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Anyone else unemployed?


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The way I was treated pretty much soured me on the whole teaching thing, to the point where I really don't even consider ever doing it again. The pay is lousy, kids are awful these days, and the administration is never behind you.

This is not true everywhere.

Pay is lousy- actually, it's not that bad. I came out of college making $42K in 2005. If I was still in Fairfax County, I would be making $52K now. That is not "lousy". It is decent. I know that it may be a different story in North Carolina, but the cost of living there is much cheaper, so it probably evens out.

kids are awful- A lot of them are, yes. But once you have experience and you learn behavior management skills (which you will through student teaching and practice) it will get a lot better. Yes, there will be days when you want to strangle your entire class, but it can be very rewarding

administration is never behind you- that depends on who you work for. And, honestly, if you don't have a license, you're not going to be fought for.

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Pay is lousy- actually, it's not that bad. I came out of college making $42K in 2005. If I was still in Fairfax County, I would be making $52K now. That is not "lousy". It is decent. I know that it may be a different story in North Carolina, but the cost of living there is much cheaper, so it probably evens out.

do you still get paid in the summer?

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I'm a local recruiter. I have been working in the DC market for the past 5 years. I can tell you from experience there are no shortage of Gov't based positions.

A recomendation for you folks out there looking for recruiters. Tread lightly. Some of these guys are scumbags trying to fit a square into a circle.

I suggest you line up as many recruiters as possible and procede that way. Also visit 2 websites. Indeed.com (basicly the google of job searches) and sign up for linkedin.com (professional networking site). If you see something on indeed.com then go on linkedin and search for the applicable recruiter. Try and avoid applying online as your resume will just be lost in the shuffle.

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Been unemployed for 8 months now and I hate to say it.... I can not see a light at the end of the tunnel. I have talked to a couple recruiters and HR people, they are all saying the same thing.... For every job opening there is between 50 and 60 qualified applicants.

My single largest hurdle to overcome is the income issue. Up until 8 months ago I had a job making a very good living, of course we adjusted our lifestyle to match that income. Now, finding a position that even comes close is difficult to say the least. To compound the matter further. I am in sales and I am scared to death to jump in to a new sales position with the economy the way it is right now.

Oh well, all I can do at this point is keep plugging away.

While we are at this......

anyone have any leads on open positions for a non-college grad, Please let me know!

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I am in a field that has been expanding since 9/11 and will continue for the foreseeable future. The only problem is you need a security clearance. You may be able to find a contracting company or a government agency (FBI is hiring) that will hire you and you will do another job until the clearances come through. The clearance process can take up to 2 years.

The BEST thing to do right now is to go to your local Armed Forces recuiter and inquire about the officers programs. You have a degree so you will want to go officer. You can also go enlisted and depending on the service you will go in as anywhere from an E-2 to an E-4. Go INTELLIGENCE, military provides the training and the clearances. You have job security in and out of the service. It's a small price to pay (8 years) but you will be a better person for doing it.

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I'm not sure if it's been mentioned but I strongly suggest federal government to anyone who's been job searching. Homeland Security in particular has job openings like crazy in a variety of locations and doing a variety of things - ranging from border protection to program analysis. Additionally, lots of guberment jobs should be opening up in the coming months after transitions happen w/in each agency.

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I am very fortunate to be in one job sector that won't be going away or shrinking anytime soon.....healthcare.

Have you ever considered a position in healthcare? You said you have a poli-sci degree, but just the fact that you have a degree is sometimes all that really matters. Having some teaching under your belt could help too.

Perhaps a healthcare admin position of some kind at one of the local health systems.

Even look to nursing homes. Most nursing homes are owned by large companies, and if there is any kind of admin job you may be interested in, they usually pay pretty big bucks.

All that being said, this could be a golden opportunity. Is there anything you really WANT to do? I wanted to be a Medic, so I pursued it, and while it isn't the highest paying job in the world, it makes me happy and the company I am currently with has a ton of opportunities for advancement.

Perhaps now is the time to follow a dream you have had for a while.

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i been unemployed for about...3 weeks comin on. i am lil depressed cause i need to getta job so i can get my car. i got the money just need to show em i have a way of payin tha bill ya know. i should of went to college this semester but that would of taken away from tha money i got saved up so i pushed it to the side to go next semester and i been tryna find a decent payin job. on the good news side, i have a friend at church that works at the shipyard who works side-side with BAE and i seena commercial t hat their hiring, so what he did for me was grab me an application ot the apprenticeship program that starts fof at 12.77 a hr. thts wht im lookin forward to and i hope it pans out but in the meantime between time i been on craigslist lookin, indeed, hremployment, abuncha sites and put in many applications and not one call back

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I lost my job of 9 years in May. No warning, just came into work one day and my boss told me my department had been cut and I could finish out the day.

Since then I've been freelancing. Technically I'm not unemployed, but I make a lot less than I used to and only 'work' about a week a month. The rest of the time I'm looking for more work (or posting here. :) )

There are definitely times I find it depressing (my wife who works part time makes more than I do now.) And I'm pretty terrible at marketing myself, but I do like working from home, spending more time with my kids, and being my own boss.

I'm not sure if I'm happier since being laid off or not. :)

By the way, if anyone need a graphic designer, forget Mad Mike or Bang. They suck. :) PM me. :D

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I lost my job of 9 years in May. No warning, just came into work one day and my boss told me my department had been cut and I could finish out the day.

Since then I've been freelancing. Technically I'm not unemployed, but I make a lot less than I used to and only 'work' about a week a month. The rest of the time I'm looking for more work (or posting here. :) )

There are definitely times I find it depressing (my wife who works part time makes more than I do now.) And I'm pretty terrible at marketing myself, but I do like working from home, spending more time with my kids, and being my own boss.

I'm not sure if I'm happier since being laid off or not. :)

did you finish out the day?

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#2, finding a job is now your full time job. So spend 8 hours a day at it, dont just sit on your couch eating cereal out of a dirty cooking pot waiting for something to happen. It wont. Absolutely scour the job sites, monster, hotjobs, careerbuilder, your local newspapers job section, find companies you want to work for and go to there sites, tell everyone you know that you are looking for a job doing ______ and see if they can put in a good word, etc etc.

Totally agree, that's exactly what I do whenever I lose a job. Break out the laptop and get to work in front of the tv.....

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When i was out of a job 2 years ago I realized 2 things.

#1, hire a recruiter, or even better, higher 3 recruiters. You dont have to pay them, the hiring companies do. Many of them are on commission, so they only earn money if they find you a job.

How do you hire a recruiter?

NVM I should have read the thread before posting! :hammer:

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The way I was treated pretty much soured me on the whole teaching thing, to the point where I really don't even consider ever doing it again. The pay is lousy, kids are awful these days, and the administration is never behind you.

One of my best friends works as a teacher and he says that a lot of the faculty are just as bad as the students. He says that there are a lot of bitter, evil older woman working there that are very petty.

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do you still get paid in the summer?

In Fairfax County teachers are on a 10-month contract- the county takes out an equal amount from each of those 10 months and puts it towards the summer fund. Some teachers can opt to get paid it all up front and then they can save their own money for the summer, but I definitely can't budget like that.

Out here, I am on a 12-month contract that goes from July 15-July 15 or something so they just break up my salary by 12 and pay me in equal installments.

So yes, we do get paid in the summer.

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