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Do you go ga-ga over babies?


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The cutest kid I EVER came across...

...I was immediately drawn to this little boy of 4 years old- beautiful green eyes and he was British!!! I'm sorry, but little British kids are the best. So I spent my time there observing him at play and at work, but that is why I like kids that age. Babies....eh.

Did he have a brother named Charlie? :silly:


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I feel like I am in the minority. Sure, babies are okay...but I don't think they're the cutest things on earth. I'm at that age where many of my friends are having babies- and they show me pics and I do the obligatory, "awwww, he/she's so cute"....and then I'm quickly over it.

I don't coo over babies in strollers, I don't have that urge to hold them. As a female, I feel like something's wrong with me. I was at lunch with some friends the other day (one pregnant, the other celebrating her 2 year old's bday recently) and there was a baby at the table nearby and they couldn't stop looking at the damn baby! "Awww he's eating apple wheels." Goo goo ga ga blah.

I'm sorry, but I'll go ga-ga over a puppy before I will a baby. Am I in the minority here?

Yes Robin, you must return your gender card. Stat!!!

Lol, no, you are not in the minority. I have several girlfriends like you, actually, my younger sister is very much like you (she's 24, been married 3 years, I think you met her at the tailgate). She would hold my nieces and nephew when they were babies and she looked so awkward; we always got a good laugh out of it when we'd just place one of the babies in her hands when she wasn't really expecting it. In fact, I started doing it all the time on purpose just to mess with her. But yeah, she has no inclination to hold or coo over babies or anything like that.

I happen to love babies and everything about them. I've babysat from a young age and am really comfortable around them. I don't coo over them when they pass by in a stroller because I find that to be annoying. But I'll hold them and play with them forever if their mom's (mom's I'm friends with, not strangers or anything) will let me. Can't wait to have a few of my own in the future. :D

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Of course I love babies especially the ones I blessed the world with who in turn blessed me or will bless me and the world even further.

I must have that daddy or grandpa aura that gets babies attention in the stores to which Mrs ND said don't even think about it :D

Don't worry once your clock starts ticking in a couple of years you could become Mom o Cinco.

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boooooooo crying babies suck

I don't mind crying babies, and I always feel bad for their mothers because you know their mom's are trying to get them to stop.

What pisses me off is parents who can't control their toddler, or don't seem to even want to control them. I understand that toddlers run around and act out, that's fine, but I get pissed when the parents aren't paying attention or don't discipline them for repeated outbursts of ridiculousness.

For instance, on a long flight once, there was this toddler sprinting up and down one of the aisles for like 20 minutes, hitting the seats as she ran "boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom." It was like Stilwell Angel on A League of Their Own, I swear to God. I'm trying to sleep on this freaking 10 hour red-eye and I'm stuck with Stillwell Angel! Okay, well, I wake up to figure the mom is going to wrangle control of the child, oh no. The mom as totally oblivious, reading a book or some crap. THAT pisses me off. A baby crying is fine, but when parents don't tend to their kids when their kids are clearly out of control, that gets me.

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I was like that until my sons were born. Wait until it's your own baby....then you'll really go "ga-ga".

Or when your little princess turns 3 or 4 and figure out daddy won't go bye bye without me if I take off his shoes and sleep in his arms when he's sitting in the lazyboy recliner.

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I didn't like babies until I had mine and that opened a whole new side of me I never knew I had.
just know that when you do have kids, your thoughts will change.
i am guessing you dont have a baby of your own yet...
then Jr came along and everything changed.
Don't worry once your clock starts ticking in a couple of years you could become Mom o Cinco.
I was like that until my sons were born. Wait until it's your own baby....then you'll really go "ga-ga".
I never did till I became a dad but only to my own son......domwthing takes over your body when you see your liitle boy or girl come out of the (borats voice) virgine


I roll my eyes soooo hard in your general directions :silly:

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