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Spoiled-Brat Under 30 Crowd...

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My Limewire was having my finger on the record button ready to press for a song I liked on WAVA

My iPod was a cassette tape of different songs I got from the radio. And the tape always got stuck in the tape player. You fixed it by putting a pencil in one of the "wheels" and turning it until the tape got wound back up into the cassette lol...

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I had one of the original Atari's with Pac Man cartridge. Remember Donkey Kong and Mario Brothers? We also had a Sega Genesis. I even got in trouble for watching Mtv such as the music video countdown of heavy metal vids.

As far as communicating, I did write letters to my pen pal. I don't know how much money I spent on stamps writing letters to friends in other states. My parents got call waiting when it became available (the early 90's??) since I was on the phone a lot when I was in middle & high school.

I still remember using the card catalog and trying to remember where the actual cards go back in the drawer after finding my book. My parents actually bought a set of Encylopedia's that I used for book reports in the 80's.

One last thing, I didn't see 8 track tapes on the list. I remember listening to music on 8 track and the 8 track player my dad had. Maybe the 8 track tapes was a left over trend of the 70's. My mom actually still has the 8 track player at her house. I remember recording songs I liked on the radio station WAVA. I remember listening to Don & Mike on WAVA. Can't forget about the mixed tapes you made in the 80's. LOL.

So I'd say the kids are a little spoiled these days with cell phones, Play Stations, 500 cable channels to choose from and other stuff mentioned in this thread.

Thanks for letting me go down memory lane.:2cents:

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I remember when Nintendo first came out. It was the coolest thing EVER. Super Mario Brothers and Duck Hunt had the best graphics I ever dreamed of lol. Our online game play was everyone in the living room waiting their turn to play California Games, or Track and Field on the ... power pad.

EDIT: Oh damn I'm under 30, I guess I AM part of the spoiled brat club lol.

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I remember when Nintendo first came out. It was the coolest thing EVER. Super Mario Brothers and Duck Hunt had the best graphics I ever dreamed of lol. Our online game play was everyone in the living room waiting their turn to play California Games, or Track and Field on the ... power pad.

EDIT: Oh damn I'm under 30, I guess I AM part of the spoiled brat club lol.

Remember blowing into the cartridges and holding reset and pressing power to get oft played games to work?

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Honestly those born in the 80's-early 90's are going to separate from those born 2000- because you can already start to see a new generation being bred abd THEY will have it unbelievably easy. I mean when I was a kid (I mean like childhood) we used VHS and we had a big clunky VCR when we watched movies like Home Alone and now kids growing up today barely know what that is with this DVD/Blu Ray stuff.

And don't tell me about blowing into Nintendo cartridges. I have more love for my memories of my SNES which I played until around 1999 then any system I've had since. And the best part was if you got mad and threw it against the wall, it'd crack and still work! Stupid DVD's get a small scratch and they are done. And we got every system going back to the Magnavox Odyssey which precedes Atari woohoo.

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My iPod was a cassette tape of different songs I got from the radio. And the tape always got stuck in the tape player. You fixed it by putting a pencil in one of the "wheels" and turning it until the tape got wound back up into the cassette lol...

Holy crap !!!!!!!!! SOOOOO TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was the youngest of four kids. Hell my brother took me to see the original line up of Skynyrd when I was ten.

Eight track in the 68 Impala. ahhh Simpler days

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Remeber when the family got their first VCR?
Buying a vcr, I remember my family renting a vcr for a weekend so we could watch movies lol.

I was just about to post this. Before we had a VCR, I remember my dad RENTING the VCR and movie from 7-11.

Sounds ghetto as hell to even think about now doesn't it??

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Honestly those born in the 80's-early 90's are going to separate from those born 2000- because you can already start to see a new generation being bred abd THEY will have it unbelievably easy. I mean when I was a kid (I mean like childhood) we used VHS and we had a big clunky VCR when we watched movies like Home Alone and now kids growing up today barely know what that is with this DVD/Blu Ray stuff.

And don't tell me about blowing into Nintendo cartridges. I have more love for my memories of my SNES which I played until around 1999 then any system I've had since. And the best part was if you got mad and threw it against the wall, it'd crack and still work! Stupid DVD's get a small scratch and they are done. And we got every system going back to the Magnavox Odyssey which precedes Atari woohoo.

Blow your nose sonny! you"ve got something hanging there. :jk: my boy will be 18 in April. just bustin stones :D

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How about those fancy schmancy new-fangled telephones with no cords? Our telephone receivers had cords on them, so you had to run to the phone to answer it, and pretty much had to stand there to talk. At least the kitchen wall phone had an extra long cord so you could wander a little bit with it. Except it would eventually get all twisted up, so you had to do that thing where you held the cord up and dangled the receiver to let it unspin.

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with cell phones, Play Stations, 500 cable channels

And they still said "I'm bored". Mine never played hopscotch or king of the mountain, freeze tag or red rover. They barely went barefoot in the summer and when they did they'd do that little "eggshell" walk b/c the grass "felt funny to their feet" :rolleyes:. My son thought I was the coolest the first time I made him a paper airplane(he was about 6y/o then). Couldn't believe it would fly and when it did he was in awe of his most awesome Mom! :D

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Califan, you never cease to crack me up! I lol'd for almost the entirety of your OP.

I particularly like your bit about the email and the internet. I still remember the first day we got internet in our house...I was in awe of all the sources I could go to in order to learn more about WHATEVER I WANTED!! Yippeee!

My dad bought beta..:doh:

Haha, we had at least a bazillion betamax movies...that thing ROCKED!

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How about those fancy schmancy new-fangled telephones with no cords? Our telephone receivers had cords on them, so you had to run to the phone to answer it, and pretty much had to stand there to talk. At least the kitchen wall phone had an extra long cord so you could wander a little bit with it. Except it would eventually get all twisted up, so you had to do that thing where you held the cord up and dangled the receiver to let it unspin.

Forget that, what about rotary phones?! lol...you put your finger into the corresponding circle and rotate the dial around until the little metal thing stopped your finger from going further, then lifted your finger out of the hole and let the dial reset itself.

And if your finger slipped out of the hole before it got to the little metal thing, a "9" would end up registering as a "7" and screw up the number you were calling and you'd have to start all over again lol...

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