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CNN: Apple introduces new iPhone

Toe Jam

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Question for all you iphone users:

I am considering the iphone vs. blackberry for business purposes, but emailing and texting will be a HUGE part of my requirements.

Does anyone have issues typing on the touch screen? I found the buttons to be so close together it was tough to use. Or is it just a matter of getting used to it?

It can be troublesome, but the new OS that is coming out next week will have a landscape keyboard so it'll be easier to text/e-mail
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Question for all you iphone users:

I am considering the iphone vs. blackberry for business purposes, but emailing and texting will be a HUGE part of my requirements.

Does anyone have issues typing on the touch screen? I found the buttons to be so close together it was tough to use. Or is it just a matter of getting used to it?

The landscape touchscreen will be nice, however, I had no issue with the touchscreen as it is. I have big hands as well. I adapted easily. I don't think of it as a negative.

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im actually going to get one of these next month. contract is up and im going to go with ATT for this thing. pretty exciting.

quick question, though - im sure it varies, but on average do the apps take up a ton of space?

dont know whether to get the 16 or 32. leaning towards 32 so i can load a ton of music up, but if i can get a lot of music on a 16 due to smallness of apps (i do realize i could just skip a lot of them, but some seem cool), i might get the 16 instead.

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im actually going to get one of these next month. contract is up and im going to go with ATT for this thing. pretty exciting.

quick question, though - im sure it varies, but on average do the apps take up a ton of space?

dont know whether to get the 16 or 32. leaning towards 32 so i can load a ton of music up, but if i can get a lot of music on a 16 due to smallness of apps (i do realize i could just skip a lot of them, but some seem cool), i might get the 16 instead.

For the apps memory, they don't take up a ton. But, would you rather have too little space or too much? I'm getting the 32GB.

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I really hope the speaker is better on this model, I still have the original iphone from a couple years back and God forbid I put someone on speaker phone, can't hear worth a crap.. that phone is only an 8 gig and it held a buttload of pictures and songs and apps.. can't wait to see how the 32 works :)

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I need to ditch Verizon, they have the best network coverage but the phones just suck.

No Iphone, Nokia n97, or Ericsson XPERIA X1. Just stuck with the stupid Blackberry.

Omnia? That phone is the ish.

The only thing I'm interested in would be the Iphone OS 3 so that I can load it up on my ipod touch for some stereo bluetooth action. It's about damn time they got around to that.

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