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Anyone else unemployed?


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So whats your story? What is your day like? How depressed are you?

Here in my story. I graduated from college with a Poly Sci degree and had no idea what I wanted to do. Had no interest in going to grad or law school, basically because I couldn't afford to rack up anymore student loan debt.

I was a baseball player in college and missed it a lot after college so I decied to take a full-time substitute teaching position at a high school in Charlotte and coach baseball.

Loved coaching baseball and thought I could do the teaching for a living so I decied to start going to school at night to get my teaching licence.

I got to the point where the only thing I had left before I got my licence was student teaching, which I was trying to avoid, here in North Carolina if you get a teaching job while you are in the process of getting your licence you don't have to do student teaching, you just get observed 3 times in your first or second semeters of teaching and that is that.

Just as I was hoping I got offered a teaching job like 3 days before school started in 07.

The Plan was to take the first semester to get my feet under me, get used to the whole teaching thing and then let my school come observe me 2nd semester to take care of student teaching and finish my licence.

Well about two months into teaching my principal informs that my position is being eliminated because they estimated too high on how many kids were in the freshman class. They stick me in ISS (in school suspension) and tell me that the first social studies position that comes open will be mine.

I stick with ISS until the end of the year when a social studies position comes open, only to be told that they are not going to hire any coaches or anyone with less than 5 years experience for the position, based on the fact that the social studies test scores were low.

Now i'm pretty much left out in the dark, I try to get a teaching job at other schools but the fact that I didn't have my licence keeps that from happening. I think about doing student teaching but at this point, I just don't have the money to be working for free, which is basically what student teaching is. I had gone so far into debt taking the ISS job, (paid under $10 an hour) that I couldn't do student teaching even if I wanted to.

The way I was treated pretty much soured me on the whole teaching thing, to the point where I really don't even consider ever doing it again. The pay is lousy, kids are awful these days, and the administration is never behind you.

Ever since then i've been doing everything I can do to make ends meet, I moved in with my brother back in my home town because I could no longer afford rent in Charlotte. There is a small business in Charlotte that hires me every few months to work 2 weeks or so on projects, it was my summer job when I was in Charlotte teaching. I worked for the board of elections for almost 2 months this past election season, but I haven't been able to find anything permanent.

Everyday I wake up hoping something will come open because all I want to do is work, I would be happy with a job that paid $25,000 a year. I just want to feel like I have some worth. As it stands now i'm trying to figure out how to again scratch by next months bills.

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Yes and not depressed at all.

I gave up 2 scholarships to work full-time (60 hours a week) at a niche (locally-focused) employment website. After a year and a half I was laid off as well as 70 of 78 people here in South Florida.

I was able to get one scholarship back and I'm finishing up school. I will be applying to the local sheriff's office come fall and I'm in court now for an unpaid wages case with the employer (as well as many former co-workers).

I'm loving life and just focusing on school right now and enjoying time with family and friends.

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^TJ where do you work?

Securitas Security Services. Located at HSN right now.

The problem is that HSN is struggling and cutting back on security hours. One of my friends was let go yesterday.

I'm probably next; I've been out of work sick for a week and a half. Scheduled to go back Thursday and I have a doctors note but that doesn't make me any less of a "liability".

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If was 20-22 like you guys i'd probably go back to school but i'm 27, going to be 28 in May.

I need a career, I need to get my foot in the door some place and work my way up. I really just don't have the resourses to put everything on hold and go back to school, i'm still paying student loans from my undergrad degree.

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I am unemployed.

I have a disability (from an on the job injury) and no one wants to hire my ass.

My disability checks ran out and I have no unemployed benefits coming in either.

I can't afford to pay for my Club season tickets anymore.

I called the Ticket Office and told them my story, but they wouldn't let me out of my contract (that has 2 years left on it) and they told me that if I didn't pay for this years season tickets that I would have to pay them for both years right now (That's $12,000) to get out of the contract. :doh:

Thanks Dan Snyder. :(

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When i was out of a job 2 years ago I realized 2 things.

#1, hire a recruiter, or even better, higher 3 recruiters. You dont have to pay them, the hiring companies do. Many of them are on commission, so they only earn money if they find you a job.

#2, finding a job is now your full time job. So spend 8 hours a day at it, dont just sit on your couch eating cereal out of a dirty cooking pot waiting for something to happen. It wont. Absolutely scour the job sites, monster, hotjobs, careerbuilder, your local newspapers job section, find companies you want to work for and go to there sites, tell everyone you know that you are looking for a job doing ______ and see if they can put in a good word, etc etc.

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When i was out of a job 2 years ago I realized 2 things.

#1, hire a recruiter, or even better, higher 3 recruiters. You dont have to pay them, the hiring companies do. Many of them are on commission, so they only earn money if they find you a job.

#2, finding a job is now your full time job. So spend 8 hours a day at it, dont just sit on your couch eating cereal out of a dirty cooking pot waiting for something to happen. It wont. Absolutely scour the job sites, monster, hotjobs, careerbuilder, your local newspapers job section, find companies you want to work for and go to there sites, tell everyone you know that you are looking for a job doing ______ and see if they can put in a good word, etc etc.

Someone told me to hire a recruiter and i've been looking into it, just don't know how to really get started or who is reliable. Any advice?

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Someone told me to hire a recruiter and i've been looking into it, just don't know how to really get started or who is reliable. Any advice?

I cant help you, i used Robert Half, but they deal specifically with finance professionals. Just google it and research the hell out of it. There are a ton out there.

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Someone told me to hire a recruiter and i've been looking into it, just don't know how to really get started or who is reliable. Any advice?

after you have your resume in the washington post jobs online section, career builder, and monster recruiters will find you and start calling. thats how it worked out for me. be careful some BS you a lot.

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No, working for the government (contractor, though soon to be fed, I'm switching over) is pretty stable, so I haven't had to worry about that yet. However, one of my sister-in-laws recently lost her job, she worked for a big bank (I think Citigroup) in New York, and they cut back on a ton of staff.

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