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"Redskins Suck" vs No Sex?

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My wife knows my passion for the Skins as evidenced by the Sean Taylor jersey I gave to her as one of the gifts when we were wed, and the bunch of other things that we fans do to show our passion.

So, this is what happened, after getting married to my wife over a year ago and spending a couple months with her, I couldn’t see her for close to a year because of circumstance. Of course, we missed each other dearly.

When I finally saw her, she decided to play a cruel cruel cruel trick on me to mess with me. Without going into detail, after getting me hot and bothered, she says to me, “If you want to get some, you have to say Redskins suck.” Now, I hadn’t seen her for close to a year, and after some thought I gave in and said it. Although, I felt awful afterwards (by afterwards, I mean the next day, as that night was great), I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same thing all over if I was presented with the same situation.

So, I pose this question to Skins fans: If your significant other asked you to say “Redskins Suck” in order to have sex, would you say it? I know we are all loyal fans, I am too, I have missed only three games since I was 9 years old and love my Skins, but seriously put yourself in that situation and really think about it. I even made the poll confidential for those that are afraid of having their loyalties questioned.

Also, I am curious to see if this has happened to others, so please share similar stories.

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Somthing similiar has happened to me before but if your boutta sleep together anyways that means she has to be somewhat in the mood herself so you could just refuse...I mean I am stubborn when it comes to stuff like that, so yeah I mean in my case she gave in anyways when I refused...

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I guess I'm not extreme enough.....I would be a cowboys fan by the time we're done.

Really though...it's obviously a haha funny joke/trick I see no problem saying it. In return you can get back at her with something she's also passionate about

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Let me say it this way

Hot Chick I would say it as loud as they want me to.

2 (or more) together, I woudl scream it at the top of my lungs

My WIFE telling me to say it - I would reconsider why I married her and try to figure out why the women I thought was a partner in my life now wants me to discount a true passion of mine.

Only half joking in this post

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LOL, funny story!

Well since you didn't see each other for close to a year, you gotta do what you gotta do to get laid.

But my story is the opposite. Everytime I have sex on Skins Gameday, we lose. So I have a no sex mandate on gamedays. My GF gets very upset!

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I'll take sex any day! Pffft. I say the Redskins suck all the time out of anger after they lose a game.

Exactly. Many years the Redskins do in fact suck. No harm in saying it. I love the Wizards too but hey- they currently suck. :)

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