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CNN: Apple introduces new iPhone

Toe Jam

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Wohooooo, I just got an iphone today. I like it, except I can't figure out how to log off of ES. When I hit safari to go to the internet, it goes right back to ES.

Hit the safari button. That will activate the brower and will bring up the bottom bar menu. All the way to the right you will see a box within a box. that will open a 2nd window. Then you can close the window that has ES on it.

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No, starting today AT&T is not going to do that anymore. If you are mid-contract the 8GB 3G is $299, the 16GB 3GS is $399, and the 32GB 3GS is $499.


I couldn't even do that last time. I'm prepared to drop the $500. I had water damage on my original 3G, bought another one for $500 and lost it :doh: , and will pay another $500 for the 3GS :doh:

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I couldn't even do that last time. I'm prepared to drop the $500. I had water damage on my original 3G, bought another one for $500 and lost it :doh: , and will pay another $500 for the 3GS :doh:

Well, you're in luck! Water will still damage your phone but in the new 3.0 software you can locate your iPhone from any computer using its GPS and wifi, make it make a noise so you can find it, and even remotely delete all sensitive data if it is stolen.

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Well, you're in luck! Water will still damage your phone but in the new 3.0 software you can locate your iPhone from any computer using its GPS and wifi, make it make a noise so you can find it, and even remotely delete all sensitive data if it is stolen.

Yep, I'm all over that new feature. I'll probably buy mobileme for it as well. I'm testing out Safari 4 right now and I'm really impressed with it. I'm no Apple fanboy either.

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Until you've owned an iPhone you just don't understand how backward other phones are. It's the future.

Best feature:

Visual voicemail. Once you have it listening to messages in order and having to play them back entirely is horrible. Other phones are just now starting to get it.... but on networks like Verizon you have to pay extra for a phone feature. Allow me to repeat that, you have to pay the network extra for a PHONE FEATURE.

2nd best:

The App Store. You have a need? Search the app store and most of the time someone has thought of it. Incredible.

I can't wait for the new Iphone. Best damn phone ever made.

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I can't wait for the new Iphone. Best damn phone ever made.

That sums it up. The iPhone is incredible and practically flawless.....you can do almost anything you want on it.

I'll be getting up early on the 19th and heading out with a buddy to get it.

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I just signed a contract with AT&T and got the 16GB iPhone in January, so I am going to just wait until I am eligible for an upgrade

I just bought mine in March. I'll just do the software upgrade. I kind of figured a new phone was coming out after I seen the Palm Pre. A friend of mine is calling his Pre, the iPhone killer, which I laughed at his ass when he said that. But for all the 3G users, just get the OS upgrade, re-jailbreak the phone, and you'll be fine. But that longer battery life is a beast. I'll just wait next year or so.

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I use my phone to make phone calls.

Damn I am so last century.

I just don't see the purpose of all the rest of that junk.


Im the same way for the most part except I use my phone to text as well. If I want to surf the internet, that is why I have a computer and internet service I pay for. I despise apple in general. I think most people have the iphone just because they think it makes them cool.

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I also felt the same way about my phone, I just used it for calls. However, I got the iPhone because of the ability to download movies and tv shows into it for my son. I don't have a DVD player in my truck, so its very nice to hand him my phone and let him watch a movie.

Since getting the iPhone, I have found that I use many of its features often. Much more often than I though. Its nice to not have to carry a camera around. Its nice to be able to have access to my email all the time. The games are pretty sweet too. Tiger Woods golf on the iPhone is amazing.

Is it a necessity? No, I could survive without it, but it makes life a lot easier....

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3.0 OS will be available on the 17th and the DEV team already has a version of QuickPWN so you can still have your jailbreak and unlock....DEV team has a beta version out if you want the 3.0 OS right now...

I spent the past week at the beach with no wifi and I downloaded an app from Cydia(PDAnet) that allows you to wirelessly tether you iphone using an ad-hoc connection from your laptop...

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Question for all you iphone users:

I am considering the iphone vs. blackberry for business purposes, but emailing and texting will be a HUGE part of my requirements.

Does anyone have issues typing on the touch screen? I found the buttons to be so close together it was tough to use. Or is it just a matter of getting used to it?

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