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Do you like snakes?? (W/ pics)


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These pics were taken last week where I grew up. (southeastern washington state, near the Hanford nuclear reactor). My dad sent me the link from his highschool alumni site. A guy he graduated with was hiking and took these.






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I like seeing snakes in cages or if someone is holding them but a snake on the ground will cause me to go into a panic. If I came across a pack of snakes like that, it would be the first marathon I ever ran trying to get as far away as possible!

I'm in the same boat dude. Although I would feel like the faster I run the closer they will get.

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I can handle snakes.

Spiders on the other hand.....

Got that right. Eff spiders. Eff em all. Pure eeevul.

I have encountered rattlesnakes in my campsite several times. I just catch them in a bucket and dump them a few hundred yards away. No problem.

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I'm in the same boat dude. Although I would feel like the faster I run the closer they will get.

My mom thinks it is hilarious when I see a snake loose. I was walking with my sister (she was 3 at the time) and we saw a snake by the dock and I grabbed my sister under my arm and took off for the house as fast as I could only to see my mom dying hysterically from laughter.

Another time one of our dogs was fighting with a 6 ft black snake and mom sent me after it with an axe. The dog was doing pretty good dodging the snake and striking back so I saw no reason to interrupt...lol Once the snake had been beaten up pretty badly, I went over with the axe to cut its head off only to find out my mother had given me a dull axe! I am really glad I waited for the dog to take care of the snake or I would have been in trouble hitting the snake with a dull axe.

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Holy ****, those rattler pics make me want to die. I hate snakes. HATE THEM. OMG, I can't believe I even looked at those pictures, I can't put my feet down on the floor now!

We had a snake den about a mile from our property when I was growing up. We encountered several rattlers when we were kids and all the encounters went something like this:

1. Children playing cheerfully by the creek or in our forts.

2. Children come across a rattler

3. Children tear ass back across the property and into the house screaming "There's a rattler!!! There's a rattler!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!! Heeellllllppppp!!!"

4. Mom going outside, farmer's wife style, in her muumu with a hoe over her head in loaded position...sometimes screaming.

5. Mom chopping snake into 500 million pieces.

6. Mom coming back inside and giving us the all clear sign to go back out and play.

If it was my dad who was home, everything was pretty much the same, except instead of a hoe, he'd take out his .44, lock us inside the house (because snakes can pick locks ya know), and blow the snake to smitherines. :D

Ahh, the memories.

But yeah, everyone in my family has a snake phobia. I can deal with non-venomous snakes without going totally ape****, but rattlers and other venomous snakes, no freaking way. I scream like crazy and am totally petrified by them.

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My stepdad caught a gopher snake when I was 12. He made it into a hat band for his cowboy hat.

I was hiking a couple years ago and a rattler was right in my path. There was no way around it. I just stood there for what seemed forever, until I was sure it was far enough away...damn I was scared.

Last year I found a baby rattler at my moms (about 30 miles from those pics)...it had one tiny lil rattler on it. Damn thing was cute (oxymoron to say a snake is cute, I know)

I did have a friend years ago who had a couple snakes. She and her husband had a few lizards too. It was pretty cool to feed them mice...

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I used to know a guy who had a reticulated python. Worst. Pet. Ever. It was pretty big although nowhere near full grown. One day it bit him in the head. No warning no nothing. This is what I don't get about owning a pet snake: They're dumb as hell. You could have one for 10 years and it still wouldn't know the difference between it's owner and a complete stranger.

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