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Spoiled-Brat Under 30 Crowd...

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thats so true. rich people had MTV when I was a kid. and that wasnt until I was 10

Yeah I remember going over to friends house because he had MTV and scrambled porn, plus the guy had a BetaMax! ;) It was years after that that we got a VHS player.

Hey we did have Friday Night Videos's.... and our ESPN was basically the George Michael Sports Machine. :)

BTW, in the OP I'll add, if you missed a Christmas special such as the Grinch then you were out of luck until next Christmas. No multiple airings on our 6 channels.

I think the channels in NOVA back before cable were 5,7,9,12,20,and 23.

Oh and 56..My Mom worked for some independent channel.

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How about those fancy schmancy new-fangled telephones with no cords? Our telephone receivers had cords on them, so you had to run to the phone to answer it, and pretty much had to stand there to talk. At least the kitchen wall phone had an extra long cord so you could wander a little bit with it. Except it would eventually get all twisted up, so you had to do that thing where you held the cord up and dangled the receiver to let it unspin.

Are's had a hand crank. I kid. We had 1 rotary phone in the Kitchen with short cord.

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You know what. My generation had it fairly easy. We were between wars. Post Vietnam and Pre Iraq. Terrorism was pretty nil. Every so often a airplane would be hijacked and diverted to a different airport. There was less gun violence, more respect for teachers, stronger families, less destructive drugs, better music, safer neighborhoods, cheap gas, families were employed, and each year was a better year economically.

We didn't have some of the tech perks you mentioned, but kids today have a lot less than we did and the horizon was brighter. Our generation and the generation before us really mucked it up for these kids.

That said, we had to use our brains. Kids today have a box do all their tinking for them whether it's a calculator, computer, or tv. I am sometimes amazed at the basic incompetence of today's youth when it comes to math, literacy, and problem solving.

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I'm oooooold! And I'm not happy! And I don't like things now compared to the way they used to be. All this progress -- phooey! In my day, we didn't have these cash machines that would give you money when you needed it. There was only one bank in each state -- it was open only one hour a year. And you'd get in line, seventeen miles long, and the line became an angry mob of people -- fornicators and thieves, mutant children and circus freaks -- and you waited for years and by the time you got to the teller, you were senile and arthritic and you couldn't remember your own name. You were born, got in line, and ya died! And that's the way it was and we liked it!

Life was simpler then. There wasn't all this concern about hy-giene! It my days, we didn't have Kleenex. When you turned seventeen, you were given the family handkerchief. ... It hadn't been washed in generations and it stood on its own ... filled with diseases and swarmin' with flies. ... If you tried to blow your nose, you'd get an infection and your head would swell up and turn green and children would burst into tears at the sight o' ya! And that's the way it was and we liked it!

Life was a carnival! We entertained ourselves! We didn't need moooovin' pitchurrrres. In my day, there was only one show in town -- it was called "Stare at the sun!" ... That's right! You'd sit in the middle of an open field and stare up at the sun till your eyeballs burst into flames! And you thought, "Oh, no! Maybe I shouldn't've stared directly into the burning sun with my eyes wide open." But it was too late! Your head was on fire and people were roastin' chickens over it. ... And that's the way it was and we liked it!

Progress?! Flobble-de-flee! In my day, when we were angry and frustrated, we just said, "Flobble-de-flee!" 'cause we were idiots and we didn't know what else to say! Just a bunch o' illiterate Cro-Magnons, blowin' on crusty handkerchiefs, waitin' in lines for our head to burst into flame and that's the way it was and we liked it!

On the plus side, when I was a kid SNL was worth watching.

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That said, we had to use our brains. Kids today have a box do all their tinking for them whether it's a calculator, computer, or tv. I am sometimes amazed at the basic incompetence of today's youth when it comes to math, literacy, and problem solving.

Maybe you just know some dumb kids? Though I have noticed how terrible some spell. The sucking at manual math is just because a lack of practice, but it's not like most kids don't eventually get there.

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Maybe you just know some dumb kids? Though I have noticed how terrible some spell. The sucking at manual math is just because a lack of practice, but it's not like most kids don't eventually get there.

To me, it's not about being smart or dumb, it's about learning basic life skills.

I may be wrong (haven't been in a classroom much but do know some 18-21 year olds), but I don't the impression that critical thinking, problem solving, communication, etc. are stressed as much. It seems that it takes younger people 15 "like"s or "I mean"s to get across what they are trying to say. They also don't seem to be very good at applying things they learn to other situations/aspects of life.

Who knows, it just seems as though they learn or memorize more facts, but don't actually come out of school better-suited for the real world.

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To me, it's not about being smart or dumb, it's about learning basic life skills.

I may be wrong (haven't been in a classroom much but do know some 18-21 year olds), but I don't the impression that critical thinking, problem solving, communication, etc. are stressed as much. It seems that it takes younger people 15 "like"s or "I mean"s to get across what they are trying to say. They also don't seem to be very good at applying things they learn to other situations/aspects of life.

Who knows, it just seems as though they learn or memorize more facts, but don't actually come out of school better-suited for the real world.

I'd agree with that, but would also blame schools and bad teachers. I commend them for their efforts, and not all of them do this, but in my experience it's rare to have a teacher that goes outside the book and helps the student learn much more than they would just reading the textbook. In my experience, I've learned much more in classes that don't emphasize tests, though 90% of classes do this.

It's actually probably not the teacher's fault though, as they're probably pressured into teaching a certain way.

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Amen to that brotha.

My senior year in High School, I was driving a 89 Pontiac Firebird with a faded paint job. Now I see spoiled ass kids riding around in souped up Hondas and Acuras knowing damm well they're not paying for the car or the insurance.

I remember when they had the Rap City basement on BET and I would record video with my BetaMax (wow)!!!! Now you can youtube videos when ever the heck you want. I rememeber when MTV would actually play music, rather than reality shows all day.

I'm so grown, I remember when they used to let you smoke inside the Mall!!!!

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Home Team Sports. Anybody remember THAT channel? The channel you used to watch Orioles, Capitals and Bullets games on?

That channel is comcast sportsnet now. I wish they would drop that silly name and go back to HTS so we could be separate from their silly Philly station.

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