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Anyone else unemployed?


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I'm a teacher and just recently found out my job position is being absorbed into our district, so I am now out of a job which sucks. Interviews have been tough to grab since other districts are laying off massive amounts of people as well. So now I am stuck with my BA in History Ed. and really have no idea where to turn too. I've just been filling out so many applications I feel like my eyes are going to burst.

Sometimes I wish I would have gone back and gotten a different degree!

Any advice?

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I'm a teacher and just recently found out my job position is being absorbed into our district, so I am now out of a job which sucks. Interviews have been tough to grab since other districts are laying off massive amounts of people as well. So now I am stuck with my BA in History Ed. and really have no idea where to turn too. I've just been filling out so many applications I feel like my eyes are going to burst.

Sometimes I wish I would have gone back and gotten a different degree!

Any advice?

Then go back to school if you can. That is exactly what I am doing.

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Health Information Technology

Is that a 4 year program? What careers would you be going into?

I'm wrapping up some lame requirements and finally going to finish here at Iowa. My only issue is, I had so many credits from Michigan and junior colleges, that I feel like it's a waste at my age to try to do anything other than get high grades and finish up in some lame major like International Studies or something. It won't do me much good here in this college town where people with master's degrees compete for Secretarial jobs but it could put me in good position for a bunch of other things in OTHER areas.

Plus, I need to get to grad school, I guess. I just feel old and that I need to wrap this thing up.

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Is that a 4 year program? What careers would you be going into?

I'm wrapping up some lame requirements and finally going to finish here at Iowa. My only issue is, I had so many credits from Michigan and junior colleges, that I feel like it's a waste at my age to try to do anything other than get high grades and finish up in some lame major like International Studies or something. It won't do me much good here in this college town where people with master's degrees compete for Secretarial jobs but it could put me in good position for a bunch of other things in OTHER areas.

Plus, I need to get to grad school, I guess. I just feel old and that I need to wrap this thing up.

Actually, the 4 year program is HIM- Health Information Management. The HIT program I am taking is an associate degree and 2 year program. I got 5 classes waived with my other degrees. I should be done in the summer of 2010.

Here's a link on some possibilities:


Honestly, I haven't decided yet. One of things at Devry is that they make you do tons of papers where you deal with different health care entities. Presumbly to expose you to potential career paths. HIT people deal with health information; so I got different places I can work at and also use my other degrees in combination with my HIT.

I figure at least having something in the healthcare realm will help me as I figure there will always be something dealing with healthcare.

Doesn't hurt that Obama wants to have Electronic Health Records. ;):)

I figure as I get deeper into the program; I'll have a better idea of where I want to go. I have just scratched the surface of the core HIT classes. I just started in Nov. 08. 8 weeks sessions; so everything is compressed.

You really never to old to go back to school. I know someone older than me; who went back to school to become a nurse. He had spent his previous days in photography.

Sometimes when bad things happen, it leads to good things. Of course, when I got fired last year; I sure didn't feel that way. Actually, since I started school; I'm in a better frame of mind. Taken steps to correct some of my past mistakes.

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