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Screw this Franchise and Dan Snyder (merged)


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How? Well, maybe part of it is I've been doing it (and living) almost twice as long as you and use my delbirately and long-developed sense of balance and perspective to go with my passion. You do whatever you need to. :)

I hate and feel this kind of lsoing and inferior performance **** as much as anyone. I deal with it with minimal spazzing because it's been my experience that other than conventional levels of venting, I find excessive whining, flapping, flailing, etc. more debilitating than rejuvenating and quite impotent behavior unless you're in a position to effect change by tirade. I have always been more into potent behavior. :D

Maybe I'll learn to control my anger one day with regard to this team...it's hard to watch this franchise railroaded because of the ego of its owner.

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So you guys think that by not going to games and supporting our team Snyder will just pack it in and go home and sell the team? Well he might. It's actually more likely though that he'd just move the team to a different city. Houston Redskins or Los Angeles Redskins anyone? Sounds like a great idea.

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Maybe I'll learn to control my anger one day with regard to this team...it's hard to watch this franchise railroaded because of the ego of its owner.

You'll do fine. I can see that about you. And btw, I hate it when someone quotes me before I can go back and correct my inevitable flurry of typos.

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Do what I do, don’t give them up list them on Craig’s list in the cities of the teams coming to play here. Sell them to the opposing teams fans at a slight markup and turn a profit. That’s right PIMP little danny boy and put some cash in your pocket. I don’t pay for my season tickets, I MAKE money off little Danny boy.

So the people that sold their Monday Night tickets to Steeler fans were right all along.

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So you guys think that by not going to games and supporting our team Snyder will just pack it in and go home and sell the team? Well he might. It's actually more likely though that he'd just move the team to a different city. Houston Redskins or Los Angeles Redskins anyone? Sounds like a great idea.

He'd better watch his back if he tried that...literally.

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I give this thread 1-star.

This franchise has been in the playoffs twice in the last four years. It has been captured the attention of fans, and there has been an accumulation of some very good talent here.

I think Skins organization has a way to go in getting the right people in place -- but it's better than what Spurrier put together. I suspect this off-season will see some significant moves, and I'm hoping that Snyder will let his football people make the decisions.

We are not the Lions, the Raiders, the Chiefs. And unlike a lot of other teams (Cleveland, San Francisco, Miami, etc.) we've been competitive in a very tough division for a long time. Somewhere along the line we are going to have to reload and get the right personnel consistent with the coach's gameplan.

I also think that Dan Snyder is a decent enough owner -- because he's willing to pay what it takes to get talented free agents to the Skins. His FO needs to find a way to get more bang for his buck.

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Clowns. it's the first year of a new head coach. Can you imagine what Gibbs felt like his first year? STFU and just wait for next year! I know we have high expectations for the B&G but as bad as it is, at least we sort of in it. It wasn't good enough but still....next year...next year....

You STFU you clown

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When the owner says about 26's outburst this past week that Its just Clinton being Clinton, I can't see a top notch coach coming here without also having GM powers to have kick to the curb powers of the team's prima donnas if necessary


So we go around in circles until we get PROPER organisation at management level, with a GM who know's what he's doing and isn't just a mouth piece for the owner.

Snyders going nowhere, he's young and the Redskins are way too profitable an organisation for him to give up.

But until attitudes change around here, and the Head Coach get's the autonomy to run his team like a HC should be allowed to, instead of the players, most, not all, thinking it's "ALL about them", then we continue on this downward spiral.


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I also think that Dan Snyder is a decent enough owner -- because he's willing to pay what it takes to get talented free agents to the Skins. His FO needs to find a way to get more bang for his buck.

This logic is totally flawed my man. His willingness to throw money at any problem, IS the biggest problem. Money cannot create a successful franchise when the core is rotten. Money does not create an attitude of winning. The yankees have taken this approach, ever since they tired of properly building a farm system. Look at them. Snyder doesn't have the patience or the emotional intelligence to build a winner. The contrast between him and the Baltimore owner could not be more extreme. Snyder's god is money. He's like a child who has been given the keys to the kingdom but has no idea how to rule. He doesn't know what he doesn't know--that's the most dangerous kind of man. Until he divests himself of every single football decision and puts competent football people in charge, at every level, we don't stand a chance. That, sadly, will never happen.

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I also think that Dan Snyder is a decent enough owner -- because he's willing to pay what it takes to get talented free agents to the Skins. His FO needs to find a way to get more bang for his buck.

How long does this FO need to prove it is incapable of doing so? We have no draft picks of value next year, which is proof of that. Three wasted #2's this very year, too.

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How long does this FO need to prove it is incapable of doing so? We have no draft picks of value next year, which is proof of that. Three wasted #2's this very year, too.

Snyder won't have the patience to build throw the draft again after Cerrato bungled this one.

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Take away Snyder's meddlesome antics, his undying loyalty to VC, his inability to see he doesn't know crap about football you actually have a pretty good ownder.. One with deep pockets willing to go after top FA's when need be.. That's all an owner needs

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Seriously, WTF was Danny and Vinny thinking hiring OC and DC before a HC. Why would anyone take the HC job knowing they can't hire their own guys and run their own system.

Danny and Vinny runs everything backwards with this organization. Building the D from the back 7 and the O from skilled position. And now hiring OC and DC before a HC.

POS Danny and Vinny

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I give this thread 1-star.

This franchise has been in the playoffs twice in the last four years. It has been captured the attention of fans, and there has been an accumulation of some very good talent here.

I think part of the issue is that we have back-ended into the playoffs instead of playing consistently and convincingly well through the season.

Also, I don't think this team has as much talent as you, or many of us, would suggest. Sure, the cupboard isn't bare, but it isn't exactly overflowing with talent, either.

I think Skins organization has a way to go in getting the right people in place -- but it's better than what Spurrier put together. I suspect this off-season will see some significant moves, and I'm hoping that Snyder will let his football people make the decisions.

We've been hoping that for years, but it does not change.

It really isn't encouraging if we have to cheer ourselves up with, "Well, at least this team is better than the Spurrier teams."

The problem starts at the top, with the Front Office.

We are not the Lions, the Raiders, the Chiefs. And unlike a lot of other teams (Cleveland, San Francisco, Miami, etc.) we've been competitive in a very tough division for a long time. Somewhere along the line we are going to have to reload and get the right personnel consistent with the coach's gameplan.

Again, it is not very encouraging if we have to make ourselves feel good by comparing ourselves to the worst teams in the league.

Oh, and BTW, we just LOST to one of the worst teams in the league. Don't let our record fool you - this team is just not very good.

Also, this team makes the same sort of bad personnel and coaching decisions that these same teams, Lions, the Raiders, the Chiefs, make as well.

Instead, I want to point at the consistently good teams around the league and say, "Yes, we are more like them."

I also think that Dan Snyder is a decent enough owner -- because he's willing to pay what it takes to get talented free agents to the Skins. His FO needs to find a way to get more bang for his buck.

Snyder IS the FO - that is the problem. "Doing what it takes" has led to stupid blunders, especially when it comes to giving away picks for players that are not worth the cost.

In the past, I had argued that Snyder has learned his lesson, but, these days, I do not think that is true at all.

Again - "decent enough" is not good enough. Snyder has made some really bad moves, from coaching picks, meddling with the personnel, keeping Cerrato around, etc. We expect more, and "decent enough" and "we aren't the Lions" is NOT what we want nor where we want to be as a fans of this team.

Really, I do not want to be a pessimist, but this team has just crushed the optimist in me.

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