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Poll: Is The NBA Fixed?

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I read an article by David Aldridge on the conspiracy that the NBA is fixed:


Good article, he states his claims and attempts to back them up (most people just state their claims lol). So anyway, curious as to where all of you fall on this issue...

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You can't help but think of it. My mother who has never watched a second of basketball could have called LeBron for traveling in the playoffs against the Wizards.

The Kings-Lakers WCF don't help the matter either. That was the biggest piece of crap officiating I have ever seen in any sport.

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The officiating is the worst in professional sports, and the lottery is blatantly rigged, but no, the games are legit.

Even though the Kings-Lakers 2002 series was HIGHLY QUESTIONABLE. Game 6 was one of the worst refereed games in the history of sport.

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The lottery is highly suspicious. Heck, us Wizards fans were IRATE about it when that **** went down.

I have an idea. Let's hold a lottery for the NBA teams that missed the playoffs, but let's have Chicago , a team with a 5% chance to win the whole thing, draft the rights to some kid who ALLEGEDLY had someone else take his SAT for him. And of course 1985 and the "Frozen Envelope"...

The worst teams in the NBA have missed out on the lottery and it's ridiculous. Both the Knicks and Celtics have been shafted by that ****. Just get rid of the lottery or do what the NHL does. Although the NHL does have a draft lottery theirs is more fair to those teams that tank. Islanders had the worst record this season and had a 50% chance to win the lottery. 50! Even if they didn't win the lottery they were assured of a top 2 spot or something.

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I think its much more likely the NHL has some shadyness going on. They flat out change/ignore the word of their own rules. I believe the Pens had 2 #1's and #2's in like just a few years in their lottery system. What are the "odds" of that? Rather, popular team that the Commish digs and is trying to save from going broke is saved and called a "model franchise" when they were on the edge of bankruptcy.

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Most everyone should know my stance on this by now.

Avery Johnson's reaction to the phantom Dwayne Wade call is hilarious.

Man these referees are the worst. Remember when Tim Duncan got tossed for laughing?

What? I didn't know it was broken.

It's my belief that the sport has been in decline since 2002 after Kings-Lakers. The decline of rivalry, the decline of defense, and the questionable officiating has led to the decline of the sport in my mind.

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I can't come right out and say it because in my heart I don't believe the NBA is rigged, but in the Eastern Conference finals the Orlando Magic played the best series against referees I've ever seen. Kudos to the them for truly defying destiny... and David Stern. :)

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The officiating is the worst in professional sports, and the lottery is blatantly rigged, but no, the games are legit.

Even though the Kings-Lakers 2002 series was HIGHLY QUESTIONABLE. Game 6 was one of the worst refereed games in the history of sport.

THANK YOU!!!!! That was when I was a HUGE Kings fan, and I definitely thought there was something sketchy going on. One of the main reasons I despise the Lakers and always will. Kings deserved to win it that year.

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I think its much more likely the NHL has some shadyness going on. They flat out change/ignore the word of their own rules. I believe the Pens had 2 #1's and #2's in like just a few years in their lottery system. What are the "odds" of that? Rather, popular team that the Commish digs and is trying to save from going broke is saved and called a "model franchise" when they were on the edge of bankruptcy.

pens had 2 #1s and 2 #2s in 4 years, however that first #1 was traded up from a #3. That said, the odds they happened to get the #1 pick during the lockout when EVERY team had a shot at it when they happened to be on the edge of bankrupcy? Well lets just say there is no doubt in my mind the NHL has been pushing for the Pens. **** Gary Bettman.

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I'm a Knick fan... but I simply can't watch basketball.

Just like how they say in football.... that there's holding on every play.... I see fouls on virtually every possession. Sometimes it's called..... most of the times it's not. And I just don't understand why they call the fouls they do, when they do... and ignore it the rest.

To me... the fouls change the course of the game. Every game. So the referees have too large a factor in the outcome of any game.

And frankly, it's that way in football too.

I say if there's a foul on every play, call it. It'll suck... but teams/players will eventually adjust and you'll have the sport where you want it.

Hockey did it for a while... and of course, later in the season... the refs start letting things go and everything reverts back. And fans get pissed.

You dump a puck in.... and if a defenseman interferes with a player charging for the corner as opposed to playing the puck.... that's a penalty. At least in the regular season.

And yet... in the playoffs... I couldn't keep count of how many instances of interference or hits from behind weren't called.

As a sports fan.... very frustrating. And it's why I'm not the diehard sports fan I used to be (except the Skins).... because the outcome of the game is too often deteremined by the refs... through penalties and non-calls.

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Stern and his officials(Sternbots) bring this on themselves.

Tell me how a 6'9" 260 lb player in Lebron James can go 184 minutes(5 games) without getting one foul called on him?

Bird,Magic and MJ never got that level of treatment from the officials.

This is a major reason why alot of people look at the league with a suspicious eye,IMO.

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No, it's not fixed. It's horrible refs that have invaded the league. One player who gets the home/away cooking is LeBron. Like DP44 said, how can one man go without 5 games with a foul not called against him? I've played basketball and I can tell you it's damn impossible if you are a starter or a player that gets major minutes. It's bad officiating.

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