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What Things Does The United States Do Better Than Any Other Country?

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We may not be the fattest anymore but we still are the king of holding eating contests. The most prominent one is Nathan's Hot Dog eating contest, and other than that establishments all over the States hold eating contests. I don't know if any other country embraces gluttony like this.

We also have a two-time hot dog eating champion. YAY


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Play baseball...oh wait

Play basketball...questionable

Play soccer...NOT

Play hockey...nope

Play "American" football...YEAH!

Why are we so bad at international sports now?

Baseball - best players didn't play in WBC at least not pitching-wise. No Lincecum. No Cain...the best we had were Guthrie, Lilly, Oswalt, and I think Peavy who got lit up :hysterical:

Basketball - probably the best but world catching up

Soccer - Repeated failure on world stage includes disappointment in the Olympics and failure to make it past the first round in the last World Cup lol

Hockey - No

So yeah, the only sports the US are good in are basketball and football

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A great part from Talldega Nights:

Jean Girard: Well, what have you given the world apart from George Bush, Cheerios, and the ThighMaster?

Ricky Bobby: Chinese food?

Cal Naughton, Jr.: Chinese food.

Jean Girard: That's from China.

Ricky Bobby: Pizza.

Jean Girard: Italy.

Cal Naughton, Jr.: Chimichanga.

Jean Girard: Mexico.

Ricky Bobby: Really, smarty-pants? What did French land give us?

Jean Girard: We invented democracy, existentialism, and the blowjob.

Cal Naughton, Jr.: Those are three pretty good things.

Ricky Bobby: Hey.

Cal Naughton, Jr.: Well that last one's pretty cool.

Herschell: We invented the missonary. You're welcome.

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Over indulge. I think it's pretty fair to say we take many things to the extreme. Food, news, and whatever the topic du jour may be.

I do think we are unfairly judged by others though, of course it's just what happens when you're the best.

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Why do you say "farming"? (not that I think you're wrong, but I don't know squat about farming lol)

American workers are the most efficient in the world. This is mainly because of our farm workers and the automation American farmers employ to harvest and plant their crops.

Economically the things we accel at are..

(1) Agriculture / Farming our farms are so efficient we actually have to pay farmers not to plant crops or food crops would be worthless!

(2) Telecommunicaitons, telephone systems optical circuits and the know how to run phone systems, it's a leading export. The internet is in here too. We not only created it, but American companies continue to own the vast majority of the backbone and the central registries for url names and ip addresses.

(3) Industrial Machinery like Catapiler earth movers. Again the best in the world.

(4) Movies and entertainment. again a leading export.

(5) Aerospace. Both satilite technology and airplances. Aerobus is giving Boeing a run for it's money, but This is still a leading US industry.

(6) Steel production, In the 70's and early 80's we fell behind the technology curve in this important industry. In the 80's and 90's we caught back up. Steel production efficiency is measured in man hours per ton. Back in the 60's it took about 100 man hours to product a ton of steel, today it takes less than 2. We are again the best in the world at producing steel efficeintly largely due to massive automation.

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War. The initial phase were we destroy another countries armed forces, not the phase that comes after that. We are like 12 and 1 at that and we usually dont even use all of our capabilities.

IT. Dell, Microsoft, HP, IBM, Cisco, Intel, Motorola, Apple, Google......All American. We have 8 of the 13 largest global tech companies.

The Olympics. We get the most medals every time. We own the Olympics.

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