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Screw this Franchise and Dan Snyder (merged)


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You're right.

Leonsis tried to be a Snyder during the whole Jagr era, quickly learned that it was not the way to go and told McPhee to rebuild the franchise from the ground up.

Here we are 5 years later and they're young, talented (even without The Great 8) and going to be a contender for years to come.

The SnyderSkins it's always been about making the move to win the upcoming year. When it fails, it's always "okay now let's make this move to win this year" and so on and so on.

Exactly--but, that's a symptom of having no idea what you're doing, and having an echo chamber where people only tell you what you want to hear.

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Join me and your other disgusted Redskins fans and season ticket holders and STOP enabling Danny's disgusting rule of this franchise.

All Danny cares about is making the Redskins profitable, so please, stop buying his merchandise, decide to stop buying his inflated tickets next year, and let's show him Redskins Nation is sick of the way he has destroyed this once proud franchise!!!

If anyone wants tickets in Section 408 and Section 222 next year - please let me know.

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I've supported this team over the years from 400 miles away - gathered to watch every national game, watched every non-national game at my local bar, and gone to about 10 games with my family's season tickets.

I walked out of the bar today at 14-0 and wasn't even phased.

I stopped getting heartbroken about this team years ago.

Its a soap opera - not because its overly dramatic, but because it goes around and around in circles with the same plot, and in the end, nothing really matters, because all you get is more of the same.

This franchise is in purgatory. They thought they were going forward this year, but we've now gone backwards, so continuting this way will just be in reverse, but trying to reverse the current course will set us back AGAIN.

Same old same old. At this point I don't even root for their success, I just root to show my fanhood, and that is being severely pushed.

I can support a bad team that is trying to get better. I will not support a team with talent that does not care.

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If anybody does actually go to the game next week, please boo the hell out of these losers.

I've sometimes mused that if things were really, really bad....the fans should all show up at home games wearing Gints or Boys jerseys. That would send a signal of how low things have sunk...more so than unorig bags over the head.

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I'd say continue losing and get better draft picks but we all know we don't draft very well. A punter was drafted this past year and cut mid way through the season... laughable. With all the needs on our OL and DL we waste a pick on a punter who could have been easily acquired via free agency.

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Yeah, when Snyder tried to reach that ball over the goal line I just knew that he wasn't a good owner. Good owners never try that stunt. They know that down by 7 you don't try that unless you are sure you are going to get it....positive sure.

I blame it all on beer prices(which are about the same no matter which stadium you go to).

I actually hope the owner doesn't react like the "fans" in this thread are.

What will it take for fans like you to wake up?

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Yes, Coach Zorn was at fault today. (What in the heck the call at the goal line, TWICE over to Sellers was when he should of been leading for Clinton I don't know.). But this was as much on the bunch of overpaid jackass's in the locker room as it was on the Head Coach.

It wouldn't matter WHO was the HC here, when you have an owner that yet again this week condoned the disgraceful behaviour of a "franchise" player, over the HEAD COACH, because he's exactly that, a "franchise player", and the mighty dollar RULES when it comes to the ownership of this franchise.

The inmates CONTINUE to run the asylum, as they have through all but the Gibbs return of the Snyder era.

Santana Moss costing the team 15 yards on an un-sportsmanlike taunting penalty for his prop celebration on the TD.With the PLAYOFFS on the line! Is THAT on Zorn too?

Just another example of the "Hollywood/Superstar, 'WE'RE the stars here, and we can do WHATEVER we want" attitude from WAY too many players on this roster. And while the owner continues to laugh this **** off, the players will continue to act the same way WHOMEVER the Coach is.

So we change Zorn, what then?

WHO, in their right mind, would take this job with this owner, and these selfish, "It's ALL about me" players.

Why did Zorn get the job in the first place? Because NO ONE of ANY note was interested, and Danny Boy and his little lap dog Vinny C were left in desperation stakes.

The Z-Man came as a freaking O Coordinator ffs. THAT was the next step in his career. He was thrust into the hot seat through the joke of an organisation that is the Washington Redskins. Yes, he's made big mistakes this year, but is that any wonder when he didn't set out to be the HC in the first place?

Blame Coach Zorn all you want, but until the problems at the VERY top are sorted, and a good majority of players, as exemplified yet again this week, realise that there here to play for the TEAM, and NOT themselves, and the HC has the FINAL say, with NO recriminations, then it won't matter who coaches this ball club.

Just another sorry season in the continued fall of a once proud franchise.


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I got something to do before dark, only read 1/2 of this thread, but this is the BEST thread I have ever seen on here, fans are finally getting it! I have ran polls asking if you could take someone out of the organiaztion who would it be? and Snyder did not win it. Dont give up or perhaps I should say giveup, we can make him change or give it up,or hope hopefully Sell.

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Do what I do, don’t give them up list them on Craig’s list in the cities of the teams coming to play here. Sell them to the opposing teams fans at a slight markup and turn a profit. That’s right PIMP little danny boy and put some cash in your pocket. I don’t pay for my season tickets, I MAKE money off little Danny boy.

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How many picks has Dan just given away?

a 2nd and 5th for Jason Taylor

a 3rd and 4th for TJ Duckett

a 7th for Erasmus James

a 5th for Pete Kendall

The picks we traded to move up and get Campbell

The picks we gave up for Laverneus, Chad Morton, and Brandon Lloyd

We had to trade away a 2nd to move into the 3rd to get Cooley... not bad but why didn't we have that 3rd round pick to begin with that year?

Two firsts to move to the 3rd pick overall and get Samuels

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Jumbo--how can you stand this anymore? How can any of us? I'm open to suggestions. Are we going to have to be "Detroit-bad" for something to happen?

How? Well, maybe part of it is I've been doing it (and living) almost twice as long as you and govern by my deliberately developed sense of balance and perspective in addition to my passion. You must do whatever you need to do. :)

I hate and feel this kind of losing and inferior performance **** as much as anyone. I deal with it with minimal spazzing because it's been my experience that other than availing myself of conventional levels of venting, I always found excessive whining, flapping, flailing, etc. more debilitating than rejuvenating and view it as quite impotent behavior unless you're in a position to effect change by tirade. I have always been more into potent behavior. :D

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The pricing? :rolleyes:.

Pricing for tickets/parking/concessions/etc. is all on par with the rest of the league.

If someone wants to complain about Zorn, or Campbell, or Cerrato, or whatever, fine.

But complaining about the pricing is just dream-world material, since that's the economics of the NFL today.

Pricing is the same with the rest of the league? :doh: :rolleyes:

I hate to break it to you, but the Redskins have the highest ticket price in the NFL, whether you factor in premium seating or not. The difference between us (avg $136.75 per seat) and the cheapest (Buffalo at $59.69 per seat) is quite large. Here's the link:


There was another article last year that I believe had us at #2 on concession pricing.

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I've supported this team over the years from 400 miles away - gathered to watch every national game, watched every non-national game at my local bar, and gone to about 10 games with my family's season tickets.

I walked out of the bar today at 14-0 and wasn't even phased.

I stopped getting heartbroken about this team years ago.

Its a soap opera - not because its overly dramatic, but because it goes around and around in circles with the same plot, and in the end, nothing really matters, because all you get is more of the same.

This franchise is in purgatory. They thought they were going forward this year, but we've now gone backwards, so continuting this way will just be in reverse, but trying to reverse the current course will set us back AGAIN.

Same old same old. At this point I don't even root for their success, I just root to show my fanhood, and that is being severely pushed.

I can support a bad team that is trying to get better. I will not support a team with talent that does not care.

Sadly, I think I reached the same point a couple of years ago maybe. I don't exactly know when it happened, at some point I just realized I wasn't heartbroken any more. I still love the team but I've stopped expecting greatness.

I think the outrage we're seeing here actually started at the end of the SOS era. There was a palpable sense that the fans were starting to mutiny and the return of Joe Gibbs stopped that in it's tracks. This time around, there's no Gibbs to ride to the rescue.

It will be interesting to see how all this works out. Contrary to his record with drafting, I actually like what Vinny has done with the F.O. so my dream scenario at this point is that Vinny stays on for one more year, Snyder finally fires him and promotes Morocco Brown to replace him. Snyder then shuts up and keeps his nose out of the football side of things for good.

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