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When is being a hardcore fan too hardcore?


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King George Michael cleared JG for this crime a few months back.

It was actually Al Saunders who frantically radioed the call into JG's headset.

Being the gentleman that Gibbs is, he took the heat and never threw Al under the bus.

JG might have taken this nugget to his grave, but an unnamed source leaked the truth to George.

Somehow this little nuance made all of Gibbs 2.0 easier for me to swallow a year after the fact.

At the time I did not know that. Doesn't change my reaction. Thanks for the info.

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I live in Idaho so a lot of times I have to go to a Sports bar to get my Skins fix. I usually try to behave in public but sometimes it hard. I also happen to live in a town with a large Hispanic population which in turn many of their families originally came up from Texas or Cali so to make a long story short I'm usually at Elliot's sports bar as the ONLY Redskins fan in a room full of Raiders or Cowboys fan. It's actually not that bad because everybody's pretty mellow (No liquor served on Sundays, No Smoking ever, and minors are usually present). But when you're neck deep in an 2-6 slide the jibes can be pretty ruthless.

When I do get to watch at home, then I yell, cuss, throw my little redskins nerfball (had it 20 years) and generally act a fool. My wife doesn't get it and ties that "it's only a game, BS". I hate that. Then she has the stones to ask if she can use an old jersey for a nightgown! I don't care how good she'd look in it, I tell her "Not until you commit to the team...forever!!!"

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At the time I did not know that. Doesn't change my reaction. Thanks for the info.

I don't think most people know about that even today.

My reaction at the time was of anger, but it just seemed like par for the course during Gibbs 2.0.

The team did not appear to be playoff bound at the time. After the ST week, I didn't have the energy to get physically violent the way I did in 1999.

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I agree with the whole "depends on your stage in life" assessment.

When I was younger I refused to watch any Redskins game with anyone else...period. Following losses I ripped shirts, flipped coffee tables, punched walls, etc. But really the only time I ever really regretted anything was following the 4th and 26 conversion by the Eagles against the Packers in the playoffs a few years back (just for the record, I hate the Eagles almost as much as I love the Skins). At the time we had a console TV and I fired a water bottle at it and the cap put a huge knick in the bottom of it.

Now I'll watch most games with other people (unless they are Eagles/Dallas fans and we are playing their team). When we lose, I usually just change the channel and take a "whatever" approach. Unless its an inexplicable loss like last year against the Rams or the Buffalo game in 2007 for examples. Then I usually get pretty upset but never act out on it.

Oh yeah, and during the Eagles playoff run this season I wished some pretty bad stuff on McNabb...but I don't feel bad for that.

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I think I handle games Ok, But there our 3 things. That make me go postal !!!!

1. When JC double pumps. At that point you know something real bad is about to happen.

2. JZ play calling. When we get 6 yards when we need 9.

3. When we check down when we need big yards.

These 3 things Is what gets to me. I'm fine with our D. Its our Offense . That can set up a good week or bad week for me!!! I try to let it go but its hard. Since I know we have the players to get it done. I guess the last thing is when I see Davis sitting on the sidelines and other rookies on there teams tearing it up,Makes my blood boil!!!!

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It's ok to be passionate for the team but IMO not ok to be a mindless overly-dedicated money-spending robot that will eat whatever the team craps out.

I don't let losses bother me for more than a few hours because the whole point of watching a game for me is to have 3 hours of fun, rooting for the team that I've obsessively studied, drinking with my friends, and yelling at a tv in a house or bar. During the offseason, following the team gives me something to think about and discuss with everyone here on these boards.

But I don't own any jerseys and probably will never buy one. It's just not something I think a grown man should wear around, unless you are actually at the game. (Although I like it when women wear them).

Also, I would never pass up being with a girl in order to watch a game unless its the playoffs. As a general rule of thumb, the ladies come first. Wait until you're married and in your 40's to ignore a woman and watch the game.

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Stephen Davis's fumble vs. Dallas in the MNF game in 2001 cost me a nice remote control and a repair job on my apt. wall at the time. I also have scared the hell out of my kids on several occassions yelling like an idiot. I have since made a nice man cave in my basement for more privacy..... I take losses very personally because I love the team so damned much. I get over them pretty quick, though.

When they win, it just feels so damned good... especially when they beat Dallas or Philly or the Ggirls.

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I think the line is crossed when it negatively affects people that are the most important to you.

There's nothing wrong with going to every game, tailgating for hours and hours, travelling across the country for away games, driving clear across the country just to show off a burgundy and gold car that you had custom painted, etc.

All of that stuff does not push the boundaries at all. But if you buy season tickets when you have an income that barely pays rent and puts food on the table for your family, or if you miss the most important moments in the lives of your children because tailgating starts at 7 a.m. for a 7 p.m. game, etc.

That crosses the line. If it affects YOU negatively, it's your priorities and you do whatever you want. But if those decisions affect others negatively in a profound manner, you went from being a diehard fan to being an irresponsible little ****.

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I get insanely quite. I know that doesn't make much since, "insanely quite." But I wont talk to anyone, fiance, kids, no one!!! I just mumble to myself with a few F-this and F-that thrown in there. But when things are going good you can't get me to be quite. I talk my fiances head off. To the point were she doesn't want me talking anymore. She is coming to understand my "insanity" when it comes to Skinz/Boyz games.

She doesn't know much about football, she likes the 49ers, but I try and teach her things all the time. I mean, she wants me to teach her everything I know, which is a lot. I show her how certain plays work, formations, describe the different positions in detail, I have even drawn out formations for her to study. She is really getting into it!!! She even wants to get involved in my Fantasy Football League. She doesn't want to start her own team, just wants me to fill her in on what is going on in my league and with my team. I even let her select one of my picks in the draft last year.

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People deal with things differently and to a lot it is symbolism.

I have a little "21" next to my Redskins logo. Why? Because it symbolizes to me that people can change and busting your ass in whatever you do day to day can and will get you far in life.

Along the lines of "too hardcore" I'd only say causing bodily harm to someone else when unprovoked....everything else is good in my mind.

I wouldn't go out of my way to let someone know that their #21 Sean Taylor tattoo is a little too hardcore, it is your body, far be it from me to tell you what to do with it, but if someone asked my opinion, like this thread topic did, i'd say it's too hardcore and not something i'd ever do or encourage someone else to do.

But you have to realize that i'm probably a lot different that most people when it comes to stuff like this. I won't wear jersey with a players name on it, I just find it odd to wear clothing with another man's name on it.

I think it's fine for kids and even women but at some point, like with Trick or Treating, you kinda age out of it and should leave it to the kids.

I also realize that i'm in the vast minority with my opinion on jerseys, being that they seem to sell very well and like my opinion on Sean Taylor tattoos, i'm not going to go out of my way to criticize someone for wearing a jersey, it's just not something i'd do.

So just based on my opinion on jerseys, you can see why I'd consider tattoos too hardcore.

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I wouldn't go out of my way to let someone know that their #21 Sean Taylor tattoo is a little too hardcore, it is your body, far be it from me to tell you what to do with it, but if someone asked my opinion, like this thread topic did, i'd say it's too hardcore and not something i'd ever do or encourage someone else to do.

But you have to realize that i'm probably a lot different that most people when it comes to stuff like this. I won't wear jersey with a players name on it, I just find it odd to wear clothing with another man's name on it.

I think it's fine for kids and even women but at some point, like with Trick or Treating, you kinda age out of it and should leave it to the kids.

I also realize that i'm in the vast minority with my opinion on jerseys, being that they seem to sell very well and like my opinion on Sean Taylor tattoos, i'm not going to go out of my way to criticize someone for wearing a jersey, it's just not something i'd do.

Okay, you are just a weirdo now ;)

I'm glad I'm "too hardcore" then :D

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Living in NC I usually watch the Skins at a local bar. We have a good group of Skins fans and pretty much far outnumber any other fans there, always. There are a lot of Bills fans there too for some reason. When Gibbs called two time outs against Buffalo in 07 some little punk called him a " dumb old fool ( actually something else but dont want to get banned)" I stood up and walked right to him in the midst of all his fellow fans and just said, "Outside, now". He had been drinking a lot I guess and could not hold it and he actually pissed on himself!!!! It just made me laugh and I walked away. Usually my language gets crazy but I usually just mutter. I cannot eat during a game I will throw up. When I was much younger I ripped an old pillow apart.

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I used to be nuts. Things happened in my life that changed me. between having two kids since 2004 and a life threatening health emergency last summer which requires me to keep my blood pressure low (for the rest of my life), the last few years really mellowed me down tremendously. I still love the Skins and will watch them everytime they're on, but when the game is over and we end up losing I just move on

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I think the line is crossed when it negatively affects people that are the most important to you.

There's nothing wrong with going to every game, tailgating for hours and hours, travelling across the country for away games, driving clear across the country just to show off a burgundy and gold car that you had custom painted, etc.

All of that stuff does not push the boundaries at all. But if you buy season tickets when you have an income that barely pays rent and puts food on the table for your family, or if you miss the most important moments in the lives of your children because tailgating starts at 7 a.m. for a 7 p.m. game, etc.

That crosses the line. If it affects YOU negatively, it's your priorities and you do whatever you want. But if those decisions affect others negatively in a profound manner, you went from being a diehard fan to being an irresponsible little ****.

amazing post. Breaking things and getting so mad that you scare the kids could be added on that list. If you scare the kids and sacrifice their important moments, upset the wife, dig yourself into major debt, break objects or cause yourself to get into a fight go to jail over not being able to maintain your temper you really need to find another hobby.

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Living in NC I usually watch the Skins at a local bar. We have a good group of Skins fans and pretty much far outnumber any other fans there, always. There are a lot of Bills fans there too for some reason. When Gibbs called two time outs against Buffalo in 07 some little punk called him a " dumb old fool ( actually something else but dont want to get banned)" I stood up and walked right to him in the midst of all his fellow fans and just said, "Outside, now". He had been drinking a lot I guess and could not hold it and he actually pissed on himself!!!!

*Gulps" He can make a dude do THAT, just by getting in his face and offering him out? :yikes:

*Makes note to NEVER upset Brax. :paranoid:


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man, some of you are violent!

Worst thing that happens when the skins lose is I'm in a pissy mood. I yell and cuss at the tv, but I don't think I've ever come close to breaking anything.

I love my skins tattoo and do not regret getting it. I don't think it's too hardcore, it's perfect :)

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