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What Things Does The United States Do Better Than Any Other Country?

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Too bad China owned us in Gold medals last summer and Germany beat us not only in Golds, but in total medals in the last winter games.

So 2 examples out of how many Olympiads that we didnt win both total medals and amount of gold medals? 49.

What country has won the most Olympic medals overall?

1. USA 2514

2. USSR/Russia 1595

3. GBR 736

4. FRA 719

5. GER 689

6. ITA 623

Most golds: USA with 1008

2nd most: USSR/Russia with 473.

So less than half.

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The plus side:

World's best military

World's best medical innovation

World's best media

Largest # of professional sports leagues

Negative side:

World's worst media

Most expensive medical industry

We live too far beyond our means

Spoiled athletes

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America is the best in many fields of medicine

America has the best agriculture of any nation in the world.

America has the best space exploration program in the world.

America has the best military in the world (say what you will about China or others being well trained, etc. but the only thing they really have is numbers. The U.S. has the best weaponry and the best soldiers in the world, on top of that our soldiers have actually proven themselves.

America has the best standard of living in the world.

America has the best university system in the world.

America has the best engineers in the world.

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Entertainment, especially music and movies.

Universities and scientific research.

Project military force (for good and ill).

Provide opportunity for creating wealth.

Some of the things people have listed are not at all true.

We do not lead the world in foreign aid. Per capita we are not even close to the top of the list.

We do not have the highest standard if living in the world (but it's pretty danm high.)

We do not have the best medical system (but at the top research end we do).

We also do not have the worst media. As flawed as it is, it is probably the

world's best media, challenged only by the UK and Germany.

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America is one of, if not the, least racist countries in the world. Certainly the most impressive IMO. Sure, there are pockets of ig'nant xenophobic crackers in the U.S., but we're by and large successful in curbing the racist sentiments that inevitably follow from a volatile situation.

Where else can a minority rise through the political landscape and become POTUS?

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Canada's pretty damn close. Hell, the girl in your sig is Canadian, as are Elisha Cuthbert, Pam Anderson, and Trish Stratus, just to name a few.

France, Ukraine and Thailand might also have something to say about this. :evilg:

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America is one of, if not the, least racist countries in the world. Certainly the most impressive IMO. Sure, there are pockets of ig'nant xenophobic crackers in the U.S., but we're by and large successful in curbing the racist sentiments that inevitably follow from a volatile situation.

Where else can a minority rise through the political landscape and become POTUS?

This is true. Especially given our history, we have come a long, long way. And many of the nations around the world who claim to be enlightened on racial issues are, in fact, much more racist (and classist) than we are.

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This is true. Especially given our history, we have come a long, long way. And many of the nations around the world who claim to be enlightened on racial issues are, in fact, much more racist (and classist) than we are.

I think America has had to confront race more than any other country which has allowed us to be more acceptable/tolerant about race than a lot of other countries

with that said...i sure am glad to be a minority today and not, say, 40 years ago

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marketing, you guys are the king. And not just for products, you guys are the best at promoting "America" to other nations. kinda tied into marketing, but you guys are also really good at selling hope, which I never knew was a commodity until someone tried to sell it to me.

blowing stuff up, you guys have more practice at it than anyone so you should be freakin spectacular at it by now.

over indulgence. It's always better if its bigger than the other guys. Like your car dealerships, holy crap why do they have so many cars? I was in one in Detroit with my cousin and the guy had to take us in a golf cart to go see a car "in the middle" of the lot. Ride took a good 4 minutes, and I don't think those guys sold more cars than a dealership in Windsor that is 1/10 the size.

over the top entertainment/event planning. why do fighter planes need to fly over a stadium for every big game? because you can? that maybe adds, what, 4% more excitement to the game for a brief period of time but costs a heck of a lot more than what you get out of it. Or multi million dollar sweet sixteen or bar/bat mitzvah parties, do teenage kids really need to ahve a party on a rented yacht with champenge and a guest apperance by some kid in Disney's High School Musical? I would only hire an American event planner if it wasn't my money that was being spent, but it would be one heck of a party.

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Where else can a minority rise through the political landscape and become POTUS?

lets also not forget that washington is mostly white men still...

Plenty of other countries had women president's/PM's way before the US even considered it

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lets also not forget that washington is mostly white men still...

Plenty of other countries had women president's/PM's way before the US even considered it

Yes, on women's equality issues we are not first in the world by any stretch.

But racially - there is not a single other First world nation that has elected a racial minority to their highest post, as far as I know. No blacks have led England. No Arabs have led France. No Aboriginals have led Australia. And so on. No one has ever come close in any of those places, I don't think.

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lets also not forget that washington is mostly white men still...

Plenty of other countries had women president's/PM's way before the US even considered it

Asians, mexicans, blacks, and terminators have been elected as governors and congressmen. The fact that the political system works the way it was designed to despite all the historical racial issues is beyond impressive. The U.S. is still a ridiculously young country but yet we're far more advanced socially and economically than any other country out there. This can't be overstated and the two are tied.

There are very few countries where interracial marriages aren't secretly condemned or spited. Here in America, the social taboo is being an actual racist. If someone says something racist publicly, you can bet there will be an outcry of condemnation. In a lot of cases, it goes overboard and people are unnecessary oversensitive but the backstop is there.

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Play baseball...oh wait

Play basketball...questionable

Play soccer...NOT

Play hockey...nope

Play "American" football...YEAH!

Why are we so bad at international sports now?

It's simple really. All our best athletes grew up playing basketball and football.

Soccer is the easiest example. Imagine for a second if we were like England, Germany or France, and all our best athletes grew up playing soccer. Lebron, Kobe, Randy Moss...every single "freak" athlete grew up wanting to play soccer for the US team, instead of wanting to make it to the NFL or NBA. We would be amazing at soccer, and frequently competitive at the World Cup, no doubt about it.

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