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Screw this Franchise and Dan Snyder (merged)


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The Washington CAPITALS show what the Redskins can't figure out. They have an actual GM. They DRAFT YOUNG talent. They bring in good role players (ie Sergei Fedorov). They used the draft to get a franchise player and on top of that...let's compare the Capitals home record and the Skins

Capitals (12-1-1)

Redskins (3-5)

We have one team in this city that understands how to build for the future..the Wizards are borderline. If Gil comes back healthy then the Wiz will be a playoff team again.

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This F.O and team has killed my love for this franchise.

I honest to God feel like crying because I've spent so much time, and money into something that keeps letting me down.

As a woman if the Redskins were a man I'd be a damn fool to continue to stay around for the emotional abuse and disappointment.

I felt MORE pride and love for this team when were struggling at 5-11 and 2006. No matter what the problems were, they really did fight their guts out. Cliched as that became it held true. Maybe after Sean's death and Gibbs' departure the magic left? I don't know.

I know I could be labeled an anti -Campbell supporter and I honestly believe he doesn't fit this offense.But I see some of the same problems year after year. In all phases of the game. WE NEVER get over the hump and learn how to win and CONTINUE WINNING. No matter what kind of " roll" we go in winning there's always a disconnect somewhere along the line. It's like if they didn't have adversity then they lose focus and become lax.

Some of the players,coaches have changed but still were stuck in medicority. Other franchises and teams rebuild and get better.Not the REDSKINS. It's always give it more time. We're trying. We are one/ two player(s) away from being a NFCE powerhouse. It never translate to fruitition though.

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If you all want to go, more power to you. I have no problem respecting someone who abandon's a team if they think that nothing good will ever come with the current ownership.

But, if you do I'd expect not to see you here again and that you should turn in your fan card.

I will never, not be a Redskins fan or American for that matter, but loyalty is a two way street unless you're of the Hitler, Stalin, Hussein's, Democrat, wife abuser ilk. When I see mediocrity, poor planning and utter failure year in and year out AND under the same owner or regime, I'll call it as such and act as I see fit. I don't care to split hairs between the "Pollyanna Positives" and the "Negative Nannys" . The scoreboard will never tell that story, it's W or L and how many of each ya got. We just got beat by the now 2 - 11 Bengals. Unacceptable.

Unless you are a Dan Snyder backed moderator, Welcome to America. I don't need fans like you to give me permission to leave and turn in some "Redskins- Politically Correct Card" and not come back. I Don't like Dan Snyder and Vinny Cerrato and that's MY prerogative not your's.

PO'ed, with the Redskins as a whole, YOU BET!

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Now we know how Raiders fans feel - at least their owner is getting ready to die (I hate to say that but its true) - this guy (Snyder) is going to be around for a LONG time. I hate to give up my tickets due to the waiting list - but I am starting to think about buying them each year and dumping them on Stub Hub until there is an actual change - like Cerrato leaving

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ummm...Jason..that is one of the sillier themes I have heard sounded repeatedly around these parts for years.

attention all fans....if you want to take a break from this team and come back when the product finally improves (you know...kinda like an auto made in Detroit)...then more power to you. no one...I mean no one....holds the patent on what it means to be a fan. there is no disgrace in taking a respite from a team that simply is dysfunctional...or if you prefer...fated......until things improve. that is not a bandwagon fan.....after 16 years of mediocrity.

recage your internal fan gyros...find some other things in life that bring joy...and come back when you are recharged or the Skins have restored the glory years. no one - save for the hopeless - will think lesser of you for it. just don't make the departure a loud and whiny one for those who chose masochism as their preferred brand of sports loyalty.

You sir deserve the "Post of the Year" award! Especially that bolded part - It should be made it's own thread and stickied!!!!!!!!


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Now we know how Raiders fans feel - at least their owner is getting ready to die (I hate to say that but its true) - this guy (Snyder) is going to be around for a LONG time. I hate to give up my tickets due to the waiting list - but I am starting to think about buying them each year and dumping them on Stub Hub until there is an actual change - like Cerrato leaving

and that's exactly what will happen. I see it all over the place. that is why more Steelers fans show up for a home game than Skins fans! the consumer wants a quality product.

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I will never, not be a Redskins fan or American for that matter, but loyalty is a two way street unless you're of the Hitler, Stalin, Hussein's, Democrat, wife abuser ilk. When I see mediocrity, poor planning and utter failure year in and year out AND under the same owner or regime, I'll call it as such and act as I see fit. I don't care to split hairs between the "Pollyanna Positives" and the "Negative Nannys" . The scoreboard will never tell that story, it's W or L and how many of each ya got. We just got beat by the now 2 - 11 Bengals. Unacceptable.

Unless you are a Dan Snyder backed moderator, Welcome to America. I don't need fans like you to give me permission to leave and turn in some "Redskins- Politically Correct Card" and not come back. I Don't like Dan Snyder and Vinny Cerrato and that's MY prerogative not your's.

PO'ed, with the Redskins as a whole, YOU BET!

You might be PO'ed, but don't bring up the M-O-D word if you know what's good for you. They are right there with all of us. No matter who is backing them.

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As I was watching the team I have rooted for since I was 6 years old go down by 17 to the 1-11-1 Bengals, it felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. The season is over, I can take care of other things and enjoy the holidays instead of obsessing about how the Redskins are going to turn the ball over at a critical time, poorly execute the most elementary football things like lining up correctly or show absolutely no passion and no heart when everything is on the line.

It should not be such a chore to watch your favorite team but they are tasking to watch. Now, I will not be stepping off the ledge. This is a first year coach that was hired to be a coordinator. This is a team with some talent but is aging at key positions and lacks depth.

I can only hope that Coach Zorn gets some help in the offseason from a true General Manager. A football guy. The front office is broken.

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Nobody wants this job

Anyone remeber last offseason, NOBODY wants this job because of Danny Snyder and his sidekick. The best we could do last year was Jim FREAKIN Zorn or Jim Fassel. This franchise will continue to be a joke until little danny gives up all the power to a HC/GM.

The sad part is I am not that upset about this team, I figured around 8-8 and thats where we will end up. The 6-2 start had me thinking I was an idiot, well maybe not.

Danny you have turned my football team into a joke, thanks alot, I do not even care anymore thats the sad part. Redskin football was my life a few years ago, now its an after thought.

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zorn was a QB coached hired to be an O coordinator. when snyderatto realized that nobody was gonna be the head coach, they just said zorn would be it. pretty much they had no other options.

And according to Riggins, Fassel lost out because like Greg Williams he wanted an open QB competition.

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You might be PO'ed, but don't bring up the M-O-D word if you know what's good for you. They are right there with all of us. No matter who is backing them.

That's another story if the M-O-D-S want to tell me to turn in my "fan card" and not come back. And they are Backed by Dan Synder and his money, that's just fact.

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Every year I've shelled out over $2,500 to take my family to a game. The last few memories have included the LT overtime run that Marty stuck in our faces. Then the kick in the head by the Bills last year. Followed by the gut-punch by the Rams this year.

It all comes back to Snyder. He hired Vinny. He is the clueless idiot (who never even played peewee football) who undermined his current coach. He sold Zorn out for Portis and this is what he gets. Now he'll go and find some has been, big name coach who will fleece him for another big pay day and leave our beloved franchise in the same mire of despair.

I'm done; along with the rest of you guys. EFF him and the pathethic, gutless players he sucks up to. Who can barely win over half their home games.

How do I get my name removed from the waiting list? I already declined an offer this year. Now? Ima just cut ties until this loser sells.

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Things won't change until the fans punish the head of the organization. Stop spending money on the team, I did. It doesn't mean you hate the redskins or aren't a fan. It means you're doing whatever you think is necessary to make this team the best it can be. If it means taking a short-term hit to reach this long-term goal, so be it.

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Every year I've shelled out over $2,500 to take my family to a game. The last few memories have included the LT overtime run that Marty stuck in our faces. Then the kick in the head by the Bills last year. Followed by the gut-punch by the Rams this year.

It all comes back to Snyder. He hired Vinny. He is the clueless idiot (who never even played peewee football) who undermined his current coach. He sold Zorn out for Portis and this is what he gets. Now he'll go and find some has been, big name coach who will fleece him for another big pay day and leave our beloved franchise in the same mire of despair.

I'm done; along with the rest of you guys. EFF him and the pathethic, gutless players he sucks up to. Who can barely win over half their home games.

How do I get my name removed from the waiting list? I already declined an offer this year. Now? Ima just cut ties until this loser sells.

It really is frustrating.

It is also extremely easy to fix. Unfortunately, 99% of the fans don't have the balls to do it.

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A response to the few posters who are backing snyder and telling us to turn in our fan cards.

Snyder IS going to be around for a long time and as long as he continues to ruin the franchise, there are going to be a lot of unhappy people on here complaining. If you don't want to read it, maybe you need to turn in your ES card.

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Things won't change until the fans punish the head of the organization. Stop spending money on the team, I did. It doesn't mean you hate the redskins or aren't a fan. It means you're doing whatever you think is necessary to make this team the best it can be. If it means taking a short-term hit to reach this long-term goal, so be it.

but how do we stop the other fans (philly, nyg) from filling danny's pockets on sunday?

I don't think he cares who attends the games, just as long as he gets paid

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