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Have you ever been with anybody famous?


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I have not been but living in Southern California I have friends (both male and female) that have hilarious & even frightening stories of hooking up with some famous people. I would love to dish but I can't sell out my local area sports heroes. Don't break the code!

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GACOLB..i believe you man. you never lie to me no matter what happens.

Thanks man. I stopped telling people years ago because no one believes it. Celebrites are no different than us but people act like they're untouchable dieties or something.

Anyway, I think the lesson of my story is that with enough money, enough drugs, and a big enough **** anything is possible in LA. Just need 2 out of 3 and right place, right time.

mjah - Sloppy seconds? Ha! This was 5 years ago. Not 15.

And I agree with Duckus. Protecting the name of a pornstar? You've got to be kidding me.

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Bikni model huh?

Yea, what a loser you are dude.


It might sound fun in theory, but it's really not. There are plenty of cooler, more down to earth girls out there who might not have the same insane looks, but are fine enough and don't carry the same emotional issues. I've never dated a girl before or since that ended up being such a continuous headache, both when we were going out up to present day.

Another sort of famous person in my local area story, which is only a good story around FSU but since nobody in this thread feels like telling real stories I might as well throw anything out there:

When homecoming rolls around every fall, fraternities and sororities pair up with each other to build floats, promote homecoming together, and generally as an excuse to get drunk and party with each other. About three years ago we were paired up with probably the most notable sorority on campus, and my roommate met a cute, blond girl at a party we had together and proceeded to hook up with her. After the party is over we find out that in the same night, she hooked up with two other guys in our fraternity, so jokes on him. That spring, they release this cheesy campus magazine that features a pictorial of this girl modeling on a golf course, and of course we all grill him for hooking up her with along with every other sucker who did, and now a lot of people in our social circle on campus know this girl. Starting last winter, she ended up doing the promotional videos for FSU sports that they'd play during basketball games and football games, where she'd say random trivia on pre-taped videos on the big screens or go onto the court and host contests, half-time shows, or whatever, and everybody knows this girl by now due to the magazine and her sports marketing appearances everywhere.

My roommate had just started dating a girl in that same sorority, and during a basketball game, one of our drunken buddies goes "hey man, there's that girl you hooked up with along with so and so at our homecoming party!" and proceeds to joke about him keeping a copy of that magazine for good memories. Well his new girlfriend was sitting next to him for the game, and lo and behold, this marketing girl everybody knows has actually been her roommate for awhile due to them being in the same sorority, but this information had been withheld from her this entire time. She ended up getting mad he didn't tell her he hooked up with her sorority sister, let alone her roommate, dumped a whole bag of popcorn on his head, and left the game. They ended up getting back together shortly thereafter, but now whenever this girl pops up at a sporting event (which is very often) there are always awkward jokes and tension to follow.

Like I said, not the best story to follow this thread's idea, but nobody's putting anything else forth and this girl is a somewhat notable person around here. I apologize to anyone who read that and now hates me for possibly wasting their time :silly:.

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I took a yeager bomb with Leonardo DeCaprio at the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood in May 2007.

Instead of asking him to introduce me to the two fine females he was chatting with the only thing I could think to talk about was The Departed.

Still a mistake that haunts me.

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I took a yeager bomb with Leonardo DeCaprio at the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood in May 2007.

Instead of asking him to introduce me to the two fine females he was chatting with the only thing I could think to talk about was The Departed.

Still a mistake that haunts me.

Jthor, I can't understand why those two girls didn't just want you as soon as they saw you do that Jaeger-bomb. :whoknows:

The rest of this thread seems to indicate that no one has ever been with anyone famous in any capacity. :doh:

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A few years ago in LA I hooked up with Christina Aguilera. Met her at Hyde and she had a room at the SLS in Beverly Hills. I realize that no one will believe me but whatever. True story.

Hell, I believe it, this one trounces my Elimidate chick. Honest question, was it any different, at least mentally, since she was famous? Kind of a "Holy ****" surreal thing?

Asking you since you've dropped the most famous name so far.

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Jthor, I can't understand why those two girls didn't just want you as soon as they saw you do that Jaeger-bomb. :whoknows:

The rest of this thread seems to indicate that no one has ever been with anyone famous in any capacity. :doh:

Did you miss that GACOLB was with Christina Aguilara? And yes, he knows you don't believe him.
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This thread is funny, God love all the porn chick/stripper responses.

As for the whole famous thing, even when single I wouldn't have "been" with someone famous. No way. I don't even like being around that environment, much less just being another "random chick" that a celeb could add to his growing list of one-night stands with random chicks.

And not to derail the thread or anything, but I just don't get the awe our society has for "celebs." I don't get how people are in awe of other people who happen to be famous. Furthermore, I don't get how people think they are in a lower league than a celeb just because they don't have the noteriety the celeb posesses. Celebs are just the same as us.

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And not to derail the thread or anything, but I just don't get the awe our society has for "celebs." I don't get how people are in awe of other people who happen to be famous. Furthermore, I don't get how people think they are in a lower league than a celeb just because they don't have the noteriety the celeb posesses. Celebs are just the same as us.


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I slammed Sally field's nephew into a wall and called him a *****.....He was in the Marines with me. Renigged on a bet we had in the Spurs-Lakers playoff series about 5 years ago.

Actually, this reminds me...my high school had a lot of children of congressmen in it. When I was a senior, I attempted to stick a freshman kid in a locker, though he wouldn't fit. He was the son of a Representative from Texas.

We were friends, for those wondering, it was all in fun, but he was a freshman and needed to fit into a locker. I was assisting him in fulfilling this duty.;)

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Well yes, I left that part out because I didn't want to get into a big debate with anyone about my personal views of Hollywood celebs. However, since it was brought up, I would say that in my experience meeting or hanging out with some celebs, or even when a couple girlfriends dated celebs, my first impression was normally that the individual was an off-balanced (mentally), attention-seeking, narcissist with an average to slightly below average level of intelligence. In addition, they just don't live in reality at all, I doubt they could even relate to reality.

Now, this description I use more when describing people from the current young Hollywood generation.

While the above described attitude is still prevalent in older Hollywood, it is much less so IMO. Like for example, Kevin Costner. When he was still married to his first wife, they lived next door to my uncle. Met them on several occasions and the whole family was extremely nice and down to earth, didn't have that air of superiority about them at all.

I have never had that experience whenever I've interacted with any of the younger MTV generation celebs, neither have any of my friends who live down here and hang out in West Hollywood on a regular basis.

Anyway, those are just my opinions I've come to over the last several years of my personal experiences and the experiences of my friends. I realize there are some good people in the Hollywood scene, but I certainly don't think they're in the majority at all.

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