with clonidine, which almost immediately sent them to sleep for almost 24 hours.

After that, she undressed her victims and raped them, tightening a rope on their male organs to kep them erect.

Waking up in hospital with clonidine poisoning and penis trauma, all the victims could remember was a friendly brunette who gave them drinks.

Click on the link for the full article

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what about the rest of that guy's comments?

At present, the police know about ten of Valeria’s victims, although one of them refused to file a complaint against her.

“It was great,” the unnamed man said.


Dude. You were unconscious with a tightened rope around your johnson. How great could it have been?

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That Russian woman is tame compared to this Russian woman.


Woman blasts off boyfriend’s penis with firecrackers

25 May, 05:07 PM

A Russian woman got so upset by the news that her boyfriend intended to leave her that she tied several firecrackers to his penis and exploded them, the Life.ru web-site reports.

The 33-year-old victim, identified as Alik D. had lived with the woman whose name was reported as Kira V. for about two years, but when the girlfriend started suggesting that they should marry, the man refused and said that he would rather return to his first wife with whom he had a son.

When Alik started moving out Kira suggested that they had a farewell dinner. After a hearty meal and some heavy drinking Alik fell asleep. The girlfriend tied several firecrackers to Alik’s penis and exploded them. The man was rushed to intensive care and doctors are reported to be fighting for his life.

Even if the man survives the girl will face up to 12 years imprisonment.

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"Waking up in hospital with clonidine poisoning and penis trauma, all the victims could remember was a friendly brunette who gave them drinks."

So, I wonder what happened to them, or what she did to them, between the time she finished, and the time they woke up in a hospital ?

Did she just dump their unconscious bodies somewhere ?

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Did she just dump their unconscious bodies somewhere ?
You have to hope so...I'd think the police would start to get suspicious around the 3rd or 4th phone call from her consisting of "I found another unconscious man outside my apartment with a rope tied around his junk"
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You have to hope so...I'd think the police would start to get suspicious around the 3rd or 4th phone call from her consisting of "I found another unconscious man outside my apartment with a rope tied around his junk"

So, somehow she was able to awkwardly drag 9 or 10 unconscious male bodies from her home to a public place, without anyone noticing something unusual ?

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You can't rape the willing.

Apparently, 9 out of 10 Russians are not willing.

"At present, the police know about ten of Valeria’s victims, although one of them refused to file a complaint against her"

Maybe this is why 9 out of 10 felt that way :

"She gave them drinks with clonidine, which almost immediately sent them to sleep for almost 24 hours.......tightening a rope on their male organs to kep them erect."

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Apparently, 9 out of 10 Russians are not willing.

"At present, the police know about ten of Valeria’s victims, although one of them refused to file a complaint against her"

Maybe this is why 9 out of 10 felt that way :

"She gave them drinks with clonidine, which almost immediately sent them to sleep for almost 24 hours.......tightening a rope on their male organs to kep them erect."

Good time, Olga. She may have a future in bondage once she gets out of the Gulag.

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why did she feel the need to drug them? :whoknows:

Exactly....doesn't seem to show her pic, but it says more than once that she was attractive....so she could have gotten what she wanted without drugging them, and almost certainly would not have faced any charges.

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That Russian woman is tame compared to this Russian woman.


Woman blasts off boyfriend’s penis with firecrackers

25 May, 05:07 PM

A Russian woman got so upset by the news that her boyfriend intended to leave her that she tied several firecrackers to his penis and exploded them, the Life.ru web-site reports..

Wow. Someone should explain to her that's NOT how to give a blow job.

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Somewhere, Larry's pissed.

Everytime I bring up the inequality between the treatment of men and women in family courts and other realms, his witty retort is "Every rape in the history of the world has been committed by a man."

Mmm....not so much. :evilg:

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