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Favorite Smells

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There seems to be a theme here that I agree with: fresh.

Freshly brewed coffee

Freshly baked bread

Freshly mown grass

Freshly peeled orange

And as for gasoline...gasoline nowadays doesn't smell as good as the old leaded stuff we used to have in the '70s.

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Orange scented marker made by the Mr. Sketch brand




Old Bay


Freshly cleaned clothes


Apple pie

Soft pretzels

McDonald's fries

The smell of the grill

Fresh air

The smell before it starts raining

The smell when it is turning to Fall

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I haven't looked to see what other people have put yet, but...

the sea

the boardwalk (meaning the sea, and tar, and boardwalk foods all sorta blended together)

an afternoon thunderstorm

eastern forests in autumn

redwood forests


fire (either when you have a campfire, or when you are outside on a crisp winter day and the smell of a fire in someones' fireplace somewhere, or burning leaves, or whatever is a subtle hint in the air...)

coffee beans

my shirt when my wife has borrowed it for a while.

my kids' heads

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There seems to be a theme here that I agree with: fresh.

Freshly brewed coffee

Freshly baked bread

Freshly mown grass

Freshly peeled orange

And as for gasoline...gasoline nowadays doesn't smell as good as the old leaded stuff we used to have in the '70s.

is that it...? Because as I was reading this thread I was thinking how I used to love the smell when I was a kid, but didn't any more.... I thought I had just outgrown it (I like the taste of asparagus and broccoli now, too) But i ALSO used to love the smell because it reminded me of going to the gas station on saturday morning with my dad ....

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I like the smell of rain on a freshly cut field of hay.

And freshly turned soil ready for planting.

Sagebrush on a HOT August day.

A forest of lodgepole pines.

A trout just pulled from a cold fast moving stream.

The smell of a black powder rifle just after discharge.

New oil during an oil change.

Used book stores and records

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Fresh country air (thankfully I can still smell from my city window some days)

fresh cut grass

World Of Outlaws race BOING BOING!!!

Fumes from the greatest tool in the world, a CHAINSAW. I even run it in the house sometimes:D

Thats probablly my top 4 with many others I can't think of right now. Thanx now I have to go piss off the neighbors and break out my saw for a minute:wavetowel

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are you secretly a 50 year old woman who lives in the suburbs??? lol

Hahaha, my first reaction was "Hmm, that's kinda fruity..." :silly:

My favorite smells are:

Powdered dish detergent (I seriously wanted to snort it like cocaine when I was little)

The smell that comes out of the air conditioner

Puppy breath (it's kinda stinky, but I liiike it :D)

Oh, and I get happy when I smell breakfast being cooked (it's usually bacon, but I think I can smell fried eggs and hash browns and toast too)

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