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CNN: Apple introduces new iPhone

Toe Jam

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Doesn't matter how low the price on iphones go, since they have an exclusive with AT&T, that will decide the price.

If these new iphone is much better than what is currently available, my phone may have to have an "accident" and get a new one. :D

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The question is, will they let you upgrade if your contract is not up yet?

My guess is that you'll have to pay full retail for the phone, just as if your contract wasn't up and you wanted to get an iphone in the first place.

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My guess is that you'll have to pay full retail for the phone, just as if your contract wasn't up and you wanted to get an iphone in the first place.

Why not just extend the contract to a new one from date of purchase?

I bet if you're a year into your contract you could do it. Either that or AT&T sucks.

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Why not just extend the contract to a new one from date of purchase?

I bet if you're a year into your contract you could do it. Either that or AT&T sucks.

That's not how they do business. They will extend the contract for another 2 years to the applicable data plan but you will have to still fork out the cash at retail for the phone, iirc.

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I need to ditch Verizon, they have the best network coverage but the phones just suck.

No Iphone, Nokia n97, or Ericsson XPERIA X1. Just stuck with the stupid Blackberry.

A friend of mine just got a Blackberry on his Verizon. He complains about it being slow. Especially booting up.

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Has anyone gotten the Palm Pre yet?

I got one on Saturday morning. Had to wait in line about 2 hours. Best phone I ever had, it does everything you could want it to. I never had a iphone so I really can't compare but there were a few iphone users who were more than happy to make the switch. The keyboard is nice. The only issue is the apps. But those will come soon enough.

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I got one on Saturday morning. Had to wait in line about 2 hours. Best phone I ever had, it does everything you could want it to. I never had a iphone so I really can't compare but there were a few iphone users who were more than happy to make the switch. The keyboard is nice. The only issue is the apps. But those will come soon enough.

Were you coming out of another smart phone?

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The new phones look neat. My issue with the iPhone is that its becoming some trendy status symbol. I still think it is a bad ass piece of hardware though.

I think the most exciting things from the keynote today were that they finally lowered the prices of the MacBook Pro's and the discussion of Snow Leopard.

If I was on an Intel Mac I would absolutely pay the $30 upgrade to Snow Leopard. It looks awesome. It is more of a service update, but I am glad they aren't charging the full OS upgrade price. That would have been absurd, but I wouldn't have put it past them.

Now if only they revised the Mac Pros....:doh:

Edit: Oh, and AT&T is lame as hell. Apple should really open it up to more cell phone carriers.

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Has anyone gotten the Palm Pre yet?

I also picked up the Palm Pre Saturday morning. I absolutely love this phone! It does everything I could possibly want to do with a phone and more. Extremely smooth interface and awesome messaging capabilities. Sprints unlimited data plan with 450 a month was also 20 bucks cheaper than any Verizon or AT&T plan I could find.

Highly recommend it, you won't be disappointed.

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I also picked up the Palm Pre Saturday morning. I absolutely love this phone! It does everything I could possibly want to do with a phone and more. Extremely smooth interface and awesome messaging capabilities. Sprints unlimited data plan with 450 a month was also 20 bucks cheaper than any Verizon or AT&T plan I could find.

Highly recommend it, you won't be disappointed.

I'll probably be getting this in the next few months. Glad to hear that people like it. I seriously cant wait!!!

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