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Do you go ga-ga over babies?


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I could care less about anything being dirty. Just rinse it off even without soap and I'm straight. I could care less about germs. I figure they are everywhere else anyway. I'm immune b*****s

hmm.. is the b word not bad on this forum because it sure as hell didn't block it out

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i'll use a plastic tub in the tub, thankyouverymuch

when youre in the kitchen making bottles, trying to get dinner ready and the kid needs a bath you are going to stop everything and go to the bathroom to put them in the tub?

youll be wasting time and time is something you get little of. plus you wont have to be all bent over when you are at the sink.

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when youre in the kitchen making bottles, trying to get dinner ready and the kid needs a bath you are going to stop everything and go to the bathroom to put them in the tub?

youll be wasting time and time is something you get little of. plus you wont have to be all bent over when you are at the sink.

Plus, the sink has the cool hose nossel thing going so you can spray'em in the right places

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I could care less about anything being dirty. Just rinse it off even without soap and I'm straight. I could care less about germs. I figure they are everywhere else anyway. I'm immune b*****s

hmm.. is the b word not bad on this forum because it sure as hell didn't block it out

****es (plural) is OK, ***** (singular) isn't. :wtf:
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it's funny....dirt and stuff don't bother me. If something drops on the floor, no big deal.

But I do not trust stuff washed by hand unless I use a brand new sponge. I won't use it if it's been washed by a sponge that's been used. Sponges have so many germs grosssss. And I know in my head I won't get sick or anything, but I visualize the sponge touching crusty food and then my fork or something....won't happen. If I could live off plasticware, I would.

I am so with you on this...dirt doesn't bother me, I pretty much grew up on a horse farm. I hate dirty sponges...I wash my sponges...and I have a stack of extra ones...used sponges gross me out.

You're right - we'll just take the kids out back and hose 'em off :silly:

Haha sounds like a good way to do it to me :silly:

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I understand that...

It's just that babies are so DIRTY.... I'm such a germaphobe that I can't stand to look at babies eating with their fingers straight off the table or having food stains on their clothes. YECHHH.... my baby's gonna be the cleanest kid in town, I guarantee you that

Naa, you'll be just like the rest of us. Germs, stains, puke, poop, it don't matter when their yours. Animal instincts kick in. Now, changing someone else kid?:stop:

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I know at least 2 other guys that do NOT ga-ga over babies


Babies taste nothing like chicken, and I don't know why, but people flip out when you take a bite out of one.
Children, when properly cooked, also taste remarkbly like chicken. But mark my words, it is a delicate preparation that ensures a tasty meal. The best way I've found to prepare children thus far involves a two step process of searing, then roasting:

After properly cleaning and gutting the child, heat a medium-sized skillet on high and place a small amount of your favorite cooking oil (I prefer olive myself) in the pan so that the bottom is lightly coated. Sear the child on each side for about 35 seconds, and then set it aside for a moment.

Prepare a roasting dish by pouring 2 cups of chicken stock, diced carrots (about a cup), one stalk of celery, and your favorite spices. Place the child in the roasting dish and bake for three hours at 300 degrees.

While the child is cooking, prepare your side dishes. One of my favorites to serve with child is rosemary potatoes. They're quick to prepare, and their robust flavor is always a pleasurable compliment to the subtle flavor of child.

Proper wine selection is also important, but as long as you follow the rules for serving white or light meats, you'll be just fine.

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Hell no! I don't care for babies. Puppies are a lot more cute.

I understand that...

It's just that babies are so DIRTY.... I'm such a germaphobe that I can't stand to look at babies eating with their fingers straight off the table or having food stains on their clothes. YECHHH.... my baby's gonna be the cleanest kid in town, I guarantee you that

As a fellow germophobe, I hate to say it, but the "cleanest kid in town" won't last long at all.

Over the years, I've heard many new moms, (or moms to be), say the same thing. A couple of months later, their kids are messy, like the rest of the normal baby population. Babies get very messy, very quickly. Keeping a baby clean is too hard & time consuming and you'll give it up. Guaranteed.

i'll use a plastic tub in the tub, thankyouverymuch

Your back will probably say otherwise, especially if you think that you're going to keep the baby as clean as you stated in your earlier post.

when youre in the kitchen making bottles, trying to get dinner ready and the kid needs a bath you are going to stop everything and go to the bathroom to put them in the tub?

youll be wasting time and time is something you get little of. plus you wont have to be all bent over when you are at the sink.


Like you Robin, I don't go ga-ga over babies. Truthfully, the only babies that I could stand were my own, my grandson and my goddaughter. I know it sounds cold, but I find them messy and annoying. The only baby that I like now, (unless we get a new grandbaby), is a sleeping one.

My wife, on the other hand, is a baby magnet, and goes absolutely bonkers over babies.:doh:

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I feel like I am in the minority. Sure, babies are okay...but I don't think they're the cutest things on earth. I'm at that age where many of my friends are having babies- and they show me pics and I do the obligatory, "awwww, he/she's so cute"....and then I'm quickly over it.

I don't coo over babies in strollers, I don't have that urge to hold them. As a female, I feel like something's wrong with me. I was at lunch with some friends the other day (one pregnant, the other celebrating her 2 year old's bday recently) and there was a baby at the table nearby and they couldn't stop looking at the damn baby! "Awww he's eating apple wheels." Goo goo ga ga blah.

I'm sorry, but I'll go ga-ga over a puppy before I will a baby. Am I in the minority here?

Yes, something is seriously wrong with you...

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I feel like I am in the minority. Sure, babies are okay...but I don't think they're the cutest things on earth. I'm at that age where many of my friends are having babies- and they show me pics and I do the obligatory, "awwww, he/she's so cute"....and then I'm quickly over it.

I don't coo over babies in strollers, I don't have that urge to hold them. As a female, I feel like something's wrong with me. I was at lunch with some friends the other day (one pregnant, the other celebrating her 2 year old's bday recently) and there was a baby at the table nearby and they couldn't stop looking at the damn baby! "Awww he's eating apple wheels." Goo goo ga ga blah.

I'm sorry, but I'll go ga-ga over a puppy before I will a baby. Am I in the minority here?

Im the same way. Babies just don't do it for me.

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The cutest kid I EVER came across...

I was in college and at JMU, as part of the teacher licensing program for early childhood education, you have to volunteer at the children's center on campus (kids of professors). We had to do a whole portfolio there- we had to pick any kid we wanted and do a bunch of research on how the child learned and whatnot.

Anyway, I was immediately drawn to this little boy of 4 years old- beautiful green eyes and he was British!!! I'm sorry, but little British kids are the best. So I spent my time there observing him at play and at work, but that is why I like kids that age. Babies....eh.

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