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When is being a hardcore fan too hardcore?


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I think breaking things is going a bit too far. Gotta pay for that stuff,(again),so that's out of the question for me.


Unfortunately, I've gone a bit too far and have had to pay for things. :doh:

I've broken remotes, an ottoman, a couch, doors, etc. All it's done is cost money. I think my wife empowers me, because she's right next to me screaming like a banshee. The good news is that I've calmed down, somewhat, and haven't broken anything in the past few years. We even bought those TV bricks and those cushiony(sp?) little footballs that you can throw at stuff and not break things. I am so amped for the games that I don't even drink, (at home that is;))

I try not to get worked up, but I can't help it. Even as a little kid, I would watch games with my Dad and we'd both go nuts.

While I've calmed down significantly,(no longer break stuff), my current "problem" is my language. I scream like a maniac and launch into profanity laced tirades, with healthy doses of the F-bomb tossed in for good measure.

That's not a problem at home, but it can be at games. I make a serious effort to control my language, (with Mrs. Skinsfan's assistance via an elbow to the ribs), to watch my language at games. I don't want to be the ass-hat that causes a parent not to take their kid(s) to FedEx.

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I have to watch games alone. I have a 3 year old son who mimics my anger while watching sporting events. If I yell and scream, he does the same.. definitely a bad influence.

Lets see, though.. I've broken a coffee table, put numerous holes in walls, doors, etc.. broken remotes.. almost ruined a marriage a few times.

I have a problem.

To be honest, its worse with Maryland basketball. :mad:

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I have to watch games alone. I have a 3 year old son who mimics my anger while watching sporting events. If I yell and scream, he does the same.. definitely a bad influence.

Lets see, though.. I've broken a coffee table, put numerous holes in walls, doors, etc.. broken remotes.. almost ruined a marriage a few times.

I have a problem.

To be honest, its worse with Maryland basketball. :mad:

MD basketball overachieves every year. we under achieve. I get what you're saying though. it's all where your pasion lies.

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My wife just angers me more while I'm on a rage.. comments like "you're crazy".. and "I'm leaving".. just anger me more when I'm focused on a game.

My wife has started taking advantage of me not paying attention to what she says during a Skins game. I know she's talking, then before I know it she's gone. She arrives a couple hours later with shopping bags in her arms. :evilg:

This is why I can't afford to break things.

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I think people getting Sean Taylor #21 tattoos is a little too hardcore.

that is your opinion.

what about redskins tattoos?

A lot has to do with what stage you are in life.

i agree.

im single, i am 25, and have yet to find a guy to put up with my love for the team..."im a girl, im not supposed to be like this."

i will always be a die hard fan, but breaking things and going crazy, that's not me...


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I sort of went off on a co-worker this past year. He was so happy to see the 'Skins go 8-8. He's a 'fan' that doesn't really act like one, and the whole year he was yucking it up and dogging me and another co-worker for being optimistic and I had had enough. Apologized right away. Something that never should have happened, especially in a work environment. I normally don't go off like that though, it was just the constant nagging I think.

During game days I don't do much crazy stuff. I'll get mad and yell and stuff, but the cursing is kept to a minimum and the most I'll ever do is smack my coffee table.

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I'm lucky I have a wife that supports my SKINS habit....she has over the years learned every players name and almost every position...my 18 month old son has Portis and Cooley jerseys and seems to smile at the playing of Hail to the REDSKINS....that being said I have.

1. I have punched a hole in a wall (friends house)

2. I have yelled at my wife to be quiet offense at work

3. I have gone to bed at 4:30 pm on Sunday after a loss

4. I have picked a random fight with a cowboys fan

5. I spend more time standing during a game than sitting

6. I pray more during a Redskin Game than at church.

7. I am a REDSKINS FAN and wouldn't have it any other way!

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A lot has to do with what stage you are in life.

When younger, like the OP, the whole week revolves around Sunday. Even more so if your fortune enough to attend games in person. The game takes priority over other aspects of your life it probably really shouldn't, in reality, be that money spent going on games at the expense of things it probably should be spent on; relationships suffering et all. But that's the lot of being a fan of a sports team. There's very little sense to it to the lay man.

As you get older, and you get different responsibilities, and things change in your life, that lessen's.

I mean the passion's still there, but you get a whole new perspective that comes with age and experience. The way a defeat would ruin my whole week is certainly not the same. I'll be pissed on a Sunday, and then it's "meh", and you move on with everything else you have going on. People grow, people change. That's just life.

Football no longer becomes the be all and end all.


I could not have said it any better than this....

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im single' date=' i am 25, and have yet to find a guy to put up with my love for the team..."im a girl, im not supposed to be like this."

i will always be a die hard fan, but breaking things and going crazy, that's not me...




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Opening day of 1999.

I was living on the west coast at the time watching in my apartment.

Skins/Boys was the Fox game of the day.

A blown 4th qtr lead and Rocket Ismail.

I threw a half full can of beer at the wall with all of my might.

That was the last time I was truly violent over the Skins.

I was in the club that day. A beautiful gorgeous day, perfect weather, big lead.

**** the Cowboys.


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Was traveling from Buffalo by car to Long Island. Wife was driving. I was listening to Buffalo at Redskins on Sirius with headphones so she didn't have to listen.

A certain HOF coach calls a 2nd timeout at the same time as the Bills' holder was seemingly having a hard time with the snap (saw it on replay later).

I just about lost my mind. I snatched my hat off my head and started beating on the dashboard with a ferocity generally reserved for someone who had just stabbed your mother in front of you. At the same time I started screaming at the top of my lungs, "NOOOO YOU STUPID MOTHER****ER!!!!! EVERYBODY KNOWS YOU CAN"T CALL 2 TIMEOUTS IN A ROW!!!!!" This went on for about 30-40 seconds.

Mind you I had headphones on so she didn't know what caused this sudden explosion, and and it freaked her out, and she had a hard time keeping control of the car.

Not the most explosive I ever got, but the one time it affected someone else.

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A certain HOF coach calls a 2nd timeout

King George Michael cleared JG for this crime a few months back.

It was actually Al Saunders who frantically radioed the call into JG's headset.

Being the gentleman that Gibbs is, he took the heat and never threw Al under the bus.

JG might have taken this nugget to his grave, but an unnamed source leaked the truth to George.

Somehow this little nuance made all of Gibbs 2.0 easier for me to swallow a year after the fact.

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I think people getting Sean Taylor #21 tattoos is a little too hardcore.

People deal with things differently and to a lot it is symbolism.

I have a little "21" next to my Redskins logo. Why? Because it symbolizes to me that people can change and busting your ass in whatever you do day to day can and will get you far in life.

Along the lines of "too hardcore" I'd only say causing bodily harm to someone else when unprovoked....everything else is good in my mind.

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I agree though I can't watch with a non-diehard Skins fan...everyone else just pisses me off.

But at the same time, I'd never hit my mom...shame on you.

I feel the same way. I have so much passion I can't express it during a game to a casual fan who isn't obsessed. But I have thankfully never slapped my mother during a game. I just flex all my muscles and squeeze my face really hard to relieve the stress. I'm surprised I haven't popped a blood vessel yet.

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I only watch or go to the game with diehards. If they like another team, I can handle it, as long as they're knowledgeable of the game.

OOPS, left this out. When I was in Georgia doing work I found a bar that was showing the Skins game. I posted up in front of the big screen monday night to watch the Skins vs Eagles. I was the only Redskins fan in the place. To be honest, I dont even know if there were any football fans in there period besides me. There was a group of what it looked like teachers sitting behind me, probably about 10 of them. Well as the game progressed, I was going through the normal motions of the game(yelling for joy,screaming in agony.) The people behind at first thought I was crazy and I apologized once for being so loud, but they told me not to hold back, do what I do. I think they got a kick out it, watching me on cloud 9 one moment and devistated the next.

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I have a problem.

To be honest, its worse with Maryland basketball. :mad:

Tell me about it. You're too young to remember the Lefty days. (or God forbid Wade)

My dad kicked his relatives from Ft Worth out of our house on Thanksgiving right as we about to to eat after the Clint Longley play. But hey, that's not too hardcore. What the hell were they doing at our house anyway!

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Was traveling from Buffalo by car to Long Island. Wife was driving. I was listening to Buffalo at Redskins on Sirius with headphones so she didn't have to listen.

A certain HOF coach calls a 2nd timeout at the same time as the Bills' holder was seemingly having a hard time with the snap (saw it on replay later).

I just about lost my mind. I snatched my hat off my head and started beating on the dashboard with a ferocity generally reserved for someone who had just stabbed your mother in front of you. At the same time I started screaming at the top of my lungs, "NOOOO YOU STUPID MOTHER****ER!!!!! EVERYBODY KNOWS YOU CAN"T CALL 2 TIMEOUTS IN A ROW!!!!!" This went on for about 30-40 seconds.

Mind you I had headphones on so she didn't know what caused this sudden explosion, and and it freaked her out, and she had a hard time keeping control of the car.

Not the most explosive I ever got, but the one time it affected someone else.

Bro I was at that game....pretty much the whole stadium did that exact same thing I threw my hat it was not pretty...

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