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What Celebrities/Stars Have You Bumped Into Accidentally?

Califan007 The Constipated

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I bumped into OJ Simpson coming out of the clubhouse at the 1994 AT&T Pro Am in Monterey, California. I said, "OJ! That CIA: Code Name Alexis movie was terrible!" He said "those movies killed me man".

I bumped into Ken Harvey coming out of the Columbia mall many moons ago.

I bumped into Bo Derek at a Pot Bellys in DC where she was getting a sandwich with that dude from "Big Fat Greek Wedding".

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Ran into Suzy Kolber and Merrill Hoge on the streets of Atlanta the day before Super Bowl 34.

Shortly after Sept 11, 2001 I was in the airport in Hartford with Stuart Scott. I was sitting next to him as we were both putting our shoes back on after going through security. Also ran into Wayne Gretzky at that same airport many years ago...I had no clue who he was at the time.

Ran into Dale Jarrett in a grocery store in N. Carolina while visiting relatives.

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My wife used to live in Vermont, and I ran into 2 celebrities up there.

-Flying back home to Maryland on day, I saw Luis Guzman


at the Burlington Airport

-In the Burlington, VT mall, I saw Rob Zombie and his bandmates walking around before their concert that night

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going to HS in McLean i met quite a few politicians

saw Colin Powell get out if his red Corvette and go into CVS at like 2am.

Saw Newt Gingrich at the Kazaan restaurant in McLean and im pretty sure he was with his mistress. they came separately and left at different times.

Met Kwame Brown at the old theaters in Tysons. He was tall as hell but looked like his posse were we bunch of poser/losers. Not surpised he sucks if he keeps that sorta company around him.

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I next to Tony Dorsett for a couple of hours at a bar in Linthicum. He is a pretty nice guy, after a few beers I was trying to get him to trade my shirt, for his Tony D wear shirt.

A couple months later I sat at the same bar with Jessica Simpson and her huge body gaurd. At the time I wasn't sure if she was even old enough to drink.

While walking around The Apple Blossom festival, we ran into Ken Harvey, he was awesome. He took a pick holding my buddies little guys even though they were covered in powder from funnel cake.

I keep on remembering random run ins with celebs. While in New Orleans on a college trip, walking down Bourbon street I ran into Roger Staubach and John Madden. I am not sure why they were in town, but it was the same week the Saints drafted Ricky Williams. It was when John was doing the Ace Hardware commercials so I said, Ace is the Place, he laughed a little.

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It was during the Baywatch days and I was in England. We decided to see a show in the West End and someone recommended BB. There were whispers that David Hasselhoff was going to see the show. Now, I kind of liked Knight Rider, but honestly I didn't care. A few minutes before curtain this really beautiful blonde and her date enter. I stand so she can make her way to her seat next to mine. We watch the show and enjoy it. The blonde is really hot. Anyway, as we're leaving the show, the person I'm with says, "Can you believe we sat next to David Hasselhoff?"

Honest to God, I never noticed I only saw his date/wife.

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My wife has almost had a car accident twice with Timbaland here in Va Beach. When I worked at Foot Locker(Military Circle) growing up Teddy Riley(Black Street)and his family, Method Man, Raekwon, GZA, and "Sweet Pea" Whitaker would come in and buy shoes all the time. There were alot of other people too.

I also worked with Missy Elliott's Mom decorating her house( the one seen on the first time she was on cribs, with her sig. on the floor of the entry way)

My most famous run in was with Michael Jackson, I must have been about 14 and my cousin and I saw him at Disney World. This was prior to him being what he is now. We rounded the corner to go to the haunted mansion and saw a bunch of security guards. He walked right by us about 5 feet away. We followed him around and he ended up finally going on to Tom Sawyer Island( or something like that) to get away.

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Thought of some more...

On different visits, I've sat at the table next to: Morey Amsterdam, Pat Boone, and the guy who played Squiggy on "Laverne & Shirley" while eating at Hamburger Hamlet in L.A....

Saw Judd Nelson on a motorcycle next to my car while driving in L.A., and saw Kelsey Grammar in a convertible sports car merge onto the 101 right next to me (was about to get pissed cuz I thought he was going to cut me off lol)...

Saw Queen Latifah at a Prince concert, she came in late and sat in the row right below mine about 7 seats to the right of where I was. During the concert when everyone stood up and was dancing, she looked over at me and stared...when I looked back at her she stared some more, then gave me this flirty, ****-eating smile lol...I smiled back and turned my head away...

Saw Billy Joel at the bar in the Hardrock Cafe in NYC...my brother and I passed him up and then stood right next to him at the bar. Didn't talk to him, though.

Saw Sally Kirkland and Bruce Glover (Crispin Glover's father) in the Beverly Center mall...they were having a book signing for some book called Artists For Art or something like that. I bought a book and had them sign it...I mentioned Crispin's name and pronounced the last name "Glow-ver", and Bruce corrected me and said "It's actually "Glove-er", like "Lover" lol...And Sally Kirkland kept flirting with me, told me I had a "beautiful face"...then signed this really complimentary autograph on the page with her artwork, then signed the back of my book by doing a drawing on one of the blank pages in the back and wrote something like "You're a beautiful man, love, Sally" or something. I gotta see if I still have that book somewhere...

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Met Peter Tosh back in '79 or '80

Does Ric Flair count? If so, our paths crossed back in '85. I was the night auditor at a hotel in downtown Baltimore and he tipped me $20.00 to hold all of his phone calls. He had a smokin' hot blond with him.

Ran into Magic Johnson at FedEx Field back in '04

There were quite a few celebrities, mostly coaches and players at the HOF, when Green & Monk were inducted. I snuck up front near the stage in the "VIP" section, (right behind the players families), and I met Dan Snyder & Joe Theisman. I even got my picture with them.

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I guess the only "celebrity" I have had run in with was Pierson Prioleau at the park here in Radford on 4th of July a few years back. He was standing in line with his son for some kid thing and I was right behind him with my daughter. Bought some raffle tickets from him too at a church booth. They were raffling off a whole bunch of Redskins stuff including a signed CP jersey. That is when I finally put it together who it was.

Other than that...hell....haven't really met anyone.

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