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"Redskins Suck" vs No Sex?

Skins Rock

What do you think of the new site?  

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  1. 1. What do you think of the new site?

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The only time i'll justify saying that is when ladell touches the ball

other than that, never! but what i'm trying to say is that if during a game ladell gets the hand-off and my girl poses that question then yes, i'm gettin' some


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I'd say, "then you aren't getting any either baby". It bothers women just as much as men, and I can just as soon go without it as she can. I don't like the thought of putting 1 person in a relationship in control of when you do or don't have sex. Unless you have some problems she wants it, she just hides it better than you do. Don't give in and say the redskins suck.

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