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Anyone else unemployed?


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#2, finding a job is now your full time job. So spend 8 hours a day at it, dont just sit on your couch eating cereal out of a dirty cooking pot waiting for something to happen. It wont. Absolutely scour the job sites, monster, hotjobs, careerbuilder, your local newspapers job section, find companies you want to work for and go to there sites, tell everyone you know that you are looking for a job doing ______ and see if they can put in a good word, etc etc.

You should talk to my 22 year old nephew because heaven knows he's not listening to us. The kid has a new baby, a car payment, a new apartment and a live-in girlfriend and his hours have been drastically reduced and all he does is sleep.

I've told him he should take the correctional officer test. He's got the look that they're looking for. He's young, big and tall.

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Someone told me to hire a recruiter and i've been looking into it, just don't know how to really get started or who is reliable. Any advice?

i know that you're somewhat disillusioned with education, but give some thought to private schools. smaller class sizes, typically better behaved students, no teaching credential needed... less pay, you have to wear a lot of hats, and less pay. it's a give and take.

when i got into the private school biz, i hired a placement agency and went to a job fair that is associated with the annual conference for the national association of independent schools. their website has a career center that has some helpful things on it (http://www.nais.org/career/index.cfm?ItemNumber=146045&sn.ItemNumber=142458)

it may not be your cup of tea after your experience at public schools, but then again, it may be. PM me if you have any questions.

good luck.

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Why would anyone want to live a life where they're constantly looking over their shoulder is beyond me.

It's not always that dramatic, depending on where you do it at. After a while you get use to it. Plus the money can be really good, and also you're on your own time. Your not punching some time clock and answering to some a-hole boss. Like running your own business. The consequences are not worth the reward tho. But that's just what I heard.....

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One of my best friends works as a teacher and he says that a lot of the faculty are just as bad as the students. He says that there are a lot of bitter, evil older woman working there that are very petty.

The administration at the school I worked for was awful. There was a principal, 4 or 5 assistant principals, and another 4 or 5 dean of students who acted like assistant principals.

Nothing like having 10 bosses :doh:

The best was when one "ass"istant principal would tell you how to do your job and then another one would come in and completely contradict the other.

I finally sent out an email asking the administration to please sit down and actually come up with a uniformed idea of what they wanted because it was impossible to follow 8 or 9 different directions and I was tired of being yeld at by one assistant principal for not doing what they wanted when I was simply following the orders of another assistant principal.

Like local weathermen, assistant principals do nothing but talk for a really long time and use big words in shallow attempt to justify their existence.

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If you don't mind living in the Washington DC area, I'd say go to www.USAjobs.gov and search like crazy, and apply like crazy. Don't get discouraged, Government HR departments take forever to get back to you. And if they don't select you, it's not necessarily because you are unqualified, it could be simply because they already had someone in mind.

Anyway, you have a degree in polysci, apply at the State department or something. The pay is decent and the work is interesting.

Stay away from admin. jobs.

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Sorry please repeat that wantarace. The person doesnt pay you, but the company you connect them with pays you? Is that right? So if I went through your company and I get a job from them my potential employer pays you? So recruiters don't take money away from me, the recruitee?

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Because they don't have as much promotion potential as other jobs in the fed and they don't pay particularly well either.

For example if we look at this list from the state department (which the OP may consider with his degree) admin. folks are the lowest paid except for entry level positions:


Click on the secretary job. You start at GS-09. Promotion potential: GS-09. Doh! Same with the administrative support specialist. But if you look at the investigative analyst it starts at GS-09 and goes to GS-12. Same with budget analyst.

I don't agree with it myself. I think good admin. people are worth their weight in gold. But in the Fed, they are not appreciated enough IMO.

Also for a younger guy trying to start a career, there are other positions that go up to a management or even an SES position. Admin. kind of dead ends.

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No. I'm in the healthcare field. I'm an X-ray tech. The healthcare industry is usually recession proof, however, in this area of the country we're saturated w/1 large healthcare company who seems to keep opening places which strains the numbers of the places it already has open. In other words, they're spreading the wealth, sometimes to the detriment of their own employees. It does keep all the patients coming to their facilities..it's just a tug-o-war..the patients usually win in these circumstances..better services..improved wait times..one of the local hospitals just offered up a dominoes type promise..."we'll see patients within 30 minutes of their check in at our ER or they get free movie passes".

Healthcare needs admin folks to run them...maybe check into that end of things...they need PR folks as well....in fact our clinic is ran by a business major...no healthcare experience whatsoever...he's a bean counter and the company loves him...he just doesn't get why we need time to hold folks' hands after they've been given bad news...

"treat & street em" he says..lol.

I love healthcare...I've been involved in one form or the other for over 25 years..never been laid off..never been fired..been w/this current company for 17 years.

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This is not true everywhere.

Pay is lousy- actually, it's not that bad. I came out of college making $42K in 2005. If I was still in Fairfax County, I would be making $52K now. That is not "lousy". It is decent. I know that it may be a different story in North Carolina, but the cost of living there is much cheaper, so it probably evens out.

kids are awful- A lot of them are, yes. But once you have experience and you learn behavior management skills (which you will through student teaching and practice) it will get a lot better. Yes, there will be days when you want to strangle your entire class, but it can be very rewarding

administration is never behind you- that depends on who you work for. And, honestly, if you don't have a license, you're not going to be fought for.

Yeah, I was a long term substitute once. Mostly 14-15 year olds. Job was very stressful. I actually had a shoe thrown at me once (no idea who did it, so I couldn't call security or anything). My mother was also a career teacher. I saw the job slowly grind her down, and feel the same thing happening to me. The reward just was not there for me. I also have a degenerative disability that would not make a me good at that sort of thing. And I felt more like being a prison guard, than an instructor. The people who were as you called it "good at behavior management", I did not want to turn into.

The one-on-one thing is somewhat rewarding, and if you do afterschool stuff then you experience that to a degree that is rarely possibile in 25+ person classrooms. But the problem is most have around 140-150 students to deal with. Plus you just get beat at the end of the day, and if you get involved in that stuff there is just no time for yourself.

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One of my best friends works as a teacher and he says that a lot of the faculty are just as bad as the students. He says that there are a lot of bitter, evil older woman working there that are very petty.

Yeah, I'd second this. There are younger women teachers who haven't quite been ground into the dust quite yet. But the post-menopausal crowd is one of the worst. Seems like they harbor some resentment towards the younger teachers.

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Quit my job a week before Thanksgiving. Paid well, but I couldn't stand walking in there everyday. Decided to go back to school, and try sports broadcasting. I realized that all I ever talk about is sports (which I enjoy) so I figured "why the hell not try doing it for a living?".

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Quit my job a week before Thanksgiving. Paid well, but I couldn't stand walking in there everyday. Decided to go back to school, and try sports broadcasting. I realized that all I ever talk about is sports (which I enjoy) so I figured "why the hell not try doing it for a living?".

congrats on quitting jthor! I remember you starting a thread or 2 about how much your job sucked

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Here is my recommendation: Get a night job at Blockbuster Video or working a booth at a gas station or whatever. ANYTHING that pays, doesn't tax your brain or your body, and gives you a least 20-30 hours a week at night. This will keep your bills paid and leave you time/energy during the day to job-search until you find a new gig more fit to your skills. You don't want to be too fickle right now or you'll end up unemployed this time next year.

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just a guess, but it might have been the kid who was only wearing one shoe. :2cents:


LOL maybe. But I'd bet they pull "someone stole my shoe" routine. And of course no one was going to rat on their classmates. Actually there was something a bit worse. At the end of the year this one kid brought a water balloon to class. It was also the last class of the day. I confiscated it, but I rather stupidly left it on my desk. So when class is over, they all kind of get up and meander around as usual, and were all gathered towards the door. I kind of go there to guard against them opening the door and bolting before the bell rings. One kid picks up the water balloon from my desk. I go over to him and ask for it back, he hands it to me. I'm still kind of standing near the door, which someone opened. Right when the bell rings, one kid turns off the lights, and sneaks up behind me and takes his pen and stabs the balloon. it pops and water spills over my pants, and a bunch of people go running for the exit.

Actually at the time I don't think it was mean-spirited or anything ( I'm pretty sure I knew who did it, had talked to this kid one on one before), just mischevious. But thats just an example of the kind fo stuff you have to deal with. One kid was in the habit of throwing pencils in the air to stick to the ceiling . And I was teaching in another womans' classroom (one of those near humorless post menopausaul crowd I was talking about earlier, and she would chew me out) I constantly had to look over my shoulder to make sure no one was destroying or stealing anything. This one teacher actually had a mirror where she could see the whole class when her back was turned, because her desk and computer faced against a wall. Just alot of BS I didn't want to deal with.

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Sorry please repeat that wantarace. The person doesnt pay you, but the company you connect them with pays you? Is that right? So if I went through your company and I get a job from them my potential employer pays you? So recruiters don't take money away from me, the recruitee?

You are correct. Say for interest i submit you to SAIC. We have a contract signed with them stating the bill rate per candidate we find. If SAIC accepts you then we bill them what your cost would be.

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