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Do you go ga-ga over babies?


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I feel like I am in the minority. Sure, babies are okay...but I don't think they're the cutest things on earth. I'm at that age where many of my friends are having babies- and they show me pics and I do the obligatory, "awwww, he/she's so cute"....and then I'm quickly over it.

I don't coo over babies in strollers, I don't have that urge to hold them. As a female, I feel like something's wrong with me. I was at lunch with some friends the other day (one pregnant, the other celebrating her 2 year old's bday recently) and there was a baby at the table nearby and they couldn't stop looking at the damn baby! "Awww he's eating apple wheels." Goo goo ga ga blah.

I'm sorry, but I'll go ga-ga over a puppy before I will a baby. Am I in the minority here?

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I love babies...but 2 and 3 year olds are my favorite- they do and say the funniest things. But I do hate when people show you a thousand pics of their kid and they all pretty much look the same. What are you supposed to say? "Oh how cute, he moved his finger!":whoknows:

Dogs > babies haha til I have my own of course...then we'll see :silly:

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I love little babies and my voice automatically goes higher, I speak softer and I will do whatever it takes to make them laugh. My goddaughter just turned 1 and she is the cutest freaking thing EVER. when she was first born I held her all the time.

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I love babies...but 2 and 3 year olds are my favorite- they do and say the funniest things. But I do hate when people show you a thousand pics of their kid and they all pretty much look the same. What are you supposed to say? "Oh how cute, he moved his finger!":whoknows:

Dogs > babies haha til I have my own of course...then we'll see :silly:

2 year olds are better... I wish that I could just pop out a toddler so I wouldn't have to go through the infant stage

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2 year olds are better... I wish that I could just pop out a toddler so I wouldn't have to go through the infant stage

When we're ready to have a baby, I'd get my girl to do this if I could.

I don't think babies are cute at all, I agree that toddlers and puppies are much cuter.

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I didn't like babies until I had mine and that opened a whole new side of me I never knew I had. I love the feeling of soft inocence and how they depend on your total protection. Holding babies and little kids fills a void in your heart and makes you all warm. OK, it's not ghey either!

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I love babies and go ga-ga over them. Probably because my fiance and i are ready to have one once we buy our new home this summer.

Ask me a couple of years ago, and i wouldn't have been the same way.

I've always wanted kids, but haven't gotten as silly over them as I do now.

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just know that when you do have kids, your thoughts will change.

I understand that...

It's just that babies are so DIRTY.... I'm such a germaphobe that I can't stand to look at babies eating with their fingers straight off the table or having food stains on their clothes. YECHHH.... my baby's gonna be the cleanest kid in town, I guarantee you that

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I didn't like babies until I had mine and that opened a whole new side of me I never knew I had. I love the feeling of soft inocence and how they depend on your total protection. Holding babies and little kids fills a void in your heart and makes you all warm. OK, it's not ghey either!
just know that when you do have kids, your thoughts will change.
i am guessing you dont have a baby of your own yet...

this is true. i hated babies crying, your baby wasnt as cute as you thought it was, blah blah blah. then Jr came along and everything changed.

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I understand that...

It's just that babies are so DIRTY.... I'm such a germaphobe that I can't stand to look at babies eating with their fingers straight off the table or having food stains on their clothes. YECHHH.... my baby's gonna be the cleanest kid in town, I guarantee you that

trust me, the thought of wiping someone elses ass, cleaning their vomit, wiping snot, drool, etc off of everything grossed me out too. then, it just changes.

'cept maybe the vomit. i have a hard time with the vomit.

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