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Why is someone trying to ruin my life?


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It started about 3 weeks ago when the rep from our HR dept asked me if I had any enemies. Strange question considering I barely have friends in this town...I really like to keep to myself and work. Then he told me of an anonymous call to my business, from a female saying she knows I am a drug user. WTF??

Let's go back in time a few weeks when I decided not to go to a birthday dinner, all to avoid some stupid female drama. I hate drama, I really don't like a lot of people tell you the truth. The birthday person invited people that I knew had issues w/ me...why~ I don't friggin know, they only have met me a few times...well, my decision not to go really pissed of the two females, ok...so? get on and move on stupid crazy hookers.

A week after the bday dinner I started getting text messages from one of the females that she knows where I live, I should be scared... blah blah blah..and a long ass voice mail w/ similiar threats. All I did was respond once asking for her to lose my number. I'm way too old to play along with this stupid bull****.

It was literally the day after those text/voice messages that I was told about the anonymous call.

Then today I get pulled into the HR supervisor office, because someone found my companies public website and filed a complaint...stating that they know I use drugs before work and drink before work, as well as at lunch. ****, I'm on here at lunch (and other times I'm not busy)...Again, anonymous complaint, but this time w/ a phone number. I guess the guy who answered said he had no clue about it and that it wasn't him who sent the email.

I can't think of anyone who hates me or is angry w/ me right now other than the two stupid females who got all offended I skipped out on that dinner. And while I don't have proof it was them...who the hell else would do this??

anyway, I locked myself in my office, shed a tear (not much of a cryer)...and then felt like kicking the **** outta someone. So I thought the best way to relieve the stress was to post it here.

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yeah Lori, if you arent doing anything just give them a drug test and then tell them that this person is harrassing you constantly and they shouldnt be shocked to see this happening more often.

they should also stop listening to anonymous messages to for the benefit of both of you.

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You're leaving a big something out by the looks of it. You have problems with people, but don't know why. They get mad you don't show up for a dinner, but don't know why. When people get this mad it's normally due to more than forgetting to say hello.... and you called them stupid crazy hookers, which is an odd thing to say.

So what happened?

Definately keep any texts that you get and make a log of any communications you can't record. You may need to turn it over to the police at some point. Hopefully the person doing this just stops but you need to take steps in case they don't.

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to answer all of the questions:

~I offered a UA (cause yes I'm clean)....he said that won't be needed and they don't put too much into the anonymous report, but I still had to have the meeting. THankfully w/ our privacy policy, my boss isn't in the loop on this.

~I also told the HR sup the stupid dinner story.

~I spoke to my detective buddy about the text/voice mails and I submitted a police file report.

~I have saved the text/voice messages.

oh, and I prayed.

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I thought that you were the cop in washington, must be someone else. I agree with the rest about tellling HR that these stupid girls made threats and that you'd gladly submit to a 'random' drug test. In the mean time, report the threatening texts and voicemail to the cops. Sounds like stalking to me. Fight back brother. Who else could it be.

Word of advise, everything happens for a reason. You need to lose the "I don't like a lot of people" thing. That and enemies kinda go hand in hand. If you've got a chip on your shoulder, it's time to find out what's bugging you and deal with it. trust me on this one, I used to have a couple chips on both shoulders like bigmike :silly:

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You're leaving a big something out by the looks of it. You have problems with people, but don't know why. They get mad you don't show up for a dinner, but don't know why. When people get this mad it's normally due to more than forgetting to say hello.... and you called them stupid crazy hookers, which is an odd thing to say.

So what happened?


it really is that simple as to why these crazy (and just found out ex meth users~! don't like me.) I know people, doesn't mean I call them my friend.

I know they do nothing but talk gossip about people, and I steer clear of that. They are the type of people who bounce from one relationship to the other, sleep around and are otherwise scandalous. Due to things I hear, I just knew that they were not the type of people I wanted in my life. I'm picky. They got offended that I didn't go to the dinner, as I believe someone told them it was because they were going.

I just needed to vent, not too worried about my job. I haven't done anything wrong and I know God is on my side. It's frustrating though. I work hard and I'm a good person.

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I thought that you were the cop in washington, must be someone else. I agree with the rest about tellling HR that these stupid girls made threats and that you'd gladly submit to a 'random' drug test. In the mean time, report the threatening texts and voicemail to the cops. Sounds like stalking to me. Fight back brother. Who else could it be.

Word of advise, everything happens for a reason. You need to lose the "I don't like a lot of people" thing. That and enemies kinda go hand in hand. If you've got a chip on your shoulder, it's time to find out what's bugging you and deal with it. trust me on this one, I used to have a couple chips on both shoulders like bigmike :silly:

ex cop- haven't been for 5 years now. But for some reason, people still treat me like I am, and some hate me just for that. But those are usually the criminal types anyway.

RE: The " I don't like people statement"...I think it's more of I'm picky and I don't just throw all my trust in. I'm nice to people, I'll talk to you but it takes a lot more than that to call you a friend. I don't like hanging out in bars, but I do go on occasion. I'm not the over social type (but would love to meet everyone on here!).

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To add...

I called my father the day of the dinner...when I found out those two crazy females were going. My dad is a wise man, and I go to him for advice. He said to me, "will you wake up and regret not going?" When I said NO, that gave me the answer to the dinner.

Ya know what's really weird? The woman whose birhtday it was...isn't mad at me all and understood why I didn't go. She was a lil upset, but again, told me it was ok. She is the switzerland type...likes to be neutral and wants everyone as her friend...even crazy people.

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To add...

I called my father the day of the dinner...when I found out those two crazy females were going. My dad is a wise man, and I go to him for advice. He said to me, "will you wake up and regret not going?" When I said NO, that gave me the answer to the dinner.

Ya know what's really weird? The woman whose birhtday it was...isn't mad at me all and understood why I didn't go. She was a lil upset, but again, told me it was ok. She is the switzerland type...likes to be neutral and wants everyone as her friend...even crazy people.

A ha I think we just found the prime suspect, it's always the person you least expect.

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ex cop- haven't been for 5 years now. But for some reason, people still treat me like I am, and some hate me just for that. But those are usually the criminal types anyway.

RE: The " I don't like people statement"...I think it's more of I'm picky and I don't just throw all my trust in. I'm nice to people, I'll talk to you but it takes a lot more than that to call you a friend. I don't like hanging out in bars, but I do go on occasion. I'm not the over social type (but would love to meet everyone on here!).

Not everyone is a Type-A personality. Nothing wrong with that and it certainly doenst give any dumb ****es the right to mess with your job.

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Keep a log of this and if you can prove the who you can have a nice harrassment suit line up. I generally don't believe in that kind of thing, but if they are threatening you and your livlihood it might be good to teach them a lesson. If things ramp up at all, I'd give the police a call. Establish a history.

Also, don't obsess over this, but take it seriously. I've heard too many stories.

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