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Favorite Smells

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Freshly opened can of Tennis balls

Elmer's glue

Play doh

New car smell


the smell right after a thunderstorm

fresh paint


the new shoe smell

freshly cut grass

Barnes & Noble and the pages of books

burning leaves

charcoal burning

Johnson's baby shampoo

Sex Panther

Rich mahogany & leather bound books

someone smoking a pipe

salty air smell at the beach

the smell of those "ditto" sheets from the mimeograph machines ( I miss elementary school:()

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Again, bacon.

And again and again etc..

"Fresh Country Air" (cow poop for you city dwellers) ~ it may sound odd to some but I grew up on or very near farms most of my early childhood and that smell just gives me such an inner peace.

Most will find me pretty odd here, but I honestly like the smell of fresh spread cow maneuer.

I know its disgusting, but it brings back my childhood on the farm whenever I drive past a field that was just fertilized.

I also like it.My Grandfather had like 200 cows.

Now pig poop on the other hand.:puke:

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And again and again etc..

I also like it.My Grandfather had like 200 cows.

Now pig poop on the other hand.:puke:

Oh Gosh, Pig crap is a stinky raunch!

I's funny, but i was nervous posting that for fear of being painted as a freak. At least there are a few other freaks right along with me!

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