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What Celebrities/Stars Have You Bumped Into Accidentally?

Califan007 The Constipated

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I'm not talking about meeting them backstage at one of their concerts or seeing them at one of their movie premieres. I'm talking about going into a bar/club/gas station/whatever, and suddenly coming face to face with someone famous when you least expect it.

Has it ever happened to you, and if so, who was the celebrity and where did you bump into them?

To give an example, I bumped into Heather Locklear and Richie Sambora when coming out of a bookstore here in California (in Westlake Viilage lol). They parked next to my car and were waiting for me to get in before they got out, but I let them out first not knowing who they were. Then both emerged and I thought "holy ****!" lol...

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I didn't literally bump into him or anything, but I saw our very own Jason Candle at Tyson's Corner the Thursday or Friday night before he started his first game for the Redskins. I did a double take bc I saw a tall dude in a very colorful striped sweater, and it took me a second but I was like oh ****!! I was too nervous to walk up to him but I saw a kid go ask for his autograph when I looked back as I was walking away.

edit: I prolly wouldn't have asked for his autograph anyway, but a picture with him woulda been cool

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Got into an elevator in NYC and was going up when Jack Nicholson walked in. I didn't say anything to him, but just kept facing straight but kept looking at him out of the corner of my eye.

When we hit his floor, the door opened and he said "your friends will never believe you" and walked out.

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I was walkikng out of the Verizon Center after the Caps lost game7 last year and I had my Sean Taylor authentic on and I heard some guy say nice jersey just out side the arena. I turned around and it was CP. I was so drunk I barely remember but it was definitly him. I turned around and mumbled something like, "holy **** its CP". Dapped him up and that was it.

Also I was in Vegas for the VMA's last year and I was going down the elevator at the RIO and we stopped at a floor and Juicy Jay walks in. I didnt even realize it was him because of the smoking hot latina he was with. Then my boy was just like "Juicy Jay, Whats up man. Congratulations on your oscar" or something like that. Juicy replies "it was a grammy but thanks." And that was it.

One more....Marcus Washington at I think Good Guys or JP's one of the two. It was right after the 05 playoff run. I was in my cab pulling up with my cousins and I looked up and there was Marcus Washington waiting for a cab. Me, drunk again, walks up to him and slurred something like, "Marcus!! Great to meet you!! Thanks for taking us to the playoffs!!" He shook my hand and was like "thanks man, I really appreciate it. We will try better next year". He was very cordial and nice and didnt seem like he was bothered by me even though he was at a strip club with his boys. He was the first celebrity/famous person Ive met.

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Not really a big celeb.. but here goes. Around 1984 or so I was driving on E street in NW down by the Kennedy Center one day, and this car jumped the traffic and pulled right out in front of me. I damn near hit him. We both slammed on our brakes and the other guy looks over like a scared rabbit, and lo and behold, it's channel 7 news anchorman David Shumaker. He literally looked like he'd seen a ghost, and I'm sure I didn't help matters by flying my finger at him and calling him a mother****ing idiot at the top of my lungs.. Oh well. That's pretty much what he was.


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lets see...

getting off the plane on the way home from my grandma's funeral i was standing inbetween steve nash and his daughter. she was playing hide and seek from her dad and using me as a shield. he just smiled and said "sorry". i said "you look a lot like steve nash" and when he said he was i shook his hand and said "you are a great player and a stand up dude" and he went on his way.

met roger craig in an airport up in SF in 93. he was coming off of one plane and i was going on to the other. his ****ing legs were HUGE.

met dave grohl at his club in DC. the fighters were just hanging out and drinking. he is a funny mofo though...they even played. they played all their hits and then said "we can play whatever songs you scream out" and they did!!

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I literally bumped into Britney Spears on the street in New Orleans.

I saw James Carville in a bookstore and at a restaurant.

I was waiting in line next to Corbin Bernsen getting a beer at an Orioles game.

I sat next to Edward Norton in an airport bar.

I had Manute Bol ask to sit at my table and eat dinner during happy hour.

Tara Lipinski sat next to me in a restaurant.

Ran into Gene Upshaw on the street in DC.

Donald Southerland on the elevator at the Four Seasons in Gtown...

those are the ones off of the top of my head...sure there are more.

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Got into an elevator in NYC and was going up when Jack Nicholson walked in. I didn't say anything to him, but just kept facing straight but kept looking at him out of the corner of my eye.

When we hit his floor, the door opened and he said "your friends will never believe you" and walked out.

lmao that is freaking awesome.

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Got into an elevator in NYC and was going up when Jack Nicholson walked in. I didn't say anything to him, but just kept facing straight but kept looking at him out of the corner of my eye.

When we hit his floor, the door opened and he said "your friends will never believe you" and walked out.

That is awesome....:cheers:

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When I lived in Wilmington, NC I used to see the Dawson's Creek cast all over town. They used to film in downtown near my school. But I have run into Joshua Jackson most often. I would see him at the Buffalo Wild Wings almost every Monday night for Monday Night Football.

I also saw Michael Jordan, Martin Lawrence and John Travolta while living there. They call Wilmington, NC Hollywood East.

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At the airport in L.A. like 15 years ago, I was walking out of the terminal and there was a limo partked with its back door open. I felt like being a goof and pretended to get into the limo, only to find a guy sitting in the open door half in and half out. I said "Whoops" and laughed, and then realized it was Arnold Schwartzenegger lol...

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Me and some friends went to the driving range in White Flint. As we were going to find an open slot, I saw myself walking up to this tall ass dude. Turns out it was Charles Oakley and he was leaving the range with his instructor.

In Georgetown a few summers ago, me and my girl at the time were walking down towards the theaters and this couple let us go first through a narrow sidewalk. I said "thank you" and it was Maurice Cheeks (for 76ers coach).

In Vegas I found myself walking behind Will Ferrell in Ceasers Palace. My friend told me he saw Vince Vaughn there later that night.

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I met ES Jesus Colt Brennan at Tysons the other day. He was eating at Brio that Italian restaurant. I didn't want to bug him though, because he was sitting having dinner.

I met Lil Wayne at an Atlanta airport. I'm pretty sure he was high (not a surprise). I went up to him, and was like "Hey! You're Lil Wayne!" He then grabbed by the hand and gave me hug and started messing up my hair, he then said "Nice to see you again man." I've never met him before that, it was a little weird...

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I ran into Andre 3000 at the movie theater. He had an absolutely stunning woman with him. I had almost forgot about that.

My former roommate was working the door at a local bar where Hot August Nights (knights?) was playing a show. A group of people is coming up, and one of them looks a lot like Parker Posey.

So he cards her.

Looks at the license, sees it is Parker Posey, and hands it back to her "Cool. I was just checking."

Another buddy of mine was on a plane with Big Boi. When they were getting off the plane, a middle-aged white woman recognized him and said "Hey! You're the guy that sings that 'Caroline' song" then starts singing the chorus of 'Roses' to him. His expression, I'm told, was absolutely priceless. Somewhere between shock and disgust.

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I met Lil Wayne at an Atlanta airport. I'm pretty sure he was high (not a surprise). I went up to him, and was like "Hey! You're Lil Wayne!" He then grabbed by the hand and gave me hug and started messing up my hair, he then said "Nice to see you again man." I've never met him before that, it was a little weird...


if you were money hungry you could've turned that encounter into a lawsuit :silly:

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I met ES Jesus Colt Brennan at Tysons the other day. He was eating at Brio that Italian restaurant. I didn't want to bug him though, because he was sitting having dinner.

I met Lil Wayne at an Atlanta airport. I'm pretty sure he was high (not a surprise). I went up to him, and was like "Hey! You're Lil Wayne!" He then grabbed by the hand and gave me hug and started messing up my hair, he then said "Nice to see you again man." I've never met him before that, it was a little weird...

that lil wayne story made me laugh out loud for some reason, haha....also why was Jesus eating at Brio of all places????

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I met ES Jesus Colt Brennan at Tysons the other day. He was eating at Brio that Italian restaurant. I didn't want to bug him though, because he was sitting having dinner.

I met Lil Wayne at an Atlanta airport. I'm pretty sure he was high (not a surprise). I went up to him, and was like "Hey! You're Lil Wayne!" He then grabbed by the hand and gave me hug and started messing up my hair, he then said "Nice to see you again man." I've never met him before that, it was a little weird...


That cough syrup is slowly but surely eating away at his brain.

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