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Baltimore Sun: MD to Ban Texting While Driving(Merged)


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Something they've already pretty much done here. Can't say I blame them. When I first started to get in to the texting thing,I tried this. Bad idea. Way to easy for bad things to happen. Nothing did,but I could see the potential. It's a good thing. I'm not too worried about talking on the phone. At least with an earpiece. Driving for as long as I have,I actually found it more distracting having passengers in the car and talking. Looking up in the rear view mirror ect. Lord knows after watching my parents,(and then many other parents since then),turning around and such to "talk" to the kids can be quite the distraction.

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I thought it went into effect October 1st

I just read that too. Passed it along to her. Maybe someone got very exited to ticket for texting.

They shoulda got busted another $500 for being on Facebook.

That's actually her excuse. She wasn't texting but updating her Facebook status.. through her phone.

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That's actually her excuse. She wasn't texting but updating her Facebook status.. through her phone.

Because that's a better reason to be using the phone. :doh:

She already told the cop that didn't she ? She hasn't a leg to stand on and the cop probably thought she was an idiot.

"Sorry officer, I wasn't texting, I was in the Extremeskins chat room asking for directions".

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This is silly and wont be easy to enforce. You're honor, I wasnt texting, I was looking at pictures on my cell. I was checking the weather. I was admiring my pretty phone. Better to simply charge somebody with dangerous driving while self distracted. The crime should be dangerous driving, the cause should be linked to an activity done by the driver which is self distracting.

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Good, need talking on the cell phone banned too, and that goes for EVERY state, not just MD. people cant drive these days as is, but i dont see how it will be enforced really. No cops around? alright text.. see a cop.. stop texting

Text cameras

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Is it too much to ask folks to simply concentrate on the road while driving and to text, call, chat, bluetooth, search, google, facebook, etc, etc when you get where you're going? Is being in constant social contact 24/7 that vital to one's sense of self-worth or whatever that you can't go 5 minutes in a car without uploading and sending a photo and/or text message?

I know it was the stone age, back when the internet was made entirely out of wood and chickens had lips, but we all used to do this only a decade and a half ago and somehow managed to survive.

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Expecting drivers to gasp focus on driving and not send "lol" or CUL8r messages?!! The horror.

The sad thing is that you have to legislate common sense for the idiots who do it in the first place.

That's actually the scary part of this. There are more then likely people out there AGAINST this. Insanity. Really, if an officer sees you doing anything other then driving, it should be a ticket.

IMO, we need to completely overhaul the licensing program as well as road laws and penalties. It's antiquated and in my experience, I'm not seeing drivers getting better, I'm seeing them getting worse.

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That's actually the scary part of this. There are more then likely people out there AGAINST this. Insanity. Really, if an officer sees you doing anything other then driving, it should be a ticket.

IMO, we need to completely overhaul the licensing program as well as road laws and penalties. It's antiquated and in my experience, I'm not seeing drivers getting better, I'm seeing them getting worse.

When I was on BW highway last week and a driver was on the phone, applying makeup and had a drink in her hand while trying to merge without looking I knew I would have had a road rage moment if I didn't swerve to avoid her. According to her tags she was a Floridian.

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I'm ok with this, but I'm not sure how well they will enforce it. How will they know someone is just looking at their phone as opposed to texting? When they pull you over, will they go through your messages to see when the last time you sent a text was? I can't see that one going over too well. People that are against this law are crazy! If you really need to talk to someone while you're driving just call them instead of texting them the entire time you're in the car. I feel like the main culprits will be teenagers since they are the big texters

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From the Gizmodo website, an account about the consequences of people texting-while-driving:

But there's nothing better than an anecdotal account of how bad texting while driving is, courtesy of reader Trevor, who has been rear ended three times this year by people texting on their phones.

Anyways, I live in Idaho. And everyone who lives in this state ****ING SUCKS at driving. The last thing we need is people using their cell phones simultaneously, but of course I see everyone from the 15 year old girls to 50 year old guys typing out emails on their Blackberries. It sucks ass to have to deal with these ****ing morons on a daily basis.

Anyways, on to the first incidence of getting hit:

I was driving through stop and go traffic outside of a high school moment after they got out of school, and I am completely stopped when I see a brand new Hummer H2 coming up on my ass at ferocious speed. I knew I was going to get hit, and right before he made contact, I was able to discern a ****ing cell phone in his hands through my rear view mirror. The officer on the scene estimated he hit me going roughly 30mph, and had not even applied the brakes before hitting me. Completely totaled my beloved Toyota Tacoma, and gave me a wicked case of whiplash. By the way it was a roughly 17 year old guy driving his parents Hummer to school. Spoiled prick...

Second time was just 6 months later in the winter. It was a touch icy on the roads and I was stopped to make a left turn onto a side street and I look in my rear view mirror (after the Hummer incident I have been made paranoid about being hit), and see a little Dodge Neon moving way too fast towards me and start sliding sideways right into the back of my new truck. I jumped out and asked if she was ok, and the first thing she says to me is "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I was texting and didn't even see you there until it was too late." This time the damage wasn't too bad, but I ended up being without my vehicle for 2 weeks, during which I had a ****ty little rental car, so it still was quite the inconvenience.

Third time was about 3 weeks ago and I'm still feeling sore from it. I was sitting at a stop light and a big Ford F-350 with a huge trailer full of lawn mowing equipment plowed into me at about 25mph, once again totalling my vehicle, and absolutely wrecking my back. I felt like I got hit my a freight train this time. I had my foot on the brake, and he made my car skid forward so hard that I pushed the car in front of me into the car in front of him. An eyewitness to the accident said that the man in the truck was using a phone when he hit me, and it was just verified to me the other day that his phone record shows that he sent a text message seconds before the accident occured. At least this guy was able to apply a little bit of brakes before making contact, but still, I got hit really hard. I'm going to have to see a chiropractor, and I now am searching for another vehicle.

So yeah. That's my record for getting hit. It really sucks. I can't quite say I would mind the banning of
after all of this as I'm 100% sure at least somebody has lost their life in an accident caused by texting while driving. Hell, I used to do it before I got the iPhone which is ****ing impossible to do without looking, but after seeing how poorly most others handle it, I can definitely understand why people are wanting this kind of a ban.

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I think it's a good thing.

Besides drinking, texting on a cell phone is the dumbest thing you can do while driving.

Yep. At least talking on a cell phone your eyes are not diverted to the screen (unless you're typing in the number). But texting while driving? Come on! Now I will admit at red lights I will pull out my phone if I get a text and read it but responding takes too long. Plus I will most likely drop the phone if I start moving and then trying to search for it I could rear end someone. Good law I hope VA does or has done this as well.

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  • 4 months later...

Texting while driving is about 1,000 times more dangerous than talking on the phone while driving. At least if you're talking on the phone, you're probably looking forward. I'm sure we've all done it at one time or another, but it's a really bad idea. Not sure how enforceable the law will be, but at the very least there needs to be an increase in awareness about the issue.

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Texting while driving is about 1,000 times more dangerous than talking on the phone while driving. At least if you're talking on the phone, you're probably looking forward. I'm sure we've all done it at one time or another, but it's a really bad idea. Not sure how enforceable the law will be, but at the very least there needs to be an increase in awareness about the issue.

I agree. It's extremely dangerous. I've done it from time to time, but I try not to text unless I'm at a red light or not going fast. I'm not sure how they'll be able to tell if you were reading something on your phone or texting. I guess they'll ask for your phone and go through your messages?

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Wow....how do you suspect someone is texting while driving? Do people put there hands above the steering wheel to text? I always text while the phone is in my lap, how is anyone possibly going to see that? I can text without looking at the phone as well.....doesn't disturb my driving.

well then you would be pulled over for this :jerk: which is probably worse then driving while texting

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really do not see much of a reason for this!

Has this just been indoctrinated in the rule book just for the sake of pleasing a public outcry. The teeny boppers that use this as a negligible act should be the ones that this law is mandated against, not the adults :D.

So, exactly how are they planning to catch you if you are texting and driving?!

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Sorry this is 100% a necessary law. Txting is much worse than talking on a cellphone while driving because you take your eyes off of the road to glance down and write or read a message.

Why do you need to txt someone while driving that you couldn't call or handle when you reach your destination.

I have been rear-ended by people txting and have seen way too many people swerving on the road while txting to ever believe the benefits outweigh the risks.

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